50 research outputs found

    Dynamic changes in synaptic plasticity genes in ipsilateral and contralateral inferior colliculus following unilateral noise-induced hearing loss

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    Unilateral noise-induced hearing loss reduces the input to the central auditory pathway disrupting the excitatory and inhibitory inputs to the inferior colliculus (IC), an important binaural processing center. Little is known about the compensatory synaptic changes that occur in the IC as a consequence of unilateral noise-induced hearing loss. To address this issue, Sprague–Dawley rats underwent unilateral noise exposure resulting in severe unilateral hearing loss. IC tissues from the contralateral and ipsilateral IC were evaluated for acute (2-d) and chronic (28-d) changes in the expression of 84 synaptic plasticity genes on a PCR array. Arc and Egr1 genes were further visualized by in situ hybridization to validate the PCR results. None of the genes were upregulated, but many were downregulated post-exposure. At 2-d post-exposure, more than 75% of the genes were significantly downregulated in the contralateral IC, while only two were downregulated in the ipsilateral IC. Many of the downregulated genes were related to long-term depression, long-term potentiation, cell adhesion, immediate early genes, neural receptors and postsynaptic density. At 28-d post-exposure, the gene expression pattern was reversed with more than 85% of genes in the ipsilateral IC now downregulated. Most genes previously downregulated in the contralateral IC 2-d post-exposure had recovered; less than 15% remained downregulated. These time-dependent, asymmetric changes in synaptic plasticity gene expression could shed new light on the perceptual deficits associated with unilateral hearing loss and the dynamic structural and functional changes that occur in the IC days and months following unilateral noise-induced hearing loss

    Basal Cell Carcinoma Masked in Rhinophyma

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    Rhinophyma, the advanced stage of rosacea, is a lesion characterized by progressive hypertrophy and hyperplasia of sebaceous glandular tissue, connective tissue, and blood vessels. Rhinophyma can lead to a significant facial disfigurement and severe emotional distress, but it is not only an aesthetic problem, since rare cases of simultaneous presence of malignant tissue are described in the literature. The case of an 84-year-old farmer affected by basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and diagnosed in the context of rhinophyma is presented. The anatomical distortion produced by the chronic inflammation and fibrous scarring makes the BCC diagnosis difficult and uncertain. The histological examination of the entire mass and its margins is fundamental. A partial biopsy can lead to a false negative result, and the histological examination must be repeated intra- or postoperatively

    Surgical treatment of sporadic vestibular schwannoma in a series of 1006 patients. Trattamento chirurgico degli schwannomi vestibolari: risultati su una serie di 1006 pazienti

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    La gestione dello schwannoma vestibolare (SV) sporadico si è gradualmente evoluta negli ultimi decenni. Lo scopo di questo studio è di analizzare l’evoluzione negli esiti chirurgici dell’exeresi di queste lesioni, realizzata da un team neurotologico tra il 1990 e il 2006, attraverso differenti approcci. È stata eseguita una revisione retrospettica monocentrica dei dati clinici di 1006 pazienti. Al fine di valutare eventuali modifiche e progressi, il periodo di 17 anni è stato diviso in tre periodi, ciascuno comprendente rispettivamente 268 SV (1990- 1996), 299 SV (1997-2001), e 439 SV (2002-2006). Il follow-up medio è stato di 5,9 ± 2,4 anni. Complessivamente l’asportazione totale è stata ottenuta nel 99,4% dei casi. Il tasso di mortalità è stato dello 0,3%, la meningite e la perdita di liquido cefalo rachidiano (LCR) sono stati osservati nel 1,2% e il 9% dei casi, rispettivamente. La frequenza della perdita di LCR è diminuita dal 11,6% al 7,1% tra il primo e dell’ultimo periodo (p < 0,01) e la revisione chirurgica dal 3,4% al 0,9% (p < 0,05). Il nervo facciale è stato anatomicamente conservato nel 97,7% dei casi. Ad un anno, una buona funzione del nervo facciale è stata osservata nel 85,1% dei pazienti (I e II grado HouseBrackmann), con una variazione tra il primo e l’ultimo periodo che andava dal 78,4% al 87,6% (p < 0,05). Ad un anno post-operatorio la conservazione dell’udito è stata ottenuta nel 61,6% dei pazienti, passando dal 50,9% del primo periodo, al 69,0% del periodo piú recente (p < 0,05) (classe A + B + C dalla classificazione AAO-HNS). L’udito utile (classe A + B) è stato conservato nel 33,5% dei casi complessivamente, con percentuali comprese tra il 21,8% e 42% nel primo e nell’ultimo periodo rispettivamente (p < 0,01). Gli esiti chirurgici dell’asportazion dello schwannoma vestibolare sporadico sono migliorati negli anni per quanto riguarda i risultati funzionali del nervo facciale, la conservazione dell’udito, le perdite di liquido cefalorachidiano, principalmente grazie all’esperienza del team neurotologico. I risultati funzionali dopo la rimozione microchirurgica completa SV di grandi dimensioni dipendono dall’ esperienza maturata sulle lesioni di piccole dimensioniThe management of sporadic vestibular schwannoma (VS) has evolved in the last decades. The aim of this study was to analyse the evolution in surgical outcomes of VSs operated by a neurotological team between 1990 and 2006 by different approaches. A monocentric retrospective review of medical charts of 1006 patients was performed. In order to assess eventual changes and progress, the 17-years period was divided in three periods, each one comprehending 268 VS (1990-1996), 299 VS (1997-2001), and 439 VS (2002-2006). Mean follow-up was 5.9 ± 2.4 years. Overall, complete VS removal was achieved in 99.4% of cases. Mortality rate was 0.3%, meningitis and CSF leaks were observed in 1.2 % and 9 % of the cases, respectively. CSF leakage decreased from 11.6% to 7.1% between the first and last period (p < 0.01) as well as revision surgery from 3.4 % to 0.9 % (p < 0.05). Facial nerve was anatomically preserved in 97.7% of cases. At one year, a good facial nerve function was observed in 85.1% of patients (grade I and II of House-Brackmann grading scale), which ranged between the first and last period from 78.4% to 87.6% (p <0.05). At one year, hearing preservation was obtained in 61.6% of patients, which increased from the first period to the last one from 50.9% to 69.0% (p < 0.05) (class A+B+C from the AAO-HNS classification). Useful hearing (class A+B) was observed in 33.5% of cases overall, with 21.8% and 42% in the first and last period, respectively (p < 0.01). Surgical outcomes of sporadic vestibular schwannoma have improved concerning facial nerve function outcomes, hearing preservation and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leaks, mainly due to the neuro-otological team's experience. Functional results after complete microsurgical removal of large VS depend on experience gained on small VS removal

