11 research outputs found


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    Urban Heat Island (UHI) is a phenomenon which is affected by human activities. Land use change by human activities, expressed by urbanization that means rural or suburban areas changed to urban areas. This study is intended to identify the UHI phenomena in Tangerang city. To answer the aim of this research,temperature data is collected (direct and indirect data). Direct collection for air surface temperature conducted by surveying some location collect in 24 hour period (April 2012) and another location by rapid 10- 15 minute in day time (April, July, August and September 2012). This technique employed mobile temperature and humidity tools. Secondary air surface temperature data (24 hour period) during 2009-2012 also use in this study. Indirect data employed Landsat TM only two year data 200I and 2012for land surface temperature. Satellite data employed to identify land cover change to get information about land use change. The result shown that the temperature condition, both air surface and land surface temperature, were changed UHI phenomenon in Tangerang City indicated by temperature higher than 3ife. Based on land surface temperature, UHI phenomenon in 2001 already occurred at small area. UHI phenomenon in 2012 almost covered the Tangerang eity area. UHI Index in 2009 is 3.6 &#8304C, in 2011 is 1.5&#8304C and then 2012 become 1.2°C. This study concludes that UHI phenomena found since 2001 and trend of UHI Index AST since 2009 with average UHllndex AST of 2°C. UHllndex LST in 2001 is 9.78 &#8304C and 2012 is 13.96&#8304C Urban Heat Island adlaah sebuah fenomena yang disebabkan oleh aktifias manusia. Perubahan penggunaan tanah akibat dari aktifitas manusia digambarkan dengan urbanisasi, yang berarti pedesaan atau daerah peralihan desa kota menjadi perkotaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk identifikasi fenomena UHI di Kota Tangerang. Untuk menjawab tujuan penelitian ini digunakan pengumpulan data suhu (pengumpulan data secara langsung dan tidak langsung). Pengumpulan data langsung untuk suhu udara permukaan dengan survey, beberapa lokasi diambil selama 24 jam (April 2012) dan beberapa lokasi lainnya dengan pengambilan data cepat selama 10-15 menit pada siang hari (April, Juli, Agustus dan September 2012). Teknik ini mengunakan alat pengukuran suhu dan kelembaban. Data sekunder suhu udara (24jam) selama 2009-2011 juga digunakan. Pengumpulan data tidak langsung menggunakan data Landsat TM yang terdiri dari dua [ahun,yakni 2001 dan 2012 untuk menghasilkan suhu permukaan tanah. Data satelit digunakan untuk identifikasi perubahan data tutupan lahan sebagai indikasi perubahan penggunan tanah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan keadaan temperatur, baik temperatur suhu udara dan suhu permukaan tanah terjadi perubahan. Fenomena UHI di Kota Tangerang terindikasi dengan temperatllr lebih dari 30&#8304C. Berdasarkan suhu permukaan tanah, fenomena UHI pada tahun 2001 telah terjadi pada area yang tidak luas. Fenomena UHI tahun 2012 terjadi hampir menutupi seluruh Kota Tangerang. UHI Index di tahun 2009 adalah 3.6 &#8304C, pada tahun 2011 adalah 1.5°C dan kemudian pada tahun 2012 menjadi 1.2°C. Kesimpulan dari penelitian iniadalah fenomena UHI sudah terdapat sejak tahunn 2001 dan tren UHI Index Suhu Udara Permukaan sejak tahun 2009 dengan Uhl lndex rata-rata 2°C tiap tahun. Sedagkan UHI Index Suhu Permukaan Tanahpada tahun 2001 adalah 9.78&#8304C dan pada tahun 2012 adalah 13.96&#8304C


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    Palm oil is one of the commodities that is growing well in Indonesia with a high commercial value which makes the demand for processed palm oil products increase, it is necessary to have data and technology to estimate the productivity of oil palm plantations more efficiently. Remote sensing technology is one of the technologies that can be used to decision problems spatially and accurately, efficiently, and dynamically. One of them is remote sensing using Sentinel-2A imagery. This study aims to analyze the distribution and the accuracy of the NDVI and ARVI algorithms for the estimation of oil palm productivity at the Cikasungka Plantation PTPN VIII. The estimated productivity of oil palm plantations at Cikasungka Plantation varies in each block with an estimated productivity of oil palm plantations of 35,061 Kg/Ha/Month using the algorithm NDVI and ARVI algorithm is 35,431 Kg/Ha/Month. Oil palm productivity was regressed by vegetation index and plant age to generate a model. Based on modeling with these two algorithms, the accuracy of the ARVI algorithm model has a lower RMSE value than NDVI, so it can be said that it is better in estimation of oil palm plant productivity  at the Cikasungka Plantation

    Assessing the Reliability of Satellite-Derived Evapotranspiration Data Using Numerical Modified Penman Method at Citarum Watershed

