24 research outputs found

    Indigenous Peoples’ Rights in Russian North: Main Challenges and Prospects for Future Development

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    Resource Extraction from Territories of Indigenous Minority Peoples in the Russian North: International Legal and Domestic Regulation

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    The existing system of international legal and domestic protection of indigenous minority peoples’ interests in the Russian North concerning mining on their territories is analyzed in this article. This is an especially urgent issue due to the number of indigenous minority peoples in the Russian North who still keep to their traditional way of life (reindeer herding, hunting, fishing, and gathering). The article is drawn from the author’s personal experience and field work in the Russian North, where he met with local NGO leaders, authorities, and representatives of indigenous minority peoples (Nenets). The novelty of the work is that the author uses both legal analysis of source documents as well as empirical methods during the course of the research, and comes to conclusions which could have practical significance for Russian legislation.Keywords: indigenous minority peoples, aborigines, Russian Northern Territories, natural resources, traditional way of life.Citation: Arctic Review on Law and Politics, vol. 4, 1/2013 pp. 4–20. ISSN 1891-625

    Theoretical Aspects of Migration and its Impact on Political Processes

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    The authors of the paper set the goal of examining the theoretical aspects of migration and showing the relationship between the influence of this social phenomenon on the political processes of the state and state policy in general. The authors highlight the main interdisciplinary approaches to the definition of the term “migration” with the aim of concretizing it in political science within the framework of the study. The study also answers the question of the relationship between "policy" and "politics" within a migration policy by comparing "state migration policy" and "migration policy", concerning which there is a different interpretation. The object of research is migration. The subject is migration policy and state migration policy. The topic is relevant because in the early 2000s migration acquired a new global scale under the influence of many heterogeneous factors often caused by adverse economic, social and socio-psychological conditions, as well as military conflicts of an interreligious and ethnopolitical nature. The research uses systemic, comparative, institutional, and ethnopolitical approaches. The systematization of approaches presents the scientific novelty to the definition of migration, as well as by the mutual influence of migration processes and political and administrative decisions

    Influence of the porosity structure of road concrete on its durability

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    Cement-concrete pavements of roads and airfields are the most durable type of pavement. The design service life of cement-concrete pavements is 40-50 years, in Russia this period is 20-25 years, and for asphalt-concrete pavements is 10-15 years. The real, actual overhaul period of asphalt concrete pavements, is much lower than the design one (according to the Federal Road Agency of Russia «Rosavtodor», on average, 3-5 years or even less), therefore, work aimed at increasing the durability of cementconcrete pavements is of particular relevance. The main technical parameters of road concrete that characterize its durability are compressive strength, flexural tensile strength, water absorption and others. The most important parameter is the frost resistance of concrete, which is primarily influenced by the structure of the pore space. This paper shows the way of obtaining concretes based on aggregates, the frost resistance of which is lower than the frost resistance of the resulting concrete

    La notion de « langue native » et les mécanismes juridiques de son développement chez les peuples autochtones numériquement faibles du Nord de la Russie

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    Il s’agit ici de retracer les droits des peuples autochtones numériquement faibles du Nord de la Russie qui sont les moins protégés du point de vue social et qui constituent une variété particulière de ce type de peuples et un groupe à part parmi les minorités nationales sur le territoire de ce pays. Une analyse diachronique est proposée sur la question des minorités de la Russie tsariste, en particulier dans les Statuts du 22 juillet 1822, à nos jours en passant par l’époque soviétique.La notion de « langue native » est présentée et il est précisé que la notion de « peuples autochtones numériquement faibles » est caractéristique notamment pour la Russie car, dans la législation internationale, l’indicateur de quantité faible n’est pas utilisé comme un attribut nécessaire des peuples autochtones. Des critères principaux déterminant le peuple comme peuple autochtone numériquement faible de la Fédération de Russie sont également distingués.Ce travail aborde aussi les mécanismes juridiques du développement de la langue native parmi les peuples autochtones numériquement faibles de la Russie. Les documents du droit international ratifiés ou non par la Fédération de Russie sont analysés ainsi que les statuts principaux des actes normatifs russes. Il en ressort en conclusion la nécessité de l’adoption de lois et de programmes spéciaux pour créer des conditions favorables à la protection et au développement des peuples autochtones.В статье речь пойдет о правах коренных малочисленных народов Севера России. Они являются наименее защищенными с социальной точки зрения и представляют собой особую группу народов и отдельную группу среди национальных меньшинств на территории страны. Мы предлагаем диахронический анализ по вопросам меньшинств в царской России, а именно в Статусах от 22 июля 1822-го, в советскую эпоху и по сегодняшний день.Нами будет представлено понятие «родной язык» и уточнено, чтопонятие«коренныемалочисленныенароды» характерно, впервую очередь, для России, потому что в международном праве показатель небольшого количества не используется в качестве необходимого признака коренных народов. Также мы покажем основные критерии для определения народа как коренного малочисленного народа Российской Федерации.В этой работе речь также пойдет о правовых механизмах развития родного языка среди коренных малочисленных народов России. Будут проанализированы документы международного права, ратифицированные или нет Российской Федерацией, и основные статьи российских законодательных актов. В заключении хотелось бы отметить необходимость принятия законов и специальных программ по созданию благоприятных условий для защиты и развития коренных народов