    Prediction of hearing recovery in sudden deafness treated with intratympanic steroids

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    The present study aims to obtain a probability model allowing the prediction of the auditory recovery in patients affected by sudden sensorineural hearing loss treated exclusively with intratympanic steroids. A monocentric retrospective chart review of three-hundred eighty-one patients has been performed. A Probit model was used to investigate the correlation between the success of the treatment (marked or total recovery according to Furuashi's criteria), and the delay between the onset of disease and the beginning of therapy. The age of the patients and the audiometric curve shapes were included in the analysis. Results show that delay is negatively correlated with the variable success. Considering the entire sample, each day of delay decreases by 3% the probability of success. The prediction model shows that for every day that passes from the onset of the disease the probability of success declines in absence of the medical treatment, hence we conclude that early treatment is strongly recommended

    Otolaryngologic symptoms in multiple sclerosis: a review

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    Many symptoms of multiple sclerosis may affect the ear, nose and throat. The most common otolaryngologic symptoms of multiple sclerosis are speech disorders, followed by sleep disorders, vertigo and disequilibrium, dysphagia, smell alterations, and hearing loss. Less common symptoms include sialorrhea, facial palsy, taste alterations, trigeminal neuralgia and tinnitus. The origin of otolaryngologic symptoms in multiple sclerosis is mainly central, although increasing evidence also suggests a peripheral involvement. Otolaryngologic symptoms in multiple sclerosis may have different clinical presentations; they can appear in different stages of the pathology, in some cases they can be the presenting symptoms and their worsening may be correlated with reactivation of the disease. Many of these symptoms significantly affect the quality of life or patients and lead to increased morbidity and mortality. Otolaryngologic symptoms are common in multiple sclerosis; however, they are often overlooked. In many cases, they follow the relapsing-remitting phases of the disease, and may spontaneously disappear, leading to a delay in multiple sclerosis diagnosis. Clinicians should be aware of otolaryngologic symptoms of multiple sclerosis, especially when they are associated to neurologic symptoms, as they may be early signs of a still undiagnosed multiple sclerosis or could help monitor disease progression in already diagnosed patients

