220 research outputs found

    Efektivitas Penyaluran Dana Usaha Ekonomi Desa Simpan Pinjam (Ued-sp) Kepada Masyarakat di Desa Sungai Salak, Kecamatan Rambah Samo Kabupaten Rokan Hulu

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    Poverty is not only about economic issues, but the end result interrelation of social factors, economic, political and cultural. The number of poor people caused the economic growth to be slow. One form of government concern towards this is to create a program that Village Empowerment Program (PPD). In PPD, there are several forms of empowerment, one of which is a program of Rural Economic Enterprises - Savings and Loans (ued-SP) is in the form of government to provide loans or venture capital funding to communities to develop businesses in the community to do so as to improve the village economy. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the distribution of Fund Business Economy Village - Savings and Loans (ued-SP) and the factors that influence the effectiveness of channeling funds ued-SP in Sungai Salak Rambah Samo District of Rokan Hulu.The theory used is the theory of steers. This study uses descriptive qualitative data collection techniques of observation and interviews. The technique used in determining the informants of this study was purposive sampling technique.From the analysis of qualitative descriptive data found that the effectiveness of the distribution of Fund-SP ued in Sungai Salak District of Rokan Hulu Rambah Samo has been quite effective. It is seen from the participation of the community to use the proceeds from the SP-ued as venture capital, the smooth return of capital to the ued-SP and meningkatnay economy. In this research note that the factors that influence the effectiveness of channeling funds ued-SP in Sungai Salak District of Rokan Hulu Rambah Samo among other factors or not the organization is able to adapt to the environment and of the results of the research institute SP-ued in Sungai Salak already quite capable to adapt to the environment, both the community and the environment of the organization. Target Funds that are less effective, work productivity. Keywords: Effectiveness, Funds Distribution ued-S

    Pelaksanaan Fungsi Badan Permusyawaratan Desa (Bpd dalam Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan di Desa Pangkalan Pisang Kecamatan Koto Gasib Kabupaten Siak

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    This study aims to investigate the implementation of the function of BPD in Pangkalan Pisang, and to determine what factors are driving and inhibiting execution of these functions. The factors driving the implementation of the function of BPD in mind that (1) Coordination and cooperation among agencies, (2) the ability and experience of the board BPD community organizations. While inhibiting factor, namely, (1) People do not fully understand the functions performed by the BPD, resulting in the execution of the function BPD often have a discrepancy or difference of the community, and (2) lack of facilities and infrastructure supporting the implementation of the function. Therefore, the presence of various factors driving and inhibiting the function execution Village Consultative Body (BPD), resulting in the implementation of these functions can be run and also sometimes hampered in its execution. The theory used is the theory siagian. This study used a qualitative descriptive data collection techniques of observation and interviews. The theory used is the theory siagian. This study used a qualitative descriptive data collection techniques of observation and interviews. The results showed that the implementation of the functions known BPD (1) Function village set rules less accomplished because of constraints in its implementation, namely the lack of facilities and infrastructure supporting the implementation of the function, (2) Function accommodate public aspirations less done because there are still problems in implementation, namely community not yet fully understand the functions performed by the BPD, so that in the process of accommodating and aspirations of society often gets disagreement or debate of society, (3) Implementation of the oversight function has been implemented with good fit because it supported the implementation of coordination and cooperation between agencies in the village. The results showed that the implementation of the functions known BPD (1) Function village set rules less accomplished because of constraints in its implementation, namely the lack of facilities and infrastructure supporting the implementation of the function, (2) Function accommodate public aspirations less done because there are still problems in implementation, namely community not yet fully understand the functions performed by the BPD, so that in the process of accommodating and aspirations of society often gets disagreement or debate of society, (3) Implementation of the oversight function has been implemented with good fit because it supported the implementation of coordination and cooperation between agencies in the village. Keywords: Function, Implementation BPD Keywords: Function, Implementation BP

    Effects of short duration stress management training on self-perceived depression, anxiety and stress in male automotive assembly workers: a quasi-experimental study

