43 research outputs found

    Family isn´t a word, it´s a sentence : en analyse av det postklassiske familiemelodramaet

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    Sammendrag Familien har vært et gjenvendende motiv i flere nye amerikanske filmer de siste årene. Noen eksempler er The Royal Tenenbaums, Garden State, Me and You and Everyone We Know og The Squid and the Whale. Felles for disse filmene er at de tematiserer det man kan kalle den postmoderne familiens hverdag og problemer. I denne oppgaven hevder jeg at disse filmene kan ses som en genreutvikling av familiemelodramaet. Med utgangspunkt i at den samtidige familien opplever nye traumer sammenlignet med familien i det tradisjonelle familiemelodramaet er min hypotese at det har utviklet seg noe man kan kalle et postklassisk familiemelodrama. Patriarkatets stabile rammer er i ferd med å eroderes, noe som fører til at familieinstitusjonen kan påståes å befinne seg i en slags overgangsfase. Fra å tematisere kvinnen som offer av patriarkatet er traumet nå problemer med selve patriarkatet. Dette har igjen ført til at det postklassiske familiemelodramaet flyttet fokus fra kvinnen til barnet og kanskje spesielt guttebarnet. Denne oppgaven vil vise hvordan den postmoderne familiens problemer nå blir artikulert i det postklassiske familiemelodramaet ved hjelp av postmoderne estetikk

    Germline PTEN mutations are rare and highly penetrant

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    Cowden syndrome (multiple hamartoma syndrome, MIM 158350) is an early onset syndrome characterized by multiple hamartomas in the skin, mucous membranes, breast, thyroid and endometrium. Patients with Cowden syndrome have increased risk of breast cancer, thyroid cancer and endometrial cancer. In 1997 germline mutations in PTEN were demonstrated to cause Cowden syndrome. We report the results of diagnostic and predictive testing in all families with Cowden syndrome or suspected Cowden syndrome registered at the Norwegian cancer family clinics. PTEN mutations were found in all six families meeting the clinical criteria for Cowden syndrome, in none of the two families assumed to have Cowden syndrome but not fulfilling the criteria, and in none of the eight families selected in our computerized medical files to have a combination of breast and thyroid cancers. Age-related penetrances for the various neoplasms are given. All families but one were small and de novo mutations were found

    Double paternal uniparental isodisomy 7 and 15 presenting with Beckwith–Wiedemann spectrum features

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    Here we describe for the first time double paternal uniparental isodisomy (iUPD) 7 and 15 in a baby boy with features in the Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome spectrum (BWSp) (placentomegaly, hyperinsulinism, enlarged viscera, hemangiomas, and earlobe creases) in addition to conjugated hyperbilirubinemia. His phenotype was also reminiscent of genome-wide paternal uniparental isodisomy. We discuss the most likely origin of the UPDs: a maternal double monosomy 7 and 15 rescued by duplication of the paternal chromosomes after fertilization. So far, paternal UPD7 is not associated with an abnormal phenotype, whereas paternal UPD15 causes Angelman syndrome. Methylation analysis for other clinically relevant imprinting disorders, including BWSp, was normal. Therefore, we hypothesized that the double UPD affected other imprinted genes. To look for such effects, patient fibroblast RNA was isolated and analyzed for differential expression compared to six controls. We did not find apparent transcription differences in imprinted genes outside Chromosomes 7 and 15 in patient fibroblast. PEG10 (7q21.3) was the only paternally imprinted gene on these chromosomes up-regulated beyond double-dose expectation (sixfold). We speculate that a high PEG10 level could have a growth-promoting effect as his phenotype was not related to aberrations in BWS locus on 11p15.5 after DNA, RNA, and methylation testing. However, many genes in gene sets associated with growth were up-regulated. This case broadens the phenotypic spectrum of UPDs but does not show evidence of involvement of an imprinted gene network.publishedVersio

    The Effect of Sous-Vide Cooking Parameters, Chilled Storage and Antioxidants on Quality Characteristics of Atlantic Mackerel (Scomber scombrus) in Relation to Structural Changes in Proteins

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    Svrha je ovog istraživanja bila utvrditi utjecaj kuhanja u vakuumu (sous vide) pri različitim temperaturama te dodatka dvaju komercijalnih antioksidanasa (ekstrakta ružmarina i smjese ekstrakta ružmarina i askorbil palmitata) na kakvoću atlantske skuše (Scomb¬er scombrus) tijekom hladnog skladištenja. Fileti skuše tretirani su antioksidansima i kuhani u vakuumu 10 ili 20 min pri 70 ili 80 °C, te skladišteni 1, 3, 9 ili 15 dana pri (0±1) °C. Pomoću višestruke regresijske analize praćene su promjene u udjelu suhe tvari i pepela, kalo, oksidacija i topljivost proteina te promjene u teksturi kuhanih fileta skuše kuhanih tijekom skladištenja. Zaključeno je da dulje vrijeme hladnog skladištenja najviše smanjuje kalo, vjerojatno jer denaturirani proteini ponovno apsorbiraju vodu koju su otpustili tijekom kuhanja. Istovremeno se povećala karbonilacija proteina u uzorcima skuše, čime se smanjila topljivost proteina te povećala čvrstoća mišića ribe. Međutim, utvrđeno je da se dodatkom antioksidansa karbonilacija proteina u ispitanim uzorcima smanjila.The aim of the present study is to assess the influence of different sous-vide time-temperature regimes and use of two types of commercial antioxidants (rosemary extract and rosemary extract with ascorbyl palmitate) on quality parameters of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) during chilled storage. The mackerel fillets were treated with the antioxidants, exposed to sous-vide cooking at 70 and 80 °C for 10 and 20 min, and further stored for 1, 3, 9 and 15 days at (0±1) °C. Changes in dry matter and ash, cook loss, protein oxidation and solubility, as well as texture parameters in sous-vide cooked mackerel during storage, were assessed by application of multiple regression analysis. It was revealed that duration of chilled storage had the highest contribution to the decrease in cook loss due to a possible reabsorption of water released during cooking by unfolded proteins. At the same time, this parameter increased protein carbonylation in mackerel samples, resulting in a decreased protein solubility due to aggregation of proteins and subsequent toughening of the fish muscle. However, the use of antioxidants has shown to be highly efficient in decreasing the protein carbonylation in the analysed fish samples

