25,427 research outputs found

    Supersymmetric fluxbrane intersections and closed string tachyons

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    We consider NS-NS superstring model with several ``magnetic'' parameters bsb_s (s=1, ...,N) associated with twists mixing a compact S1S^1 direction with angles in NN spatial 2-planes of flat 10-dimensional space. It generalizes the Kaluza-Klein Melvin model which has single parameter bb. The corresponding U-dual background is a R-R type IIA solution describing an orthogonal intersection of NN flux 7-branes. Like the Melvin model, the NS-NS string model with NN continuous parameters is explicitly solvable; we present its perturbative spectrum and torus partition function explicitly for the N=2 case. For generic bsb_s (above some critical values) there are tachyons in the S1S^1 winding sector. A remarkable feature of this model is that while in the Melvin N=1 case all supersymmetry is broken, a fraction of it may be preserved for N>1N >1 by making a special choice of the parameters bsb_s. Such solvable NS-NS models may be viewed as continuous-parameter analogs of non-compact orbifold models. They and their U-dual R-R fluxbrane counterparts may have some ``phenomenological'' applications. In particular, in N=3 case one finds a special 1/4 supersymmetric R-R 3-brane background. Putting Dp-branes in flat twisted NS-NS backgrounds leads to world-volume gauge theories with reduced amount of supersymmetry. We also discuss possible ways of evolution of unstable backgrounds towards stable ones.Comment: 26 pages, harvmac. v3: reference added, minor changes in appendi

    Exactly solvable string models of curved space-time backgrounds

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    We consider a new 3-parameter class of exact 4-dimensional solutions in closed string theory and solve the corresponding string model, determining the physical spectrum and the partition function. The background fields (4-metric, antisymmetric tensor, two Kaluza-Klein vector fields, dilaton and modulus) generically describe axially symmetric stationary rotating (electro)magnetic flux-tube type universes. Backgrounds of this class include both the dilatonic (a=1) and Kaluza-Klein (a=\sqrt 3) Melvin solutions and the uniform magnetic field solution, as well as some singular space-times. Solvability of the string sigma model is related to its connection via duality to a simpler model which is a ``twisted" product of a flat 2-space and a space dual to 2-plane. We discuss some physical properties of this model (tachyonic instabilities in the spectrum, gyromagnetic ratios, issue of singularities, etc.). It provides one of the first examples of a consistent solvable conformal string model with explicit D=4 curved space-time interpretation.Comment: 54 pages, harvmac (corrected and extended version

    Heterotic strings in a uniform magnetic field

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    An exact conformal model representing a constant magnetic field background in heterotic string theory is explicitly solved in terms of free creation/annihilation operators. The spectrum of physical states is examined for different possible embeddings of the magnetic U(1) subgroup. We find that an arbitrarily small magnetic field gives rise to an infinite number of tachyonic excitations corresponding to charged vector states of the massless level and to higher level states with large spins and charges.Comment: 25 pages, harvmac (few comments added, misprints corrected

    Hyperbolic Spaces in String and M-Theory

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    We describe string-theory and d=11d=11 supergravity solutions involving symmetric spaces of constant negative curvature. Many examples of non-supersymmetric string compactifications on hyperbolic spaces HrH_r of finite volume are given in terms of suitable cosets of the form Hr/ΓH_r/\Gamma , where Γ\Gamma is a discrete group. We describe in some detail the cases of the non-compact hyperbolic spaces F2F_2 and F3F_3, representing the fundamental regions of H2H_2 and H3H_3 under SL(2,Z)SL(2,Z) and the Picard group, respectively. By writing AdSAdS as a U(1) fibration, we obtain new solutions where AdS2p+1AdS_{2p+1} gets untwisted by T-duality to R×SU(p,1)/(SU(p)×U(1)){\bf R}\times SU(p,1)/(SU(p)\times U(1)). Solutions with time-dependent dilaton field are also constructed by starting with a solution with NS5-brane flux over H3H_3. A new class of non-supersymmetric conformal field theories can be defined via holography.Comment: 17 pages, Latex. Small additions and correction

    N=2 Chern-Simons-Matter Theories Without Vortices

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    We study N=2{\cal N}=2 Chern-Simons-matter theories with gauge group Uk1(1)×Uk2(1)U_{k_1}(1)\times U_{k_2}(1). We find that, when k1+k2=0k_1+k_2=0, the partition function computed by localization dramatically simplifies and collapses to a single term. We show that the same condition prevents the theory from having supersymmetric vortex configurations. The theories include mass-deformed ABJM theory with U(1)k×Uk(1)U(1)_{k}\times U_{-k}(1) gauge group as a particular case. Similar features are shared by a class of CS-matter theories with gauge group Uk1(1)××UkN(1)U_{k_1}(1)\times \cdots \times U_{k_N}(1).Comment: 17 page

    Exact partition function in U(2)×U(2)U(2)\times U(2) ABJM theory deformed by mass and Fayet-Iliopoulos terms

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    We exactly compute the partition function for U(2)k×U(2)kU(2)_k\times U(2)_{-k} ABJM theory on S3\mathbb S^3 deformed by mass mm and Fayet-Iliopoulos parameter ζ\zeta . For k=1,2k=1,2, the partition function has an infinite number of Lee-Yang zeros. For general kk, in the decompactification limit the theory exhibits a quantum (first-order) phase transition at m=2ζm=2\zeta .Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure. v2: references adde

    Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Hyperbolic Systems based on Third-Order Compact WENO Reconstruction

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    In this paper we generalize to non-uniform grids of quad-tree type the Compact WENO reconstruction of Levy, Puppo and Russo (SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 2001), thus obtaining a truly two-dimensional non-oscillatory third order reconstruction with a very compact stencil and that does not involve mesh-dependent coefficients. This latter characteristic is quite valuable for its use in h-adaptive numerical schemes, since in such schemes the coefficients that depend on the disposition and sizes of the neighboring cells (and that are present in many existing WENO-like reconstructions) would need to be recomputed after every mesh adaption. In the second part of the paper we propose a third order h-adaptive scheme with the above-mentioned reconstruction, an explicit third order TVD Runge-Kutta scheme and the entropy production error indicator proposed by Puppo and Semplice (Commun. Comput. Phys., 2011). After devising some heuristics on the choice of the parameters controlling the mesh adaption, we demonstrate with many numerical tests that the scheme can compute numerical solution whose error decays as N3\langle N\rangle^{-3}, where N\langle N\rangle is the average number of cells used during the computation, even in the presence of shock waves, by making a very effective use of h-adaptivity and the proposed third order reconstruction.Comment: many updates to text and figure

    Awareness towards Chikungunya virus infection risk by general practitioners in Rome: a questionnaire based survey before the 2017 outbreak

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    Autochthonous cases of Chikungunya (CHIKV) have been recently detected in Rome. A survey was conduct- ed prior to the 2017 outbreak to assess knowledge, attitude, and practices towards CHIKV infections on 103 randomly selected general practitioners (GPs), practicing in the centre of Rome. Only 24.3% were aware of CHIKV and completed the interview. Among completers, the knowledge of basic elements of CHIKV in- fection was insufficient. Only two thirds of them were able to identify possible CHIKV cases in hypothetical clinical scenarios presented by the interviewer. Our study highlights the need to improve GP knowledge to- wards CHIKV, as a necessary step to establish an efficacious epidemic surveillance