775 research outputs found

    The Fitzgeralds in France: A Life of Splendor and Tragedy

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    F. Scott Fitzgerald and his wife Zelda Sayre are well-known for the glamorous life they lived as they roamed throughout America and Europe. They met and befriended many other writers and artists during their travels, but never as many as they met in Paris, the center for expatriate Americans of the Lost Generation. This project is composed of three parts that focused on the Fitzgeralds’ lives through specific lenses. The first part is a Pecha Kucha presentation summarizing the lives of the Fitzgeralds and detailing their time in Paris. Part two is a Wordpress website analyzing the relationships that the Fitzgeralds developed with other American expatriates in Paris, accompanied by a story map of their most frequented locations. The artists and authors that we researched were Ernest Hemingway, E. E. Cummings, Gertrude Stein, Edmund Wilson, Sylvia Beach, and Pablo Picasso. The final part of our project is an analysis and comparison of novels written by Scott and Zelda, respectively. Zelda’s Save Me the Waltz is a fictional recollection of her time with Scott leading up to her mental illness and institutionalization, while Scott’s Tender is the Night displays his perspective. We each focused on one of the two novels in a ten-page essay, and then together compared our analyses, arriving at a conclusion we had not anticipated: Scott censored Zelda’s novel in order to use the material himself. Our project as a whole helped us to understand that the Fitzgeralds’ lives were not simply full of frivolity, but of sadness and pain that derived from their own marriage as well as their backgrounds, personalities, and ambitions

    Breaking through the Walls: Enhancing Library Services and Resources by Moving Data into and out of Library Silos

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    The focus of the paper was to highlight 10 resources that can be used to enrich libraries and library user experience by using technology to move information and data into and out of library silos. Below we have found 10 emerging tools and technologies to facilitate this process and enhance our resources and services to provide a better library experience for users

    Princes, parents et seigneurs

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    RésuméPrinces, parents et seigneurs. Loyautés et crime contre le souverain en Europe centrale ou occidentale et en Moscovie (xvie-xviie siècle).Le crime n’est pas seulement un fait social, mais aussi une construction culturelle. Sa répression reflète les valeurs et les craintes des élites et parfois aussi celles du peuple. De plus, la définition de ce qui est criminel ne fait jamais complètement abstraction de l’ordre politique : le crime de lèse-majesté en témoigne. Les historiens ont été conscients de l’importance des procès de crime de lèse-majesté pour leurs recherches sur l’autocratie moscovite, mais ils se sont peu intéressés au contexte européen de ces procès et à l’histoire du droit pénal dont ils font partie. En conséquence, l’étude de ces procès n’a fait que consolider la réputation de la Russie moscovite comme civilisation à part, soumise à un pouvoir despotique, qui transforme jusqu’aux idées de ses sujets en matière de loyautés communautaires et familiales en mécanismes de répression. En élargissant la perspective, la présente esquisse tente de modifier cette image.AbstractPrinces, family and lords. Loyalty and crime against the sovereign in central or western Europe and in Muscovy (from the fourteenth to the seventeenth centuries).Crime is not only a social reality, it is also a product of culture. The prosecution of the criminal mirrors the values as well as the fears of the elite, and sometimes also those of the people. Moreover, as the prosecution of lese-majesty shows, the definition of crime is influenced by political order. Historians dealing with Muscovite autocracy have been aware of the importance of the trials against persons accused of lese-majesty, but have shown little interest for the European context of these trials and the history of criminal law to which they belong. Consequently, their studies have tended to show that Muscovite Russia was an isolated civilization under the rule of a despot who used his subjects’ conceptions of loyalty to the community and the family to oppress them even harder. This brief communication proposes reconsidering the trials from a broader perspective in order to modify this image of Muscovy

    Excess mortality in England during the 2019 summer heatwaves

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    There is increasing evidence that rising temperatures and heatwaves in the United Kingdom are associated with an increase in heat-related mortality. However, the Public Health England (PHE) Heatwave mortality monitoring reports, which use provisional death registrations to estimate heat-related mortality in England during heatwaves, have not yet been evaluated. This study aims to retrospectively quantify the impact of heatwaves on mortality during the 2019 summer period using daily death occurrences. Second, using the same method, it quantifies the heat-related mortality for the 2018 and 2017 heatwave periods. Last, it compares the results to the estimated excess deaths for the same period in the PHE Heatwave mortality monitoring reports. The number of cumulative excess deaths during the summer 2019 heatwaves were minimal (161) and were substantially lower than during the summer 2018 heatwaves (1700 deaths) and summer 2017 heatwaves (1489 deaths). All findings were at variance with the PHE Heatwave mortality monitoring reports which estimated cumulative excess deaths to be 892, 863 and 778 during the heatwave periods of 2019, 2018 and 2017, respectively. Issues are identified in the use of provisional death registrations for mortality monitoring and the reduced reliability of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) daily death occurrences database before 2019. These findings may identify more reliable ways to monitor heat mortality during heatwaves in the future

    Computer-Aided Designed/Computer-Aided Manufactured and Conventional Techniques in Maxillofacial Reconstruction with Free Fibula Flaps

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    We treated 26 patients via vascularized osteocutaneous fibula flaps for maxillofacial osseous reconstruction between September 2012 and October 2015. The CAD/CAM technique was attempted for all patients needing bony maxillofacial reconstructions. The time interval from deciding to use the CAD/CAM technique and receiving the hardware depended on the capacity of the CAD/CAM providing companies. It usually takes between 3 and 4 weeks. Hence, the CAD/CAM technique was not used for patients with rapid tumor growth or pathologic fractures of the mandible. In these urgent cases, surgery could not be delayed and the conventional technique was used. In the abovementioned time period, 11 patients underwent osseous reconstruction using CAD/CAM and 15 patients using the conventional technique. Data were collected and evaluated according to demographics, medical history, number of bone segments, and complications. Time measurements of virtual planning sessions, flap harvesting, flap ischemia, tourniquet inflation, total reconstruction, and overall operating times were additionally recorded
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