10 research outputs found

    Tradhisi Larungan Buceng Agung Di Telaga Ngebel Sebagai Sarana Penarik Wisatawan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan maksud dan tujuan upacara larungan, prosesi upacara larungan, dan manfaat upacara larungan terhadap masyarakat pendukungnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan pengamatan berperan serta dan wawancara mendalam. Cara analisis data dengan teknik induktif. Teknik pengesahan data dengan triangulasi sumber dan triangulasi metode. Hasil penelitiannya seperti berikut. (1) Maksud dan tujuan dari upacara larungan sebagai bagian tradisi dan berkaitan dengan pariwisata. (2) Prosesi upacara larungan dibagi menjadi dua tahapan, yaitu tahap persiapan dan tahap pelaksanaan. Tahap persiapan meliputi persiapan tempat dan persiapan sesaji. Tahap pelaksanaan meliputi pembukaan, serah terima sesaji, kirab dan dilanjutkan dengan me-larung buceng agung ke tengah telaga. (3) Manfaat upacara larungan terhadap pendukungnya adalah sarana permohonan keselamatan, meramaikan pariwisata Telaga Ngebel, meningkatkan hubungan sosial diantara warga, dan meningkatkan ekonomi masyaraka

    Efektivitas Komunikasi Interpersonal Remaja-orangtua Dengan Self Regulated Learning Siswa: Studi Korelasi Pada Siswa Kelas VII

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    Self regulated learning adalah USAha pengaturan diri yang aktif dan konstruktif yang melibatkan pikiran, motivasi dan perilaku dari diri siswa yang berorientasi kearah tujuan belajar meliputi penetapan tujuan, pemilihan strategi, mengimplementasikan strategi, dan memonitor progresivitas yang terjadi berkenaan tujuan belajar yang ingin dicapai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara efektivitas komunikasi interpersonal remaja-orangtua dengan self regulated learning siswa kelas VII SMP 16 Semarang. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 257 adalah siswa kelas VII di SMP 16 Semarang tahun pelajaran 2013/2014. Teknik sampling yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini cluster random sampling, sehingga diperoleh sample penelitian berjumlah 151 siswa. Alat pengumpulan data menggunakan Skala Efektivitas Komunikasi Interpersonal Remaja-Orangtua (42 aitem; α = 0,867) dan Skala Self-Regulated Learning (47 aitem; α = 0,916). Hasil analisis regresi sederhana menunjukkan adanya hubungan positif dan signifikan antara efektivitas komunikasi interpersonal remaja-orangtua dengan self regulated learning siswa kelas VII SMP 16 Semarang (r = 0,623; p < 0,001) yang berarti hipotesis dapat diterima

    Study of Seaweed Kappaphycus Alvarezii Explants Growth in the Different Salinity Concentrations

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    HighlightThe best salinity for the thallus growth of K. alvarezii is 32 mg/LThe salinity indicates the osmotic balance of K. alvarezii seaweedThis osmoregulation process affects the nutrient absorption of K. alvarezii seaweedThis study aims to develop the availibility of superior seeds of K. alvareziiAbstract Kappaphycus alvarezii is one of the leading commodities in Indonesian waters. Demand for this commodity is quite high, as reflected in the increasing volume of exports each year. Fulfillment of these demands is obtained from the production of cultivation. Generally farmers get natural seaweed seedlings, namely cuttings from existing seaweed. The continuous use of seeds from nature can cause deterioration in the quality and quantity. Handling the problem of quality deterioration from seaweed seeds originating from nature, can be overcome by multiplying the seeds through tissue culture methods in vitro. In term of tissue culture techniques method, the most important thing to note is environmental parameters. An environment parameter that changes suddenly such as salinity can inhibit the growth of seaweed. Thus, this work is attampting the different salinity treatment on seaweed explants K. alvarezii. This study aims at determining (weight) the explants of K. alvarezii with a comparison of the different salinity levels in the in vitro tissue culture method. The method used in this study was a completely randomized design (CRD) with the different salinity treatments namely 30, 31, 32, 33, and 34 ppt. The results showed that the different salinities influenced the growth rate of K. alvarezii seaweed explants with the best explant growth at the salinity of 31 ppt, while the lowest growth value was obtained at 34 pp

    Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Matematika untuk Siswa Kelas V Sekolah Dasar

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    Penelitian pengembangan bahan ajar Matematika bangun ruang dan pengolahan data dirancang lebih praktis, efektif, dan mudah dipahami bagi siswa Kelas V SD dengan metode pengembangan model ADDIE. Jenis data dalam penelitian ini adalah: validasi isi materi, validasi desain, angket respon siswa dan guru, dan tes tulis hasil belajar. Teknik analisis dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif kemudian data diolah dengan dikonversi menggunakan rumus yang telah ditentukan. Hasil validasi isi dari ahli setelah dikonversi dengan tabel tingkat pencapaian diperoleh 89,09%. Hasil validasi desain dari ahli setelah dikonversi dengan tabel tingkat pencapaian diperoleh 86,49%. Hasil uji coba lapangan setelah dikonversi dengan tabel tingkat pencapaian diperoleh 91,81%. Sedangkan tes tulis hasil belajar diperoleh ketuntasan sebanyak 29 anak tuntas dengan persentase sebesar 90,625% dari 32 anak. Dari data dan analisis yang telah dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa hasil pengembangan bahan ajar Matematika kelas V Semester II Sekolah Dasar dapat digunakan sebagai bahan ajar

    Analisis Faktor Sosial Ekonomi yang Mempengaruhi Produksi Petani Kopi Sanggabuana di Kecamatan Tegalwaru Kabupaten Karawang

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    Karawang Regency has potential in coffee production, this is shown by the increase in land area in 2018 and 2019 by 0.024 ha with a production value of 207.20 tons in the same year with a productivity value of 0.50 Karawang compared to the Pangandaran area which experienced a decline. land area of 12.14 ha and has an increased production value from 2018 to 2019 of 15.60 tons with a productivity value of 0.44. The low coffee production in Tegalwaru District is because farmers who cultivate coffee are still simple, such as the absence of plant care, no fertilizer and pesticides are applied, it is necessary to research on socio-economic factors on production in Tegalwaru District, Karawang Regency. The purpose of this research is to determine the partial and simultaneous influence of socio-economic factors that affect coffee production. Samples were determined using the Slovin formula, sampling using themethod simple random sampling. The analysis technique used is multiple regression analysis, classical assumption test and hypothesis testing. The results showed that the simultaneous hypothesis testing of independent variables (land area, labor age, length of farming, number of dependents, and education) jointly affected the dependent variable (production). In the partial test, only the land area variable has a partial effect on production

    Inherited anti-thrombin deficiency in a Malay-Malaysian family: a missense mutation at nucleotide g.13267C>A aka anti-thrombin Budapest 5 (p.Pro439Thr) of the SERPINC 1 gene

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    OBJECTIVE: Inherited anti-thrombin deficiency is an autosomal dominant disorder which is associated with increased risk for venous thromboembolism (VTE). This condition is very rare in Malaysia and there has been no documented report. Thus, the aim of the present study is to investigate the type of an inherited anti-thrombin deficiency mutation in a 25-year-old Malay woman who presented with deep vein thrombosis in her first pregnancy. METHODS: DNA was extracted from the patient's blood sample and buccal mucosal swabs from family members. Polymerase chain reaction(PCR) assays were designed to cover all seven exons of the serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade C (antithrombin), member 1 (SERPINC1) gene; and the products were subjected to DNA sequencing. Sequences were referred to NCBI Reference Sequence: NG_012462.1. RESULTS: A heterozygous substitution mutation at nucleotide position 13267 (CCT->ACT) was identified in the patient and two other family members, giving a possible change of codon 439 (Pro→Thr) also known as anti-thrombin Budapest 5. The genotype was absent in 90 healthy controls. CONCLUSION: The study revealed a heterozygous antithrombin Budapest 5 mutation in SERPINC 1 giving rise to a possible anti-thrombin deficiency in a Malay-Malaysian family