189 research outputs found

    Sistem Pendidikan Islam Menurut H.o.s Cokroaminoto (Konsep Muslim Nasional Onderwijs, Historis Dan Globalisasi)

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    H.O.S. Cokroaminoto is one of the imprtant figures in Indonesian education. He was famous with his concern in education, especially with his briliant concept of Moeslim National Ondewijs, an educational concept adressed to natives of Indonesia. In his concept of Moeslim National Ondewijs, H.O.S. Cokroaminoto explained the principles of democracy and society on the basis of Islam. The principles were then applied in the teaching of Aqidah Akhlaq, Qur'an and Hadits, Fiqih, The History of Islamic Culture, etc. those are the ideal materials that should be taught at schools. Besides concerning with cognitive aspects, education should care about: 1) growing sense of independence and democracy; 2) bravery, sincerity, and truth; 3) spirituality, good attitude and behavior; 4) religiosity and simplicity. The concepts are relevant to be applied in Islamic education of the present time

    Statistical shape modelling of the first carpometacarpal joint reveals high variation in morphology

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    The first carpometacarpal (CMC) joint, located at the base of the thumb and formed by the junction between the first metacarpal and trapezium, is a common site for osteoarthritis of the hand. The shape of both the first metacarpal and trapezium contributes to the intrinsic bony stability of the jointandvariability in the morphology of both these bones can affect the joint’s function. The objectivesof this study wereto quantify the morphological variation of the complete metacarpal and trapeziumand determine anycorrelation between anatomical features ofthese two components of the first CMC joint. A multi-object statistical shape modelling pipeline, consisting of scaling, hierarchical rigid registration, non-rigid registration and projection pursuit principal component analysis, was implemented. Four anatomical measureswere quantified from the shape model, namely the first metacarpal articular tilt and torsion angles and the trapeziumlength and width.Variationsin the first metacarpal articulartilt angle (-6.3°<θ<12.3°) and trapezium width (10.28mm <<11.13mm)wereidentified in the firstprincipal component. In the second principal component, variationsin the first metacarpal14torsion angle (0.2°<α<14.2°), first metacarpal articular tilt angle (1.0°<θ<6.4°) and trapezium length (12.25mm <ℓ<17.33mm)weredetermined. Due to their implications for joint stability, the first metacarpal articular tilt angle and trapezium width maybe important anatomical features which couldbe used toadvance early detectionand treatment offirst CMC joint osteoarthritis

    Formulasi Sediaan Lilin Aromaterapi sebagai Anti Nyamuk dari Minyak Atsiri Daun Nilam (Pogostemon Cablin Benth) Kombinasi Minyak Atsiri Buah Jeruk Nipis (Citrus Aurantifolia Swingle)

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    Aromaterapi secara inhalasi yaitu penghirupan uap aroma yang dihasilkan dari beberapa tetes minyak atsiri. Daun nilam dan buah jeruk nipis mengandung minyak atsiri yang berfungsi sebagai aromaterapi dan repelen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat sediaan lilin aromaterapi sebagai anti nyamuk dari minyak atsiri daun nilam kombinasi minyak atsiri buah jeruk nipis. Penelitian dilakukan secara eksperimen dengan membuat sediaan lilin aromaterapi dengan uji evaluasi fisik lilin meliputi uji organoleptik yaitu warna dan aroma, uji kualitas lilin yaitu titik leleh dan waktu bakar, uji efektifitas lilin terhadap nyamuk, dan uji kesukaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sediaan yang dibuat memiliki warna sama dan aroma berbeda, karena konsentrasi minyak atsiri yang bervariasi, titik leleh antara 44 ̊C – 57 ̊C sesuai syarat evaluasi fisik lilin menurut SNI 42 ̊C – 60 ̊C, waktu bakar formula A yang paling lama karena konsentrasi minyak atsiri lebih sedikit, efektifitas lilin cukup optimal dalam mengusir nyamuk, dan formula yang paling disukai adalah formula C

