2,012 research outputs found

    To Log or Not to Log: Bootstrap as an Alternative to the Parametric Estimation of Moderation Effects in the Presence of Skewed Dependent Variables

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    When gross deviations from parametric assumptions are observed, conventional data transformations are often applied with little regard for substantive theoretical implications. One such transformation involves using the logarithm of positively skewed dependent variables. Log transformations were shown to severely decrease estimates of true moderator effects using moderated regression procedures in a Monte Carlo simulation. Estimates of moderator effect sizes were substantially better estimates of the true latent moderator effect (i.e., larger by a multiple of 2.6 to 534) when estimated using a simple percentile bootstrap procedure in the original, positively skewed data. Conclusions with regard to the presence or absence of a true moderator effect using a simple bootstrap procedure were unaffected by the violation of parametric assumptions in the original, positively skewed data. In contrast, moderated regression analysis performed on a log-transformed dependent variable severely increased Type-II error. Implications are drawn for applied psychological and management research.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline

    Current formulation approaches in design and development of solid oral dosage forms through three-dimensional printing

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    Three-dimensional (3D) printing technologies are continuously applied to novel fields, laying the foundations for a new industrial revolution. With regard to pharmaceutical sciences, 3D printed drug products are emerging as attractive and innovative tools in personalised medicine. For example, solid oral dosage forms (e.g. tablets) can be printed in a wide range of dosages, release profiles, geometries and sizes by simply modifying a digital model, thus providing patients with tailored therapies. Various 3D printing technologies have been applied to pharmaceutical manufacture in recent years, and different materials have been investigated to fabricate solid oral dosage forms in a broad range of properties. Therefore, the aim of this review is to describe the state of the art of 3D printing oral pharmaceuticals, with the view to provide formulation scientists with essential information to approach the development of 3D printed drug products, from digital design to final product quality control. Short- to long-term potential areas of application of 3D printed drug products and their relative regulatory pathway challenges are also presented

    Homographically generated light sheets for the microscopy of large specimens.

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    We compare the performance of linear and nonlinear methods for aligning the excitation and detection planes throughout volumes of large specimens in digitally scanned light sheet microscopy. An effective nonlinear method involves the registration of four corner extrema of the imaging volume via a projective transform. We show that this improves the light collection efficiency of the commonly used three-point affine registration by an average of 42% over a typical specimen volume. Accurate illumination/detection registration methods are now pertinent to biological research in view of current trends towards imaging large or expanded samples, at depth, with diffraction limited resolution

    Faking biodata tests: Are option-keyed instruments more resistant?

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    One result of the increasing sophistication and complexity of MIS theory and research is the number of studies hypothesizing and testing for moderation effects. A review of the MIS and broader management literatures suggests researchers investigating moderated relationships often commit one or more errors falling into three broad categories: inappropriate use or interpretation of statistics, misalignment of research design with phenomena of interest, and measurement or scaling issues. Examples of nine common errors are presented. Commission of these errors is expected to yield literatures characterized by mixed results at best, and thoroughly erroneous results at worse. Procedures representing examples of best practice and reporting guidelines are provided to help MIS investigators avoid or minimize these errors.YesThis is a Sherpa RoMEO yellow journal.MIS Quarterly gives permission to authors to have their published articles included on an institutional repository subject to an embargo of five years from publication date. MIS Quarterly retains copyright of the articles, and the repository may not sell access to the work

    Development of IPv6

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    Recent advances in collaborative theory and interactive archetypes cooperate in or- der to realize the lookaside buffer. Given the current status of cacheable epistemologies, researchers shockingly desire the understanding of redundancy. We introduce a novel application for the deployment of access points (SheldInditer), showing that the seminal psychoacoustic algorithm for the unproven unification of 64 bit architectures and symmetric encryption is recursively enumerable. Of course, this is not always the case
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