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    To examine the effects of short duration stress management training (SMT) on self-perceived depression, anxiety and stress in male automotive assembly workers, 118 male automotive workers from Pekan, Pahang (n = 60, mean age = 40.0 years, SD = 6.67) and Kota Bharu, Kelantan (n = 58, mean age = 38.1 years, SD = 5.86) were assigned to experimental and control group, respectively. A SMT program consisting of aerobic exercise, stress management manual, video session, lecture, question and answer session, and pamphlet and poster session were conducted in the experimental group. A validated short-form Malay version of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS-21) were self-administered before and after the intervention program in the experimental and control group and their time and group interaction effects were examined using the repeated measure ANOVA test. Results indicated that the mean (SD) scores for DASS-Depression (p = 0.036) and DASS-Anxiety (p = 0.011) were significantly decreased, respectively, after the intervention program in the experimental group as compared to the control group (significant time-group interaction effects). No similar effect was observed for the mean (SD) scores for DASS-Stress (p = 0.104). However, the mean (SD) scores for subscales of DASS-Depression (Dysphoria, p = 0.01), DASS-Anxiety (Subjective Anxiety, p = 0.007, Situational Anxiety, p = 0.048), and DASS-Stress (Nervous Arousal, p = 0.018, Easily Upset, p = 0.047) showed significant time and group interaction effects. These findings suggest that short duration SMT is effective in reducing some aspects of self-perceived depression, anxiety and stress in male automotive workers

    Efektivitas Pemekaran Nagari Tandikek Utara Kecamatan Patamuan Kabupaten Padang Pariaman

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    Expansion is one of the effects phenomenon regional autonomy. Movementthe expansion of government admnistration area from top up level arrive down tolowest level namely the Villages in Minangkabau Culture at Province West Sumatra.The purpose are improving public service and the development of accelerated . In201o, expansion of north Tandikek the village with the status of increased ParamanTalang disk and Lubuk Laweh disk in accorded with together of agreement. Theproblems of this research are how the effectiveness of north Tandikek the VillagesPatamuan District Padang Pariaman Regency and the factors thats influence theeffectiveness.The research used effectiveness theory by Duncan. This theory consists ofthree variebel thats Achieved the goal, Integration and adaptation. The method ofthe research was qualitative using snowball sampling technique in selecting theinforman. Informan in this research Head Parts governmentof villages, headPatamuan District, Head North Tandikek Village and Community leaders northTandikek Villages.The result of this research it was found that effectivenesse expansion of northTandikek the village based on on the research conclusion enough effective. Based oneffectiveness theory by Duncan, evidently with many changes and significantprogress in alls area social,economy, education and culture in North TandikekVillage. The factors that influence are human resources, cooperation, facilities andinfrastructure and community participations. There was expansion get northTandikek the villages become the villages of progress and superior through trainingfoundationand the progressof human resources .Key word : Effectiveness, Expansion, village and North Tandikek the Villages

    Validation of two-dimensional video-based inference of finger kinematics with pose estimation

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    Accurate capture finger of movements for biomechanical assessments has typically been achieved within laboratory environments through the use of physical markers attached to a participant’s hands. However, such requirements can narrow the broader adoption of movement tracking for kinematic assessment outside these laboratory settings, such as in the home. Thus, there is the need for markerless hand motion capture techniques that are easy to use and accurate enough to evaluate the complex movements of the human hand. Several recent studies have validated lower-limb kinematics obtained with a marker-free technique, OpenPose. This investigation examines the accuracy of OpenPose, when applied to images from single RGB cameras, against a ‘gold standard’ marker-based optical motion capture system that is commonly used for hand kinematics estimation. Participants completed four single-handed activities with right and left hands, including hand abduction and adduction, radial walking, metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint flexion, and thumb opposition. The accuracy of finger kinematics was assessed using the root mean square error. Mean total active flexion was compared using the Bland–Altman approach, and the coefficient of determination of linear regression. Results showed good agreement for abduction and adduction and thumb opposition activities. Lower agreement between the two methods was observed for radial walking (mean difference between the methods of 5.03°) and MCP flexion (mean difference of 6.82°) activities, due to occlusion. This investigation demonstrated that OpenPose, applied to videos captured with monocular cameras, can be used for markerless motion capture for finger tracking with an error below 11° and on the order of that which is accepted clinically
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