    Pengembangan Strategic Business Unit Perhutani Unit III Jawa Barat dan Banten

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan 1) menganalisis kemampuan inovasi dan daya saing Strategic Business Unit (SBU) di Kesatuan Bisnis Mandiri (KBM) Industri dan 2) merumuskan kebijakan alternatif yang dapat meningkatkan inovasi dan daya saing Perusahaan. Penelitian dilakukan pada KBM Industri dan SBU yang ada didalam KBM Industri. Informasi dan data didapat melalui wawancara dan penyebaran kuesioner kepada responden dengan jumlah sebanyak 10 orang. Responden yang diambil bersangkutan dengan topik penelitian ini dan mempunyai keahlian dan atau pengalaman pada bidang yang dikaji. Teknik pengolahan data menggunakan analisis SWOT dan analytic hierarchy process. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah KBM Industri Unit III memiliki kekuatan dan peluang untuk melakukan ekspansi, memperbesar pertumbuhan dan meraih kemajuan secara maksimal dengan meningkatkan kualitas, mengembangkan produk baru, memperbaiki proses dan meningkatkan akses ke pasar yang lebih luas. Potensi inovasi Perusahaan juga dapat dilihat dari inovasi proses-produk, inovasi pengetahuan-ketrampilan dan inovasi metode-sistem. Pada KBM Industri Unit III potensi tersebut meliputi potensi bahan baku, peralatan proses dan produk Peningkatan inovasi Perusahaan dipengaruhi oleh faktor utama organisasi dengan nilai 0,436 dan aktor yang paling berpengaruh adalah sumber daya manusia dengan nilai 0,398. Tujuan utamanya adalah perbaikan proses dengan nilai 0,756. Peningkatan inovasi Perusahaan dapat dicapai melalui prioritas strategi, yaitu kerja sama dengan pihak lain/ekternal dengan bobot 0,703 dan mengoptimalkan penelitian dan pengembangan atau membuat penelitian dan pengembangan yang berdekatan dengan SBU dengan bobot 0,297

    Uji Beberapa Konsentrasi Ekstrak Tepung Akar Tuba (Derris Eliptica Benth.) untuk Mengendalikan Hama Ulat Api Setora Nitens Wlk. (Lepidoptera; Limacodidae) pada Tanamankelapa Sawit (Elaeis Guineensis Jacq.)

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    Nettle caterpillar Setora nitens Walker. is one of the major pests of oil palm plant. The use of synthetic chemical pesticides to control pest has many negative impacts such a pest resistance, pest resurgence and environmental pollution. To reduce the negative impacts cause by synthetic chemical pesticides, then application of the alternative pest control using botanical insecticides such as Derris eliptica Benth. Which is environmentally friendly is needed. This research is aims to test the effectiveness of some concentration of Derris eliptica Benth. root powder and to obtain the proper concentration to control Setora nitens Wlk. on oil palm plant (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.). This research was conducted at the Laboratory of Plant Pest and in the Technical Unit (UPT), Experimental Field Faculty of Agriculture, University of Riau. Using completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 4 replications. The treatments one 30 g Derris eliptica root powder/litre of water (30 g/l water) , namely AT 2, (40 g/l of water) , AT 3 (50 g/l of water) , AT 4 (60 g/l of water) and AT 5 (70 g/l of water). Data has been analyzed using analysis of variance and furthen testing using Duncan's New Mulitiple Range Test at the 5% level. The result of the result research indicate that concentration of 50 g/l of water is an effective concentration to kill S. nitens because cause total mortality 84.37% , early death of S. nitens achieved in 2,5 hours. Lethal concentration of Derris root powder kill 95% of test insects S. nitens larvae was 5.5% , equivalent to 55 g/l of water, within the range of approaches to 50 and 60 g/l of water of treatments
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