7,460 research outputs found

    The Experience of the COVID Pandemic for People with Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) in the U.K.

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    Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2, referred to as COVID-19 in this paper) is a novel coronavirus first discovered in Wuhan, China (Tan & Aboulhosn, 2020). Since it’s discovery it has spread across the world and as of 8th May there have been 156,496,592 confirmed cases of COVID around the world with 3,264,142 confirmed deaths (WHO, 2021). Current literature suggests the pandemic and subsequent government responses have had a significant impact on the global population with rises in mental health difficulties, poorer physical health, relationship difficulties and changes to people’s work lives. Despite an awareness of people with chronic illnesses being at greater risk of severe illness and death from covid-19, there is minimal research on how the pandemic has impacted this group, and even less on how it has affected people with specific types of chronic illness such as epilepsy or congenital heart disease (CHD). Due to these identified gaps in the literature, this study focussed on the experiences of people with CHD during the pandemic in the U.K. Informed by critical realist epistemology and using qualitative methodology nine participants took part in semi-structured interviews to gather information on how their lives had been impacted by the current pandemic. Ages ranged from 32 to 54 years and the sample consisted of seven women and two men. Using inductive thematic analysis three themes were constructed from the data; ‘vulnerability’, ‘wellbeing’ and ‘staying connected’. Similarly, to existing research, participants identified difficulties in their mental wellbeing, changes in their physical health and difficulties in relationships and work. Difficulties experienced by being labelled as vulnerable, being in the shielding group or not, narratives from others as ‘burdensome’ and significant lifestyle changes were raised and add to the existing literature. Recommendations for further research and improvements to government policy and guidelines are made

    Incentive payments to encourage farmer adoption of water quality protection practices

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    Farmers can be encouraged to voluntarily adopt environmentally sound management practices through the use of incentive payments. This paper uses both a bivariate probit with sample selection model and a double hurdle model on data from a survey of farmers to predict farmer adoption of the practices as a function of the payment offer. The five management practices addressed here are integrated pest management,legume crediting, manure testing, split applications of nitrogen, and soil moisture testing. Also estimated are models that predict the acreage on which these practices would be applied given the decision to accept the incentive payments estimated.bivariate probit; double hurdle; incentive payments; sample selection; water quality

    Spontaneous diffusion of information in online social networks

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    Online Social Networks (OSN) are new types of web services which provide online communities an environment to gather and meet virtually. The online users are connected to each other via links of trust and utilize the features of the OSN to interact and communicate in an easy socio-technical way. Hence these virtual networks of social relationships have a high potential for influential decision-making and the word of mouth spread of information, but also for spreading fads, rumors, and erroneous information. The power of these new forms of social networks is also recognized by service providers, marketers and vendors of consumer goods. They would all like to (mis) use these existing communication channels to spread product placements, advertising and promotions directly to the connected users. However, just like the old economy businesses, not all attempted marketing initiatives are successful. Most of them fail or do notreach the desired audience. This paper tries to explain why OSN are a good environment for spontaneous diffusion of information and what phases of development need to beaccomplished to reach the optimal spreading rate for one piece information. Therefore, we start with a look at the "Hype Cycle" model of Gartner to explain over-enthusiasm for new technology adoptions. Next we introduce the concept of "social contagion" and the infections spread of information. After a short introduction of OSN, we try to illustrate the phases of a social online contagion development process which can lead to spontaneous and uncontrolled diffusion of information, messages or ideas. The core statement of our approach is that online individuals tend to behave collectively if they observe the virtual behaviors and actions of others. This principle of "other-directedness" can generate a chain reaction of infectious imitation which can sometimes spread uncontrolled through the interconnected social network like an epidemic. This helps to explain why some online information waves can grow extraordinarily high and others fall.Онлайнові соціальні мережі (ОСМ) є новими типами веб-сервісів, які пропонують онлайновим суспільствам середовище для гуртування та віртуального спілкування. Як наслідок, такі віртуальні мережі соціальних зв'язків мають високий потенціал для впливового прийняття рішень та розповсюдження інформації "з вуст в уста", але, з іншого боку, вони також можуть розповсюджувати чутки, плітки та некоректну інформацію. Потенціал цих мереж також розпізнається сервіс-провайдерами, маркетологами та виробниками товарів. Вони усі бажають використовувати ці існуючі комунікаційні канали для розповсюдження реклами продуктів безпосередньо користувачам. Але не усі такі спроби є успішними. Ця робота робить спробу пояснити, чому ОСМ є добрим середовищем для спонтанного розповсюдження інформації, та які етапи повинні бути виконані для досягнення оптимального рівня розповсюдження для одного елемента інформації. Ми починаємо з розгляду моделі гіперциклів Гартнера, яка пояснює надмірний ентузіазм при впровадженні нових технологій. Далі ми вводимо концепцію "соціального забруднення" та інфекційного розповсюдження інформації. Базова ідея нашого підходу полягає в тому, що онлайнові індивідуали прихильні до колективної поведінки, тобто вони спрямовані на віртуальну поведінку та дії інших. Цей принцип "спрямованості на інших" може генерувати ланцюгову реакцію інфекційних імітацій які інколи можуть розповсюджуватись неконтрольовано через соціальні мережі, подібно до епідемії

