68 research outputs found

    Humanistic Approach to Principals Leadership and its Impacts in Strengthening Character Education Lessons From Indonesia

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    This research described the basic inspiration behind the implementation of a humanistic approach to the principal s leadership and the steps of the principal s humanistic approach that have an impact on optimizing the implementation of the program for strengthening character education This research used a qualitative approach a case study design To achieve the research objectives data collection was performed through in-depth interviews participant observation and documentation studies Data analysis used a modified analytic analysis method Data validity was based on the level of credibility transferability dependability and confirmability The research findings explained that the principal s humanistic approach is inspired by personal excellence integrity wholeness and self-authenticity and the humanistic spirituality of inspirational figure


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    Purpose of the study: This paper aims to describe the basic reasons behind the application of the principal's humanistic approach, and the steps of the principal's humanistic approach to optimizing character education strengthening programs. Methodology: This research uses a qualitative approach, case study design. Data collection is done through in-depth interviews, participant observation, and study documentation to achieve research objectives. Main Findings: Research findings reveal that personal excellence (integrity, wholeness, and authenticity) and the humanistic spirituality of inspirational figures inspire the principal's humanistic approach. In addition, the application of the principal's humanistic approach has a significant impact on optimizing the implementation of character education strengthening in schools and successfully forming the character of students. Applications of this study: This study can be useful for principals in the education department of Malang City, East Java, Indonesia, to use a humanistic approach model in carrying out leadership roles, because it has been proven effective in optimizing the implementation of optimizing character education strengthening programs in schools. Novelty/Originality of this study: The principal's role is to create a "humane" school environment through harmonious relationships, respecting subordinates as human beings, tolerant and non-discriminatory, giving examples of good behavior to subordinates based on self-excellence and imitating the spirituality of inspirational figures, so that good characters are formed in the teachers and students at school

    Status Gizi, Kesehatan Dan Immunisasi Anak Balita Pengunjung Dan Bukan Pengunjung Posyandu Di Dua Desa Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Sindang Barang

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai status gizi, kesehatan dan immunisasi anak Balita pengunjung dan bukan pengunjung posyandu di dua desa wilayak kerja Puskesmas Sindangbarang, yaitu desa Sindangbarang yang terlatak dekat dengan Puskesmas dan banyak fasilitas kesehatan lainnya, serta kemudahan transportasi, dan desa Bubulak yang letaknya jauh dari Puskesmas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemanfaatan Posyandu di desa Singdangbarang (77.4%) lebih rendah daripada di desa Bubulak (80.1%). Hal ini mungkin karena adanya fasilitas kesehatan lainnya maupun kemudahan transportasi. Gambaran status gizi, kesehatan dan immunisasi anak Balita secara keseluruhan di kedua desa memperlihatkan keadaan yang hampir sama. Tetapi bila dilihat per kelompok berdasarkan frekuensi kehadiran anak Balita ke Posyandu di kedua desa, ternyata frekuensi kehadiran anak Balita hanya berpengaruh nyata terhadap status immunisasi. Anak yang lebihs ering ke Posyandu mempunyai status immunisasi yang lebih baik

    Modification of Flow Structure Over a Van Model by Suction Flow Control to Reduce Aerodynamics Drag

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    Automobile aerodynamic studies are typically undertaken to improve safety and increase fuel efficiency as well as to  find new innovation in automobile technology to deal with the problem of energy crisis and global warming. Some car companies have the objective to develop control solutions that enable to reduce the aerodynamic drag of vehicle and  significant modification progress is still possible by reducing the mass, rolling friction or aerodynamic drag. Some flow  control method provides the possibility to modify the flow separation to reduce the development of the swirling structures around the vehicle. In this study, a family van is modeled with a modified form of Ahmed\u27s body by changing the orientation of the flow from its original form (modified/reversed Ahmed body). This model is equipped with a suction on the rear side to comprehensively examine the pressure field modifications that occur. The investigation combines computational and experimental work. Computational approach used  a commercial software with standard k-epsilon flow turbulence model, and the objectives was  to determine the characteristics of the flow field and aerodynamic drag reduction that occurred in the test model. Experimental approach used load cell in order to validate the aerodynamic drag reduction obtained by computational approach. The results show that the application of a suction in the rear part of the van model give the effect of reducing the wake and the vortex formation. Futhermore, aerodynamic drag reduction close to 13.86% for the computational approach and 16.32% for the experimental have been obtained


