6 research outputs found

    Decision-Making Supporting Models Concerning the Internal Security of the State

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    In the digital society, states’ information security has become one of the key elements of ensuring the competitiveness and sustainable development of the state, guaranteeing its integrity and security in general. An important component of state security is the internal security of the state, which must ensure the personal and public safety of its citizens. Modern Ukraine is building a new system of criminal justice, which requires a new information system for risk assessment and support for optimal decision-making. Today, applied research and the development of information and analytical software for the internal security of the state have acquired a special meaning.In the paper, there is built a set of models for providing operational information for decision-making in criminal justice. This is a cluster model for creating criminal profiles of convicts, and a scoring model for identifying individual characteristics of criminals that have the greatest impact on their propensity to re-offend. The obtained models can provide reliable support for decision-making in the field of criminal justice and become part of the information support system for the internal security of Ukraine in general

    Decision-Making Supporting Models Concerning the Internal Security of the State

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    In the digital society, states’ information security has become one of the key elements of ensuring the competitiveness and sustainable development of the state, guaranteeing its integrity and security in general. An important component of state security is the internal security of the state, which must ensure the personal and public safety of its citizens. Modern Ukraine is building a new system of criminal justice, which requires a new information system for risk assessment and support for optimal decision-making. Today, applied research and the development of information and analytical software for the internal security of the state have acquired a special meaning. In the paper, there is built a set of models for providing operational information for decision-making in criminal justice. This is a cluster model for creating criminal profiles of convicts, and a scoring model for identifying individual characteristics of criminals that have the greatest impact on their propensity to reoffend. The obtained models can provide reliable support for decision-making in the field of criminal justice and become part of the information support system for the internal security of Ukraine in general

    Servicewomen’s Personal Traits

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    The article reveals the theoretical substantiation and empirical research of the servicewomen’s personal traits on the basis of theoretical analysis of scientific, methodological literature. A woman in order to perform military duties must have more or less muscular traits, such as stoutness, perseverance, determination, ability to manage, willingness to take risks, dominance, courage, propensity for leadership, organizational skills, self-sufficiency, independence, strength, and so on. The personal traits of women such as increased emotionality, softness, tactfulness, sensitivity, ability to empathize, tendency to intuitive comprehension of reality, clear maternal orientation have been substantiated. Psychological analysis of servicewomen professional activities indicates that most military service is influenced by such needs as success and power, a sense of social significance of service, participation in solving national problems, proving the value of one’s own personality, self-affirmation through one’s own career. Assessment of the personal qualities of women oriented to military service made it possible to determine that in the characteristics of this category dominate power, dominance, confidence, self-control, etc. It has been proven that the gender identity of servicewomen is the result of an active process that takes place continuously during ontogenesis and is accompanied by a person’s sense of continuity, identity and certainty due to belonging to a certain individual unity. The analysis of the formal-dynamic properties of individuality revealed that, on average, female servicemen show themselves as active, purposeful, determined, with average overall mobility (in all spheres) and low sensitivity adapted to living conditions and military service.</em

    The Canonical Discriminant Model of the Environmental Security Threats

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    The existence of modern humanity directly depends on environmental security. Human society, biodiversity, ecosystems, and climate safety are interdependent. The anthropogenic influence that causes irreversible climate change threatens both the ecosystem’s existence and humans’ survival. To maintain a balance between human well-being and a safe environment, it is important to have a diverse knowledge of the interrelations between the technological impact on the natural environment and climate change and an understanding of action strategies to mitigate climate change and ensure sustainable development. Applying a scientific approach, data analytics, and data science tools can effectively support climate change mitigation and prevent a climate disaster. Based on the components of the climate change performance index (CCPI) 2023 for 59 countries and the EU, a canonical discriminant model was built to identify the significant factors that influence the assessment of the effectiveness of climate protection in a particular country or region and the assessment of climate risks. It can be used to assess the level of climate protection effectiveness of countries that have not defined the CCPI 2023. Based on empirical data, we have determined the real weights of the relevant CCPI components in relation to the effectiveness of actions aimed at reducing global warming. We have established that there are additional factors important for assessing climate protection, but the CCPI rating does not consider them. We conducted a comparative analysis of the CCPI index and the sustainable development goals (SDG) index. The study establishes that the differences in environmental protection among the world’s countries do not determine the assessment of the level of sustainable development of the world’s countries. The obtained results can provide information to support decision-making in developing effective strategies and urgent actions to ensure climate protection

