1,986 research outputs found

    Extreme precipitation events in East Baton Rouge Parish: an areal rainfall frequency/magnitude analysis

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    Severe rainfall events are one of the most frequent weather hazards in the United States. These events are particularly problematic for the southeastern United States because of its subtropical climate. For these reasons, and because of the recent urban growth in the parish, East Baton Rouge Parish officials are concerned whether the current stormwater drainage system can keep pace with development. As a result, this project evaluated the rainfall frequency/magnitude for parish-wide extreme events and their synoptic forcing mechanisms. To this end, this research mapped parish-wide storms and compared three interpolation techniques. It also compared two methods of areal summation and five quantile estimation techniques. Results of cross-validation suggested kriging was the best interpolation technique for this research. Also, statistical testing showed that there were no significant differences between parish-wide rainfall totals calculated using gridded areal summation and contoured areal summation methods. Although the non-parametric SRCC method best fit the storm partial duration series, the parametric Beta-P was selected to produce quantile estimates. When areal design storms for East Baton Rouge Parish were compared to point rainfall totals for the parish from previous studies, areal totals were generally smaller. However, totals were larger for longer duration events (12- and 24-hour) at longer return intervals (50- and 100-year). This was attributed to differences in distributions used in quantile estimation and periods of record between the studies. This research included some large events (i.e., T.S. Allison II) that were not included in the two earlier studies. Results from the synoptic analysis showed that the frontal forcing mechanism dominated storms at all durations. Also, results showed that only the 3-hour duration included air-mass induced events, suggesting that these events were not generally a problem for larger areas, and were not significant in an areal analysis. Interannual variability showed that the years with the most events were associated with El Niño events, which increases precipitation in Louisiana, especially during winter. Also, most extreme events tend to occur in the month of April and are produced by fronts. In contrast, most extreme events resulting from tropical activity occurred in September

    Mothers\u27 Perceptions of Workplace Breastfeeding Support

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    Despite substantial evidence that breastfeeding is the optimal way to feed the healthy, full-term infant, data show that, although most mothers in the United States start out breastfeeding their infants, there are often barriers to continued breastfeeding beyond the first few weeks or months. Among the reasons cited are lack of support and the need to return to full or part time paid employment. As a result of the Surgeon General\u27s 2011 Call to Action to Support Breastfeeding, many initiatives have been implemented on national, state, and local levels to improve support for breastfeeding in the workplace. The purpose of this study was to investigate mothers\u27 perceptions of workplace breastfeeding support. The study surveyed a convenience sample of 44 women employed by a 562-bed academic and university medical center in Northern New England who had a baby less than two years ago. The Employee Perceptions of Breastfeeding Support Questionnaire was used to collect mothers\u27 perceptions about organization support, manager support, co-worker support, time considerations, and the physical environment of the worksite breastfeeding or pumping facilities. Descriptive statistics revealed that mothers had favorable perceptions of support for breastfeeding in their workplace. Similar studies with different types of employers or with hospitals in different areas of the United States may have different results. Adapting breastfeeding accommodations and support in the workplace in ways that facilitate increased initiation and duration of breastfeeding is an important step toward achieving Healthy People 2020 goals

    Associative and repetition priming with the repeated masked prime technique: No priming found

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    Wentura and Frings (2005) reported evidence of subliminal categorical priming on a lexical decision task, using a new method of visual masking in which the prime string consisted of the prime word flanked by random consonants and random letter masks alternated with the prime string on successive refresh cycles. We investigated associative and repetition priming on lexical decision, using the same method of visual masking. Three experiments failed to show any evidence of associative priming, (1) when the prime string was fixed at 10 characters (three to six flanking letters) and (2) when the number of flanking letters were reduced or absent. In all cases, prime detection was at chance level. Strong associative priming was observed with visible unmasked primes, but the addition of flanking letters restricted priming even though prime detection was still high. With repetition priming, no priming effects were found with the repeated masked technique, and prime detection was poor but just above chance levels. We conclude that with repeated masked primes, there is effective visual masking but that associative priming and repetition priming do not occur with experiment-unique prime-target pairs. Explanations for this apparent discrepancy across priming paradigms are discussed. The priming stimuli and prime-target pairs used in this study may be downloaded as supplemental materials from mc.psychonomic-journals.org/content/supplemental. © 2009 The Psychonomic Society, Inc

    Student Recital: Kylie Joiner, Viola

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    Kylie Joiner is a student of Stacey Migliozzi. This recital is given in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Music, Music Education degree. Kylie Joiner, viola Michael Russo, cello Marie Bliss, pian

    As obrigações hipotecárias em Portugal: uma alternativa às titularizações de créditos