    Universal newborn hearing screening in the Lazio region, Italy

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    Background: The introduction of Universal Newborn Hearing Screening (UNHS) programs has drastically contributed to the early diagnosis of hearing loss in children, allowing prompt intervention with significant results on speech and language development in affected children. UNHS in the Lazio region has been initially deliberated in 2012; however, the program has been performed on a universal basis only from 2015. The aim of this retrospective study is to present and discuss the preliminary results of the UNHS program in the Lazio region for the year 2016, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of the program. Methods: Data from screening facilities in the Lazio region for year 2016 were retrospectively analyzed. Data for Level I centers were supplied by the Lazio regional offices; data for Level II and III centers were provided by units that participated to the study. Results: During 2016, a total of 44,805 babies were born in the Lazio region. First stage screening was performed on 41,821 children in 37 different birth centers, with a coverage rate of 93.3%. Of these, 38.977 (93.2%) obtained a "pass" response; children with a "refer" result in at least one ear were 2844 (6.8%). Data from Level II facilities are incomplete due to missing reporting, one of the key issues in Lazio UNHS. Third stage evaluation was performed on 365 children in the three level III centers of the region, allowing identification of 70 children with unilateral (40%) or bilateral (60%) hearing loss, with a prevalence of 1.6/1000. Conclusions: The analysis of 2016 UNHS in the Lazio region allowed identification of several strengths and weaknesses of the initial phase of the program. The strengths include a correct spread and monitoring of UNHS among Level I facilities, with an adequate coverage rate, and the proper execution of audiological monitoring and diagnosis among Level III facilities. Weakness, instead, mainly consisted in lack of an efficient and automated central process for collecting, monitoring and reporting of data and information

    fMRI in Bell's Palsy: cortical activation is associated with clinical status in the acute and recovery phases

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    BACKGROUND: Using functional MRI (fMRI), we explored cortical activation in patients with acute Bell’s palsy (BP) and analyzed its correlates with clinical status in the acute phase, and with 6-monthoutcome. METHODS: 24 right-handed patients with acute BP within 15 days of onset and 24 healthy controls underwent fMRI during performance of unilateral active (hemi-smiling) and passive lip movement tasks with both the paretic and the normal lip. The degree of paresis was evaluated during the acute stage and at the 6-month follow-up using the House-Brackmann (HB) grading scale. Complete recovery was defined as HB grade II or less at the end of the 6-month period. The difference in the HB grade (ΔHB) between the acute stage and the 6-month follow up was used to evaluate clinical improvement. RESULTS: There were 24 patients with unilateral acute BP. HB grades ranged from III to VI. At six months, 11 patients (46%) had completely recovered and 12 (50%) were partially improved. Compared with healthy subjects, BP patients had a significantly greater activation of the frontal areas and the insula ipsilateral to the paretic side. In BP patients, there was an inverse correlation between the activation of the ipsilateral hemisphere when moving the paretic side and the degree of paresis at baseline. An association was also observed between activation and clinical outcome (both complete recovery and ΔHB). CONCLUSIONS: In patients with Bell’s palsy, fMRI may represent a useful tool to predict long-term outcome, guide therapeutic approach, and monitor treatment response

    Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on paediatric otolaryngology: a nationwide study

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    Objective: The COVID-19 pandemic profoundly modified the work routine in healthcare; however, its impact on the field of paediatric otorhinolaryngology (ORL) has been rarely investigated. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of COVID-19 on paediatric ORL. Methods: A questionnaire was developed by the Young Otolaryngologists of the Italian Society of ORL-Head and Neck Surgery (GOS). The questionnaire consisted of 26 questions related to workplace and personal paediatric ORL activities. The link was advertised on the official social media platforms and sent by e-mail to 469 Italian otolaryngologists. Results: The questionnaire was completed by 118 responders. During the pandemic, the main reduction was observed for surgical activity (78.8%), followed by outpatient service (16.9%). The conditions that were mostly impacted by a delayed diagnosis were respiratory infections in 45.8% of cases and sensorineural hearing loss in 37.3% of cases. Conclusions: Paediatric ORL was highly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, with a significant reduction of surgical and outpatient activities and a delay in time-sensitive diagnosis. Therefore, the implementation of new strategies, such as telemedicine, is recommended

    Hyperacusis in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: a preliminary study

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    The association between hyperacusis and developmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorders has been extensively reported in the literature; however, the specific prevalence of hyperacusis in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has never been investigated. In this preliminary study, we evaluated the presence of hyperacusis in a small sample of children affected by ADHD compared to a control group of healthy children. Thirty normal hearing children with a diagnosis of ADHD and 30 children matched for sex and age were enrolled in the study. All children underwent audiological and multidisciplinary neuropsychiatric evaluation. Hearing was assessed using pure tone audiometry and immittance test; ADHD was diagnosed following the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder criteria. Hyperacusis was assessed through the administration of a questionnaire to parents and an interview with children. Hyperacusis was diagnosed in 11 children (36.7%) in the study group and in four children (13.3%) in the control group; this difference was statistically significant (p = 0.03). The preliminary results of this study suggest a higher presence of hyperacusis in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder compared to control children. More studies on larger samples are necessary to confirm these results

    Laser microsurgery versus radiotherapy versus open partial laryngectomy for T2 laryngeal carcinoma: a systematic review of oncological outcomes

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    The aim of the current systematic review is to update the pooled survival outcome of patients with T2 glottic carcinoma treated with either laser surgery (CO2 transoral laser microsurgery [CO2 TOLMS]), radiotherapy (RT), or open partial laryngectomy (OPL)