    Combined Pseudo-Random Sequence Generator for Cybersecurity

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    Random and pseudo-random number and bit sequence generators with a uniform distribution law are the most widespread and in demand in the market of pseudo-random generators. Depending on the specific field of application, the requirements for their implementation and the quality of the generator’s output sequence change. In this article, we have optimized the structures of the classical additive Fibonacci generator and the modified additive Fibonacci generator when they work together. The ranges of initial settings of structural elements (seed) of these generators have been determined, which guarantee acceptable statistical characteristics of the output pseudo-random sequence, significantly expanding the scope of their possible application, including cybersecurity. When studying the statistical characteristics of the modified additive Fibonacci generator, it was found that they significantly depend on the signal from the output of the logic circuit entering the structure. It is proved that acceptable statistical characteristics of the modified additive Fibonacci generator, and the combined generator realized on its basis, are provided at odd values of the module of the recurrent equation describing the work of such generator. The output signal of the combined generator has acceptable characteristics for a wide range of values of the initial settings for the modified additive Fibonacci generator and the classic additive Fibonacci generator. Regarding the use of information security, it is worth noting the fact that for modern encryption and security programs, generators of random numbers and bit sequences and approaches to their construction are crucial and critical

    Modelowanie zrównoważonego rozwoju regionalnego podczas kryzysu i wojny w Ukrainie

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    The article investigates the impact of force majeure crisis factors that appeared in the Ukrainian economy as a&nbsp;result of the global recession, the events of 2014-2021: annexation of Crimea, temporary occupation of part of the industrial territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, military operations in Donbas, during the fight against pandemic (COVID-19) and war in 2022 on the stable development of regions. Based on the analysis of official indicators of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, it was proved that the said factors create additional multiplier and acceleration effects that adversely affect the dynamics of the gross regional product in the crisis conditions. It has been determined that the result of these effects is the transformation of crisis signals from a proactive to an active phase. The construction of a heat map of GRP correlation indicators made it possible to determine the existence of a&nbsp;disbalance between the economic and social development of the regions. Building a model of linear regression, allowed us to draw conclusions about the existing disbalance of GRP regions during the crisis and war.Artykuł bada wpływ czynników kryzysowych o charakterze siły wyższej, które pojawiły się w ukraińskiej gospodarce w wyniku globalnej recesji, wydarzeń z lat 2014-2021: aneksja Krymu, tymczasowa okupacja części terenów przemysłowych obwodów donieckiego i ługańskiego, wojskowe operacje w Donbasie, walka z pandemią (COVID-19) i wojny w 2022 r. Na podstawie analizy oficjalnych wskaźników Państwowej Służby Statystyki Ukrainy wykazano, że czynniki te tworzą dodatkowy mnożnik efektów akceleracyjnych, które niekorzystnie wpływają na dynamikę produktu regionalnego brutto w warunkach kryzysowych. Stwierdzono, że skutkiem tych efektów jest przekształcenie sygnałów kryzysowych z fazy proaktywnej w aktywną. Konstrukcja wskaźników korelacji mapy cieplnej GRP pozwoliła na stwierdzenie istnienia dysproporcji między rozwojem gospodarczym i społecznym regionów. Zbudowanie modelu regresji liniowej pozwoliło na wyciągnięcie wniosków na temat istniejącej dysproporcji regionów GRP w okresie kryzysu i wojny