46 research outputs found

    Screening for the risk on long-term sickness absence

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    Background: Long-term sickness absence is a growing concern in Belgium and other European countries. Since 2017, Belgian physicians of the sickness funding organisations are required to assess the re-integration possibilities within the first two months of sickness absence. Given the shortage of physicians in the assessment of work disability and the growing number of people in sickness absence, there is a need for a triage tool, allowing to assign return-to work support to patients having a high-risk profile not to resume work. Methods/design: The current study comprises a comprehensive validation process of a screening tool that supports Belgian physicians in guiding people back to work. The study consists of a theoretical construct validation (face validity and content validity), and an empirical construct validation (concurrence validity, factorial validity, predictive validity, hypothesis testing validity and known- group validity). Expected impact of the study for Public Health: The screening instrument assessing the risk for long-term sickness absence is a tool developed to support physicians who work for sickness funds and for occupational health and safety organisations. Both professionals play an important role in the return to work process and the prevention of long-term sickness absence. The screening tool aims at making a distinction between people who will resume their work independently and people who will need support to do so. Generation of this prediction model will help physicians to focus effort and resources in the high-risk group. Results may also help understand the relationship between the biopsychosocial model and long-term sick-leave

    Infecția cu coronavirus de tip nou (COVID-19): protocol clinic național (ediția VIII) PCN-371

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    Acest protocol este elaborat și revizuit sistematic de grupul de lucru al Ministerului Sănătății al Republicii Moldova (MS), constituit din reprezentanți ai Comisiilor de specialitate ale MS, angajați ai Universității de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie „Nicolae Testemițanu” și Agenției Naționale pentru Sănătate Publică. Documentul nu este unul exhaustiv și se bazează pe recomandările actuale ale Organizației Mondiale a Sănătății privind infecția cu coronavirus de tip nou (COVID-19) și alte date disponibile la acest moment. Protocolul clinic național servește drept referință pentru elaborarea protocoalelor clinice instituționale, reieșind din posibilitățile reale ale fiecărei instituții medico-sanitare

    Interaction Effects of Cultivars and Nutrition on Quality and Yield of Tomato

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    Tomato is considered the most important vegetable crop worldwide. Improving the nutritional value of fruits must be based on sustainable production in terms of varieties and fertilization management. This study aimed to improve the nutritional value (total soluble solids, acidity, lycopene, β-carotene, polyphenols, macro and microelements) of two tomato varieties (‘Cristal’ and ‘Siriana’) under three fertilization types (NPK chemical fertilizer, chicken manure and biological fertilizer with microorganisms) for the greenhouse. Primary metabolism compounds do not vary significantly according to the type of fertilizer used. The results for the antioxidant compounds showed a better effect of biological fertilization compared to chemical fertilizer and control unfertilized. Thus, the antioxidant activity was improved by 28% compared to chemical fertilization, the lycopene content by 36% and β-carotene by 96%, respectively. The tomato fruits from the local cultivar (‘Siriana’) are richer in nutritional compounds such as rutin, regardless of the type of fertilization, which denotes a good ability to adapt to crop conditions. Tomato cultivars reacted positively to microbiological fertilization compared to chemical, thus producing nutritious fruits under sustainable management. Tomato fruits were richer in the quality of microelement contents