9 research outputs found

    Dependence of the wetting rate of the loess base on the moisture conditions

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    The increasing demand for improved irrigation systems in the world requires a more comprehensive and widespread study of the reliability and safety of hydraulic structures. In this regard, increasing the reliability during the operation of hydraulic structures of irrigation systems, especially on collapsible soils, is very important because loess subsidence soils are widespread globally, a significant part of loess rocks are also found in Central Asia, including the Republic of Uzbekistan. This article discusses the study of the features of the joint work of full-scale irrigation structures with their loess subsidence bases and the intense - deformative state of subsidence foundations during their joint work with hydraulic structures on irrigation canals of the Kashkadarya region

    Dependence of the wetting rate of the loess base on the moisture conditions

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    The increasing demand for improved irrigation systems in the world requires a more comprehensive and widespread study of the reliability and safety of hydraulic structures. In this regard, increasing the reliability during the operation of hydraulic structures of irrigation systems, especially on collapsible soils, is very important because loess subsidence soils are widespread globally, a significant part of loess rocks are also found in Central Asia, including the Republic of Uzbekistan. This article discusses the study of the features of the joint work of full-scale irrigation structures with their loess subsidence bases and the intense - deformative state of subsidence foundations during their joint work with hydraulic structures on irrigation canals of the Kashkadarya region

    Determination of substrate composition, light, and temperature for interior plant growth

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    This article presents the experimental results for determining the composition of the substrate, light and temperature for growing houseplants. Substrates were prepared in 8 different variants. The properties of the substrates were evaluated on the basis of 3 types: high, medium, and low. The amount of light required for the growth of houseplants is the result of a seasonal study. The effects of daily light fall and outdoor ambient temperature in the interior environment was studied for one year, and the results obtained were tabulated. According to the attitude of plants to light, they were divided into light-loving, semi-shade, shade-loving species

    Reproduction and the Early Development of Vertebrates in Space: Problems, Results, Opportunities

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    Humans and animals adapt to space flight conditions. However, the adaptive changes of fully formed organisms differ radically from the responses of vertebrate embryos, foetuses, and larvae to space flight. Development is associated with active cell proliferation and the formation of organs and systems. The instability of these processes is well known. Over 20 years has passed since the last systematic experiments on vertebrate reproduction and development in space flight. At the same time, programs are being prepared for the exploration of Mars and the Moon, which justifies further investigations into space flight’s impact on vertebrate development. This review focuses on various aspects of reproduction and early development of vertebrates in space flights. The results of various experiments on fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals are described. The experiments in which our team took part and ontogeny of the vertebrate nervous and special sensory systems are considered in more detail. Possible causes of morphological changes are also discussed. Research on evolutionarily and taxonomically different models can advance the understanding of reproduction in microgravity. Reptiles, in particular, geckos, due to their special features, can be a promising object of space developmental biology

    Reproduction and the Early Development of Vertebrates in Space: Problems, Results, Opportunities

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    Humans and animals adapt to space flight conditions. However, the adaptive changes of fully formed organisms differ radically from the responses of vertebrate embryos, foetuses, and larvae to space flight. Development is associated with active cell proliferation and the formation of organs and systems. The instability of these processes is well known. Over 20 years has passed since the last systematic experiments on vertebrate reproduction and development in space flight. At the same time, programs are being prepared for the exploration of Mars and the Moon, which justifies further investigations into space flight’s impact on vertebrate development. This review focuses on various aspects of reproduction and early development of vertebrates in space flights. The results of various experiments on fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals are described. The experiments in which our team took part and ontogeny of the vertebrate nervous and special sensory systems are considered in more detail. Possible causes of morphological changes are also discussed. Research on evolutionarily and taxonomically different models can advance the understanding of reproduction in microgravity. Reptiles, in particular, geckos, due to their special features, can be a promising object of space developmental biology


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    The data presented in the article allow to reveal some joints of the pathogenetic ring of the adhesion process in the abdominal cavity and to prevent it early. Intraoperative application of FLA activates fibrinolysis in the blood, thereby blocing the transfer of fibrinogen to fibrin and collagen. Performing videolaparoscopic adhesion with intraoperative use of FLA improves intestinal obstruction and reduces acute obstructive bowel obstruction by 97,7%, saves patients from laparotomy, postoperative complications, and recurrence by 18,7%

    Reptiles in Space Missions: Results and Perspectives

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    Reptiles are a rare model object for space research. However, some reptile species demonstrate effective adaptation to spaceflight conditions. The main scope of this review is a comparative analysis of reptile experimental exposure in weightlessness, demonstrating the advantages and shortcomings of this model. The description of the known reptile experiments using turtles and geckos in the space and parabolic flight experiments is provided. Behavior, skeletal bones (morphology, histology, and X-ray microtomography), internal organs, and the nervous system (morphology, histology, and immunohistochemistry) are studied in the spaceflight experiments to date, while molecular and physiological results are restricted. Therefore, the results are discussed in the scope of molecular data collected from mammalian (mainly rodents) specimens and cell cultures in the parabolic and orbital flights and simulated microgravity. The published data are compared with the results of the gecko model studies after the 12–44.5-day spaceflights with special reference to the unique peculiarities of the gecko model for the orbital experiments. The complex study of thick-toed geckos after three spaceflights, in which all geckos survived and demonstrated effective adaptation to spaceflight conditions, was performed. However, future investigations are needed to study molecular mechanisms of gecko adaptation in space