1,039 research outputs found

    Implementing SaaS Solution for CRM

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    Greatest innovations in virtualization and distributed computing have accelerated interest in cloud computing (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, aso). This paper presents the SaaS prototype for Customer Relationship Management of a real estate company. Starting from several approaches of e-marketing and SaaS features and architectures, we adopted a model for a CRM solution using SaaS Level 2 architecture and distributed database. Based on the system objective, functionality, we developed a modular solution for solve CRM and e-marketing targets in real estate companies.E-Marketing, SaaS Architecture, Modular Development

    Modal Rationalism and the Objection from the Insolvability of Modal Disagreement

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    The objection from the insolvability of principle-based modal disagreements appears to support the claim that there are no objective modal facts, or at the very least modal facts cannot be accounted for by modal rationalist theories. An idea that resurfaced fairly recently in the literature is that the use of ordinary empirical statements presupposes some prior grasp of modal notions. If this is correct, then the idea that we may have a total agreement concerning empirical facts and disagree on modal facts, which is the starting point of the objection from the insolvability of modal disagreement, is undercut. This paper examines the no-separation thesis and shows that some of the arguments against the classical (empiricist) distinction between empirical and modal statements fail to be conclusive if they are taken to defend a strong notion of metaphysical possibility. The no-separation thesis appears to work only in theoretical frameworks where metaphysical modalities are considered (broadly) conceptual. For these reasons, the no-separation thesis cannot save modal rationalism from the insolvability of modal disagreement

    Early Warning and Conflict Prevention

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    Ce bref article porte un regard critique sur les mécanismes d'alerte préventive en place actuellement et évoque des enjeux similaires à ceux soulevés par l'article de Sharon Rusu. L'auteur tente ici de décrire la nature et le fonctionnement du système existant, les acteurs qui y sont engagés ainsi les imperfections et lacunes de processus dans son état actuel


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    Our study is meant to point out the main methodology used by authors in creating the English-Romanian/Romanian-English legal dictionaries/glossaries which exist on the book market in our country. The research worker who is interested in studying the content and structure of such dictionaries immediately notices the small number of these books on the Romanian market in comparison with, for example, the economic ones. At the same time, the research workers and also the users of legal dictionaries quite easily identify the frequent scarcity and the simple structure of the entries included by lexicographers. Our study will analyze the criteria used by the authors of these dictionaries for selecting the terms included in their books, as well as the structure of the selected entries (phonetic script, contextualization, identification of uncountable/countable nouns, indication of special plural forms, such as the foreign plural, references made to synonyms for disambiguation etc.). Finally, the aim of our paper is to offer several suggestions for improving the quality of these indispensable linguistic instruments (dictionaries and glossaries) and for encouraging lexicographers to invest energy in creating better and well-conceived specialized legal dictionaries and glossaries.English-Romanian/Romanian-English legal dictionaries and glossaries, entry structure, contextualization, entry selection criteria, book market.

    Vertex decomposable graphs and obstructions to shellability

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    Inspired by several recent papers on the edge ideal of a graph G, we study the equivalent notion of the independence complex of G. Using the tool of vertex decomposability from geometric combinatorics, we show that 5-chordal graphs with no chordless 4-cycles are shellable and sequentially Cohen-Macaulay. We use this result to characterize the obstructions to shellability in flag complexes, extending work of Billera, Myers, and Wachs. We also show how vertex decomposability may be used to show that certain graph constructions preserve shellability.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures. v2: Improved exposition, added Section 5.2 and additional references. v3: minor corrections for publicatio


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    The aim of this paper is to improve solutions for developing and improving medical and pharmaceutical services. We made a SWOT analyze of SIUI in order to build a document management system and create medical registration papers, based on collaborative editing and international medical standard. This model was focused on hierarchical decomposition of PHR and EHR records, using modular solution, which stores all data in XML files. It requires a system that is simple to use and allows users to focus their efforts on the content rather that on the technology used to create it. This approach allows a great flexibility in handling document and user interaction.medical registrations, HME standards, PHR, SIUI, hierarchical decomposition