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    Automobile aerodynamic studies are typically undertaken to improve safety and increase fuel efficiency as well as to  find new innovation in automobile technology to deal with the problem of energy crisis and global warming. Some car companies have the objective to develop control solutions that enable to reduce the aerodynamic drag of vehicle and  significant modification progress is still possible by reducing the mass, rolling friction or aerodynamic drag. Some flow  control method provides the possibility to modify the flow separation to reduce the development of the swirling structures around the vehicle. In this study, a family van is modeled with a modified form of Ahmed's body by changing the orientation of the flow from its original form (modified/reversed Ahmed body). This model is equipped with a suction on the rear side to comprehensively examine the pressure field modifications that occur. The investigation combines computational and experimental work. Computational approach used  a commercial software with standard k-epsilon flow turbulence model, and the objectives was  to determine the characteristics of the flow field and aerodynamic drag reduction that occurred in the test model. Experimental approach used load cell in order to validate the aerodynamic drag reduction obtained by computational approach. The results show that the application of a suction in the rear part of the van model give the effect of reducing the wake and the vortex formation. Futhermore, aerodynamic drag reduction close to 13.86% for the computational approach and 16.32% for the experimental have been obtained.Keywords: active flow control, aerodynamic drag reduction, reversed Ahmed body, suctio

    Enhancing organizational capacity to provide cancer control programs among Latino churches: design and baseline findings of the CRUZA Study

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    Abstract Background Faith-based organizations (FBOs) have been successful in delivering health promotion programs for African Americans, though few studies have been conducted among Latinos. Even fewer have focused on organizational change, which is required to sustain community-based initiatives. We hypothesized that FBOs serving Latinos would be more likely to offer evidence-based strategies (EBS) for cancer control after receiving a capacity enhancement intervention to implement health programs, and designed the CRUZA trial to test this hypothesis. This paper describes the CRUZA design and baseline findings. Methods We identified Catholic parishes in Massachusetts that provided Spanish-language mass (n = 65). A baseline survey assessed organizational characteristics relevant to adoption of health programs, including readiness for adoption, “fit” between innovation and organizational mission, implementation climate, and organizational culture. In the next study phase, parishes that completed the baseline assessment will be recruited to a randomized cluster trial, with the parish as the unit of analysis. Both groups will receive a Program Manual and Toolkit. Capacity Enhancement parishes will also be offered technical support, assistance forming health committees and building inter-institutional partnerships, and skills-based training. Results Of the 49 parishes surveyed at baseline (75%), one-third (33%) reported having provided at least one health program in the prior year. However, only two program offerings were cancer-specific. Nearly one-fifth (18%) had an active health ministry. There was a high level of organizational readiness to adopt cancer control programs, high congruence between parish missions and CRUZA objectives, moderately conducive implementation climates, and organizational cultures supportive of CRUZA programming. Having an existing health ministry was significantly associated with having offered health programs within the past year. Relationships between health program offerings and other organizational characteristics were not statistically significant. Conclusions Findings suggest that many parishes do not offer cancer control programs, yet many may be ready to do so. However, the perceptions about existing organizational practices and policies may not be conducive to program initiation. A capacity enhancement intervention may hold promise as a means of increasing health programming. The efficacy of such an intervention will be tested in phase two of this study

    Remodeling Lipid Metabolism and Improving Insulin Responsiveness in Human Primary Myotubes

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    OBJECTIVE: Disturbances in lipid metabolism are strongly associated with insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes (T2D). We hypothesized that activation of cAMP/PKA and calcium signaling pathways in cultured human myotubes would provide further insight into regulation of lipid storage, lipolysis, lipid oxidation and insulin responsiveness. METHODS: Human myoblasts were isolated from vastus lateralis, purified, cultured and differentiated into myotubes. All cells were incubated with palmitate during differentiation. Treatment cells were pulsed 1 hour each day with forskolin and ionomycin (PFI) during the final 3 days of differentiation to activate the cAMP/PKA and calcium signaling pathways. Control cells were not pulsed (control). Mitochondrial content, (14)C lipid oxidation and storage were measured, as well as lipolysis and insulin-stimulated glycogen storage. Myotubes were stained for lipids and gene expression measured. RESULTS: PFI increased oxidation of oleate and palmitate to CO(2) (p<0.001), isoproterenol-stimulated lipolysis (p = 0.01), triacylglycerol (TAG) storage (p<0.05) and mitochondrial DNA copy number (p = 0.01) and related enzyme activities. Candidate gene and microarray analysis revealed increased expression of genes involved in lipolysis, TAG synthesis and mitochondrial biogenesis. PFI increased the organization of lipid droplets along the myofibrillar apparatus. These changes in lipid metabolism were associated with an increase in insulin-mediated glycogen storage (p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Activation of cAMP/PKA and calcium signaling pathways in myotubes induces a remodeling of lipid droplets and functional changes in lipid metabolism. These results provide a novel pharmacological approach to promote lipid metabolism and improve insulin responsiveness in myotubes, which may be of therapeutic importance for obesity and type 2 diabetes
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