    The Nostalgia Factory: Memory, Time and Ageing

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    Exploring Overhill Cherokee Material Culture Patterning

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    Cherokee acculturation as revealed in the patterned material culture remains from the Colonial through the Federal Period is examined. The utilization of a quantitative functional classification scheme facilitates artifact classification and the formulation of assemblage profiles and artifact patterns for the Colonial Period based on data from Chota/Tanasee (40MR2/40MR62), Citico (40MR7), and Tomotley (40MR5), the Federal Period based on data from Chota/ Tanasee (40MR2/40MR62) and Citico (40MR7), and Mialoquo based on data from this site, 40MR3. The expectation that the Mialoquo Pattern would contrast with both the Colonial and Federal Period Patterns and therefore be identified as Revolutionary Period is not supported by statistical analysis. Rather, this analysis indicates overall similarity between the respective patterns. Comparison at the group and assemblage profile levels, however, reveals differences which reflect processes of Euro-American contact with the Cherokee

    Archaeological Survey of Leander Independent School District’s Palmera Bluff Elementary School Site Project, Williamson County, Texas

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    The Leander Independent School District (LISD) contracted Atkins North America (Atkins) to conduct a cultural resources investigation for the proposed Palmera Bluff Elementary School Site Project in western Williamson County, Texas. The project is located approximately 1 kilometer (km) (0.62 miles) southwest of the intersection of the South Fork of the San Gabriel River and Ronald Reagan Boulevard. The proposed work will consist of clearing and excavation to prepare for the construction of an elementary school and associated ancillary facilities. The following investigations were performed under Texas Antiquities Permit No. 8308 in compliance with the Antiquities Code of Texas (ACT) (Title 9, Chapter 191, Texas Natural Resources Code of 1977) and other appropriate cultural resources legislation and guidelines, as well as those set forth by the Texas Historical Commission (THC) and the Council of Texas Archeologists (CTA). The investigations included a background review and an intensive pedestrian survey. The pedestrian investigations were completed on February 8, 2018. Laura I. Acuña served as Principal Investigator, with C. Russ Shortes serving as Project Archaeologist performing the field work and assisted by Sara K. Bodah and R. Benjamin Lee. The area of potential effects (APE) is an irregularly shaped project area that measures 18.1 acres (7.3 hectares), with proposed depths of 1.8 meters (m) (6 ft) to account for utilities. The background review determined that previously recorded site 41WM1113 was within the southern portion of the APE. The pedestrian survey revealed that much of the project area has been severely disturbed by frequent land clearing activities, as evidenced by push piles of soil and vegetation debris. The ground surface visibility was approximately 30 to 40 percent, and 11 shovel tests were excavated within the APE. The number of shovel tests within the APE exceeded THC’s minimum archaeological survey standards, and all shovel tests were negative for cultural material. Although previously recorded site 41WM1113 is mapped within the APE, the investigations did not encounter any evidence of cultural materials or features related to the site. The land clearing activities have destroyed or eliminated any evidence of the site within the APE. Based on the findings, Atkins determined there are no significant cultural resources within the APE that are eligible for designation as a State Antiquities Landmark (SAL) or for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). The portion of site 41WM1113 within the APE has been destroyed, and thus would not to contribute to the overall eligibility of the site for designation as an SAL or listing in the NRHP. Therefore, Atkins recommends no additional cultural resources investigations for the APE. All field forms and photographs generated by this project will be curated at the Center for Archaeological Studies at Texas State University

    Larra bicolor Fabricius (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae): its distribution throughout Florida

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    We document the presence of Larra bicolor Fabricius (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae) in 46 of Florida's 67 counties. The species is represented by two stocks. The first (released in 1981) originated in Pará, Brazil, but was obtained from Puerto Rico, and became established in Broward County in southern Florida. The second (released in 1988) originated in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, and became established in Alachua County in northern Florida. The Bolivian stock, aided by additional satellite releases from Alachua County, is now widely distributed. The species probably occupies all counties in central and northern Florida, but may yet be absent from some southern counties. Introduction was made for classical biological control of invasive mole crickets