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    Tendo em conta a actual conjuntura financeira, este projecto mostra que as obrigações hipotecárias representam uma alternativa às operações de titularizações de créditos. Em primeiro lugar, são apresentadas as dificuldades financeiras enfrentadas actualmente pelo mercado hipotecário, tanto europeu como português. De seguida, os dois instrumentos financeiros em estudo, que se inserem no segmento do crédito hipotecário, são caracterizados no contexto europeu e português. Através dos dados obtidos na plataforma electrónica da Bloomberg, são analisadas duas emissões de obrigações hipotecárias e duas emissões de titularizações de créditos, realizadas em Portugal. Tomando por referência o início da crise do subprime, os dois instrumentos financeiros são comparados e é demonstrado que as consequências da crise do subprime e a recente flexibilização dos diplomas legais têm vindo a beneficiar as obrigações hipotecárias, em detrimento das operações de titularizações de créditos.Given the current financial environment, this report shows that covered bonds represent an alternative to securitization. First, we present the financial difficulties currently experienced by the mortgage markets, namely European and Portuguese markets. Then, the two financial instruments in study, which are comprised in the segment of mortgage credit, are characterized in European and Portuguese markets. Using the data obtained through the Bloomberg’s electronic platform, we analyze two issues of covered bonds and two issues of securitization, realized in Portugal. Taking as reference the beginning of the subprime crisis, the two financial instruments are compared. Finally, we show that the consequences of the subprime crisis and law review have benefited covered bonds, on over the operations of securitization

    Inhibition of the \u3cem\u3edapE\u3c/em\u3e-Encoded \u3cem\u3eN\u3c/em\u3e-Succinyl- ʟ, ʟ-diaminopimelic Acid Desuccinylase from \u3cem\u3eNeisseria meningitidis\u3c/em\u3e by ʟ-Captopril

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    Binding of the competitive inhibitor ʟ-captopril to the dapE-encoded N-succinyl-ʟ, ʟ-diaminopimelic acid desuccinylase from Neisseria meningitidis (NmDapE) was examined by kinetic, spectroscopic, and crystallographic methods. ʟ-Captopril, an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor, was previously shown to be a potent inhibitor of the DapE from Haemophilus influenzae (HiDapE) with an IC50 of 3.3 μM and a measured Ki of 1.8 μM and displayed a dose-responsive antibiotic activity toward Escherichia coli. ʟ-Captopril is also a competitive inhibitor of NmDapE with a Ki of 2.8 μM. To examine the nature of the interaction of ʟ-captopril with the dinuclear active site of DapE, we have obtained electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) data for the enzymatically hyperactive Co(II)-substituted forms of both HiDapE and NmDapE. EPR and MCD data indicate that the two Co(II) ions in DapE are antiferromagnetically coupled, yielding an S = 0 ground state, and suggest a thiolate bridge between the two metal ions. Verification of a thiolate-bridged dinuclear complex was obtained by determining the three-dimensional X-ray crystal structure of NmDapE in complex with ʟ-captopril at 1.8 Å resolution. Combination of these data provides new insights into binding of ʟ-captopril to the active site of DapE enzymes as well as important inhibitor–active site residue interaction’s. Such information is critical for the design of new, potent inhibitors of DapE enzymes

    Requirement of Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis VirusvifGene forin VivoReplication

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    AbstractReplication ofvif-caprine arthritis encephalitis virus (CAEV) is highly attenuated in primary goat synovial membrane cells and blood-derived macrophages compared to the wild-type (wt) virus. We investigated the requirement for CAEV Vif forin vivoreplication and pathogenicity in goats by intra-articular injection of either infectious proviral DNA or viral supernatants. Wild-type CAEV DNA or virus inoculation induced persistent infection resulting in severe inflammatory arthritic lesions in the joints. We were unable to detect any sign of virus replication invif-CAEV DNA inoculated goats, whilevif-CAEV virus inoculation resulted in the seroconversion of the goats. However, virus isolation and RT-PCR analyses on blood-derived macrophage cultures remained negative throughout the experiment as well as in joint or lymphoid tissues taken at necropsy. No pathologic lesions could be observed in joint tissue sections examined at necropsy. Goats inoculated with thevif-virus demonstrated no protection against a pathogenic virus challenge. These results demonstrate that CAEV Vif is absolutely required for efficientin vivovirus replication and pathogenicity and provide additional evidence that live attenuated lentiviruses have to establish a persistent infection to induce efficient protective immunity

    Annexin A5 D226K structure and dynamics: identification of a molecular switch for the large-scale conformational change of domain III

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    AbstractThe domain III of annexin 5 undergoes a Ca2+- and a pH-dependent conformational transition of large amplitude. Modeling of the transition pathway by computer simulations suggested that the interactions between D226 and T229 in the IIID–IIIE loop on the one hand and the H-bond interactions between W187 and T224 on the other hand, are important in this process [Sopkova et al. (2000) Biochemistry 39, 14065–14074]. In agreement with the modeling, we demonstrate in this work that the D226K mutation behaves as a molecular switch of the pH- and Ca2+-mediated conformational transition. In contrast, the hydrogen bonds between W187 and T224 seem marginal