    Paradise Hotel – en reality-situasjonskomedie-såpeopera - En historie om reality-fiksjonsgenrehybridisering

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    Denne artikkelen undersøker det kontroversielle reality-konkurranseprogrammet Paradise Hotel Norge (TV3 2009–) som et estetisk objekt. Artikkelen argumenterer for at Paradise Hotel representerer en ny type genrehybridisering – en hybridisering mellom reality-TV og fiksjons-genrene – det vil si en reality-fiksjonsgenrehybridisering. Mer spesifikt undersøker artikkelen hvordan Paradise Hotel integrerer trekk fra de ulike fiksjonsgenrene: såpe-operaen og «den nye» situasjonskomedien. Artikkelen diskuterer også hva slags konsekvenser reality-fiksjonsgenrehybridiseringen har for den tekstlige opplevelsen av reality-TV

    Tove Janssons bildebok Vem ska trösta knyttet? som heltedikt

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    Tove Jansson’s Picturebook Who Will Comfort Toffle? as a Heroic Poem This article offers an analysis of Tove Jansson’s picturebook Vem ska trösta knyttet? (Who Will Comfort Toffle?) from 1960 as a heroic poem and dramatic monologue, representing an alternative reading to earlier studies of this picturebook as a coherent narrative. Drawing on theory about heroic poetry, poetry and picturebook analysis, we provide a reading that expands those interpretations of Vem ska trösta knyttet? that emphasize the romantic and psychological projects of the book when read as a narrative story. By reading Vem ska trösta knyttet? as a heroic poem, we explore the text as an uttered, ritualistic, and iterative event rather than solely a narrative with fictional characters. Read in the tradition of the heroic poem, Toffle is (still) the hero, where lyrical language and structures allow the reader to remember and retell the poem, letting Toffle’s deeds live on beyond the alleged time of events and the performative declaration by Toffle

    Vitamin C from Seaweed: A Review Assessing Seaweed as Contributor to Daily Intake

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    Seaweeds are indiscriminately said to contain significant amounts of vitamin C, but seaweeds are a diverse group, which may limit the ability to generalize. Several studies have been performed on vitamin C in seaweed, and this review covers these findings, and concludes on how much vitamin C is found in seaweeds. A systematic review of vitamin C in 92 seaweed species was conducted followed by analyzing the 132 data entries. The average vitamin C content was 0.773 mg g−1 seaweed in dry weight with a 90th percentile of 2.06 mg g−1 dry weight. The vitamin C content was evaluated based on taxonomical categories of green, brown and red seaweeds (Chlorophyta (phylum), Phaeophyceae (class), and Rhodophyta (phylum)), and no significant differences were found between them. The vitamin C content was compared to other food sources, and this showed that seaweeds can contribute to the daily vitamin C intake, but are not a rich source. Moreover, seasonal variations, analytical methods, and processing impacts were also evaluated

    The Effect of Sous-vide Cooking Parameters, Chilled Storage and Antioxidants on Quality Characteristics of Atlantic Mackerel (Scomber Scombrus) in Relation to Structural Changes in Proteins.

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    The aim of the present study is to assess the influence of different sous-vide time-temperature regimes and use of two types of commercial antioxidants (rosemary extract and rosemary extract with ascorbyl palmitate) on quality parameters of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) during chilled storage. The mackerel fillets were treated with the antioxidants, exposed to sous-vide cooking at 70 and 80 °C for 10 and 20 min, and further stored for 1, 3, 9 and 15 days at (0±1) °C. Changes in dry matter and ash, cook loss, protein oxidation and solubility,as well as texture parameters in sous-vide cooked mackerel during storage, were assessed by application of multiple regression analysis. It was revealed that duration of chilled storage had the highest contribution to the decrease in cook loss due to a possible reabsorption of water released during cooking by unfolded proteins. At the same time, this parameter increased protein carbonylation in mackerel samples, resulting in a decreased protein solubility due to aggregation of proteins and subsequent toughening of the fish muscle. However, the use of antioxidants has shown to be highly efficient in decreasing the protein carbonylation in the analysed fish samples