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    Riscuri în dinamica peisajelor culturale din Transilvania / România. De mai bine de 60 de ani peisajul cultural din România este supus unor transformări, iar ritmul acestora s-a accentuat după 1989. Cauzele sunt de ordine socială şi legislativă. Se analizează trei zone, dispuse în funcţie de apropierea faţă de principalele axe de dezvoltare, cu o dinamică distinctă: în apropierea axelor sunt transformările cele mai intense, din cauza unui potenţial propice de aşezare, în zona aşezată la o distanţă medie transformările sunt mai reduse, iar zona cea mai îndepărtată este periclitată de procesul de depopulare şi de lipsa resurselor financiare. Se impun măsuri urgente pentru păstrarea elementelor de peisaj cultural tradiţional de mare valoare, atât din partea administraţiei cât şi din partea localnicilor


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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Corioamnionita este una din cele mai frecvente cauze ale nașterii premature, care poate afecta intrauterin practic toate organele fătului. Mecanismele implicate sunt foarte complexe și tot mai mult discutate, inflamația „sterilă” pare să fie mai frecventă și mai susținută de dovezile științifice. Scopul lucrării. Aprecierea ratei hemoculturilor pozitive și a celor negative la nou-născuții prematuri mai mici de 34 săptămâni de gestație afectați de corioamnionită și complicațiile apărute la acest grup de copii. Material și metode. Pentru realizarea scopului a fost realizat un studiu observațional, descriptiv, pe un lot de 379 de copii nou-născuți prematur, cu termenul < 34 săptămâni de gestație, în Centrul Perinatal de nivel terțiar IMC, unicul din țară, în perioada anului 2022. Rezultatele au fost analizate utilizând metodele statistice. Rezultate. În urma analizei lotului de studiu s-a depistat ca 8% din subiecți au avut hemoculturile pozitive la naștere, fiind implicate Klebsiella pneumoniae, St. epidermidis, E. coli, Str. beta-hemolitic grup B, în timp ce la restul 92% nu s-au depistat germeni patogeni în hemocultură. Printre complicațiile cele mai frecvent depistate sunt: sepsisul neonatal precoce, pneumonia, sindromul de detresă respiratorie prin deficit de surfactant, displazia bronhopulmonară, hemoragia intraventriculară, enterocolita ulcero-necrotică. Concluzii. Corioamnionita are efect negativ larg asupra dezvoltării fătului și nou-născutului, chiar până la deces. Aprofundarea cunoștințelor despre mecanismele patofiziologice ale corioamnionitei va ajuta la elaborarea unui management clinic orientat spre îmbunătățirea rezultatului neonatal la nou-născuții prematuri.Background. Chorioamnionitis is one of the most common causes of preterm birth, which intrauterine can affect the development of all organs. The mechanisms involved are very complex with increasingly interest for science. „Sterile” inflammation appears to be more common and supported by scientific evidence. Objective of the study. Evaluation of the rate of positive and negative blood cultures in preterm new-borns less than 34 weeks of gestation affected by chorioamnionitis and the complications occurring in this group of children. Material and methods. To achieve the goal, we follow a group of 379 preterm new-borns, with a term < 34 weeks of gestation, born in the IMC, III rd level Perinatal Centre, the only one in the country, during the year 2022. The results will be analysed using statistical methods. Results. Analysing this group, it was found that 8% of the subjects had positive blood cultures at birth, being involved Klebsiella pneumoniae, St. epidermidis, E. coli, Str. beta-haemolytic group B, while in the others 92% no pathogenic germs were detected in the blood culture. Among the most frequently detected outcomes are: early neonatal sepsis, pneumonia, surfactant deficiency respiratory distress syndrome, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, intraventricular haemorrhage, necrotic ulcerative enterocolitis. Conclusion. Chorioamnionitis has a wide negative effect on the development of the foetus and the new-born, leading to death. Improvement of the knowledge about the pathophysiological mechanisms of chorioamnionitis will help to develop a clinical management aimed to improve the neonatal outcome in premature new-borns