142 research outputs found

    Inelastic scattering dynamics of ammonia with small molecules

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    Crossed molecular beam velocity map imaging (VMI) is employed to state-selectively record the NH3 inelastic scattering products from collisions with a series of colliders; atomic Ar, diatomic D2, and the polyatomics CH4, C2H6 and C(CH3)4. The differential cross sections (DCSs) presented for NH3-Ar expand on the existing literature. The angular distribution of the scattering is found to exhibit a dependence on the angular momentum projection quantum number (k) of the NH3 product state in addition to the known dependency on the total angular momentum quantum number (J). It is found that for increasing k the total scattering into sideways and backwards angles (θ ≥ 60°) decreases. For the smallest molecular colliders D2 and CH4 co-excitation is observed. DCSs are presented for each NH3 product state and evidence of separate D2 co-excitation channels is obtained by a new extraction method for acquiring multiple DCSs from a single VMI image. The promotion of D2 into the JD2 = 3 rotational level exhibits an unusual propensity for excitation at larger impact parameters. It is proposed that this is due to interactions at larger distances with attractive regions of the potential energy surface (PES), at smaller impact parameters the steeper gradient of the PES inhibits coexcitation. The DCSs of NH3 scattering with methane, ethane and neopentane exhibit a striking similarity across all three systems and when comparing individual NH3 product states from a single collider. The DCSs are all dominated by forwards scattering angles (θ ≤ 60°) for all NH3 collisional excitations. The dominant mechanism suggested is a “tug-of- war” type trajectory, however calculations are required for confirmation of this interaction.EPSRC grant number EP/J002534


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    Students with autism face many difficulties in the classroom and with everyday tasks outside of the classroom. In the classroom, they face difficulties with academic focus, communication skills, and behavioral management. Knowing this, academics, communication, and behavior were all evaluated. This thesis was written to decipher the effects of sensory tools on students with autism in the classroom and decide if sensory tools should be used more often in the classroom and at home. Sensory tools are a relatively new therapy idea. They are a wide range of tools that have all different functions and purposes. Some schools and families have adopted these tools while others are still skeptical of their productivity. The information in this thesis was collected through both a literature review and a study

    Critical Care Nurses at Higher Risk of Burnout

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    In practice today, units with high intensity, stress, and patient needs are being burnt-out quickly due to patients’ intense needs, uncertain outcomes, and the ongoing witnessing of suffering and death. The purpose of this paper is to determine if there is a significant relationship between critical care units, and a high risk of nurses who work on those units exhibiting more characteristics of burnout. The study was done to gauge burnout, strength, and prevalence of moral distress, differentiated moral distress from day-to-day stressors, and determine fortitude and other aspects indicative of resilience. There was a cross-sectional survey model to test the exposure of a high-stress nursing unit. Data from nurses completing six surveys and a sociodemographic data sheet was analyzed and summarized by a software. The methods hospitals are trying are multidimensional, but nurses are finding support strategies to reduce their fatigue, which is a better factor in nurse retention. The results proved the hypothesis to be true; there is a direct correlation between critical care units and a high risk of nurses who work on those units exhibiting more characteristics of burn out. Overall, nurses are feeling low levels of personal accomplishment and if this problem keeps occurring then there will be even more difficulty within high intensity units

    Water Requirement for Coal Slurry Transportation

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    The amount of water required for coal slurry transportation is a function of the coal properties and the magnitude of coal movement. The pipeline system characteristics and the method of slurry preparation also affects the overall water requirement of the system. In the present study methodologies are developed based on reported and modified coal slurry flow correlation equations to determine the quantity of water needed under various coal transport and flow conditions. Auxiliary water requirements including start-up and flushing water storage; related evaporation and seepage losses are also included. A computer program and several monographs are presented to provide a quantitative estimation of water requirements for fine to coarse coal slurry transport. The results are useful to the slurry pipeline design engineers in providing essential information for state and local water allocation policy determination

    Mutations: Their Causes and Effects

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    Facts concerning mutations, the recent findings in this area of biological science, and the manJ'- ramifications of mutations and their effects have not been and are not now common knowledge to teachers of biology and other sciences. Many teachers of science in high schools suffer a deficit of knowledge in this area of science. Most biology textbooks do not adequately cover this aspect of genetics and many which do are outdated. The purpose of this report is to present some of the more imports.nt facts and concepts of mutation so that any person with a minimum of science for a background can understand more about this biological phenomenon. The report strives to give the partial explanation of mutation causation as indicated in the literature which was surveyed, and to show how mutations may affect man. This report is not intended to be a technical scientific report, but rather a general over all report that can be understood easily by any person having a small amount of scientific knowledge.Natural Scienc

    Updating the Secondary Transition Research Base: Evidence- and Research-Based Practices in Functional Skills

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    Transition education should be grounded in quality research. To do so, educators need information on which practices are effective for teaching students with disabilities transition-related skills. The purpose of this systematic literature review was to identify evidence-based and research-based practices in secondary special education and transition for students with disabilities. This systematic review resulted in the identification of nine secondary transition evidence-based practices and 22 research-based practices across more than 45 different transition-related skills. The range of effects for each of the secondary transition evidence-based and research-based practices identified are also included. Limitations and implications for future research, policy, and practice are discussed