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    Evapotranspiration is an essential part of water availability analysis and crop water needs that are useful to estimate irrigation water demand. Since discharge measurement stations are limited, the analysis of water availability is the most important part of water management planning. Citarum watershed is the biggest watershed in West Java, supplies raw water to Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia. Modified Penman is the common equation to analyze evapotranspiration, which was developed by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and modified for tropical areas. Evapotranspiration is one term of the water balance equation. To determine water losses, it is necessary to solve this equation. Another source of evapotranspiration data is provided by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite's standard product, MOD16A2. In order to used the evapotranspiration satelilite data to fullfill the lack of groud station data, the reliability of satelite data is needed. The objective of this study is to compares and analyzes the reliability of satellite evapotranspiration potential images with the numerical Modified Penman method at Citarum Watershed. Modified Penman is one of several methods that calculate the evapotranspiration potential based on climate data. MOD16A2 was used for simulation data, and Modified Penman was used for baseline data. The reliability of the two simulations was analyzed by the skewness percentage of each pixel and period. The distribution of percent skewness indicates the performance of satellite evapotranspiration on the Modified Penman that represents the actual condition. The sensitivity of satellites is greatly affected by local weather conditions

    Evaluation of MODIS-Landsat and AVHRR-Landsat NDVI data fusion using a single pair base reference image: a case study in a tropical upstream catchment on Java, Indonesia

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    Image blending is one of the alternative methods to fill temporal gaps in the monitoring of historical vegetation properties using continuous NDVI derived from Landsat 5 TM / 7 ETM+ and 8 OLI images. Frequent cloud occurrence in the tropical upstream catchment limits the use of image blending methods that allow to employment of a single pair base reference. This study aims to evaluate two image blending methods with nine input data configurations to select the most applicable one. Scatter plots and statistical indices such as ME, RMSE, model efficiency and structure similarity showed FSDAF outperforms STARFM in generating both synthetic Landsat 8 OLI NDVI and Landsat 5 TM / 7 ETM+ NDVI when employing unsupervised and supervised classification images, respectively, where both were applied along with MODIS NDVI 250 m v.005. When generating synthetic Landsat 5 TM / 7 ETM+ NDVI using AVHRR NDVI, both algorithms performed similarly. However, when considering the temporal over spatial variance ratio between base reference and predictor images, both algorithms performed almost similar when the value close to minimum. This study shows that selection of image blending algorithm with use single pair base reference image should consider input data configuration and temporal over spatial variance ratio

    Community Vulnerability and Capacity to Landslides in South Babakan Madang Subdistrict, Bogor Districts

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    Many countries in the world have various kinds of problems, such as disasters. Indonesia is one of the countries with high area and population affected by landslides, such as in several regions in Indonesia, namely Bogor Districts. The affected population can be caused by the increasing number of residents and built-up areas, as well as the low level of public knowledge about landslides. The high population affected can describe the level of vulnerability and capacity that exists in the community, such as in South Babakan Madang Subdistrict. The density of the population and the built-up area which includes settlements, public facilities and community knowledge related to landslides that are different in 3 Countryside namely Bojong Koneng, Cijayanti, and Karang Tengah make the people in South Babakan Madang Subdistrict vulnerable to landslides. The modified scoring method with reference to Perka BNPB No. 02 of 2012 can be used to determine the level of vulnerability and capacity of the community. The results show that South Babakan Madang Subdistrict is dominated by moderate vulnerability with an index between 0.34 - 0.67. The capacity in the South Babakan Madang Subdistrict tends to be homogeneous in the low capacity class with an index < 0.34

    Application and recalibration of soil water retention pedotransfer functions in a tropical upstream catchment : Case study in Bengawan Solo, Indonesia

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    Hydrological models often require input data on soil-water retention (SWR), but obtaining such data is laborious and costly so that SWR in many places remains unknown. To fill the gap, a prediction of SWR using a pedotransfer function (PTF) is one of the alternatives. This study aims to select the most suitable existing PTFs in order to predict SWR for the case of the upper Bengawan Solo (UBS) catchment on Java, Indonesia. Ten point PTFs and two continuous PTFs, which were developed from tropical soils elsewhere, have been applied directly and recalibrated based on a small soil sample set in UBS. Scatter plots and statistical indices of mean error (ME), root mean square error (RMSE), model efficiency (EF) and Pearson's correlation (r) showed that recalibration using the Shuffled Complex Evolution-University of Arizona (SCE-UA) algorithm can help to improve the prediction of PTFs significantly compared to direct application of PTFs. This study is the first showing that improving SWR-PTFs by recalibration for a new catchment based on around 50 soil samples provides an effective parsimonious alternative to developing a SWR-PTF from specifically collected soil datasets, which typically needs around 100 soil samples or more

    Geomorphology and Landslide-Prone Area in Cisolok District, Sukabumi Regency

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    Sukabumi District located in Southern West Java known as a region that has diverse natural characteristics, however, it is vulnerable to disasters, especially landslides. Moreover, this study focuses on Cisolok District because this region always occurred landslides every year due to topography aspect. The aim of this study is to analyze the influence of geomorphology to landslide-prone area in Cisolok District to reduce landslides. This study used overlay analysis for geomorphology mapping, while the Frequency Ratio (FR) method used for landslide-prone area mapping. Several physical variables used in this study such as slope, elevation, lithology, geological structure, road network, stream network, land use, soil type, rainfall, and landslide location. The result shows that the study areas have diverse geomorphology units dominated by volcanic slope with steep topography. While landslide-prone area consist of four classes : namely 17,03% low, 62,05% medium, 14,4% high, and 6,51% very high. Variety of landslide vulnerability in study area influenced by terrain form, land genesis, and geomorphic process