19 research outputs found

    Female genital trait data

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    This table contains data pertaining to the genital traits of female seed beetles. "EL" denotes "elytra length", the proxy for body size used in this investigation. "Diet" is the quality of the dietary medium that the individual was reared from; "Order" is the order in which the mother of the individual was exposed (for example, "UN" denotes that the mother was first exposed to a "used" medium and then a "new" medium), and Family refers to the particular mother-father pairing the individual derived from). The other columns denote genital trait that are described in the paper itself. They are log-transformed values. "Log of EL" is included as well as raw EL, because of the need to use a generalized linear model for one of the traits, "Number of spines", which is a discrete rather than continuous variable

    Raw body size data

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    This table contains data pertaining to the raw body size (measured in pixels) of male and female seed beetles. "EL" denotes "elytra length", the proxy for body size. "Diet" is the quality of the dietary medium that the individual was reared from; "Order" is the order in which the mother of the individual was exposed (for example, "UN" denotes that the mother was first exposed to a "used" medium and then a "new" medium), and Family refers to the particular mother-father pairing the individual derived from). "Sex" is simply the sex of the individual ("m" for male and "f" or female)

    NetLogo code from The geography of sex: sexual conflict, environmental gradients and local loss of sex in facultatively parthenogenetic animals

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    Custom-written code used to run the simulations in the freely-available application NetLogo


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    Family = F0 family; SCP = Sex and condition of parent (F1); Repl = Replicate; Sex = Sex of offspring (F2); CondOff = Condition of offspring (F2); Ind = Individual (5 Individuals per treatment combination were measured); Elytra = Length of Elytra; Data were collected in the laboratory

    Dryad data file

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    This csv data file contains all raw data collected from the lab experiment that was then analysed in R

    Offspring morphology data

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    The file contains protein and carbohydrate amounts (both raw and transformed, as described in the paper) in the larval diets on which parental flies (mothers, fathers) were reared, and responses in offspring thorax length and head length (in pixels). Replicate codes identify the larval container from which one father and one mother were obtained. Each parent is also identified by a unique Parental ID code

    Appendix A. Figures showing the among- and within-generation benefits of a variable offspring size strategy.

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    Figures showing the among- and within-generation benefits of a variable offspring size strategy