93 research outputs found

    If Japan was a Person

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    The language memoir has informed a wealth of research on multilingualism. Polly Barton’s book 50 Sounds (2021), in which she narrates her experience of moving to Japan as part of the Japan Exchange and Teaching Programme, is another example of autobiographical writing with rich insight into LX learning. The article examines Barton’s exploration of relationships in and with an LX and reflects on the importance of transferential phenomena in LX acquisition. Parallels between LX and L1 learning during infancy are also investigated. The findings seem relevant for a psychodynamic understanding of LX learning that takes object relations into account and will hopefully result in more research

    Intestinal infection with Echinococcus multilocularis in a dog.

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    OBJECTIVE To raise veterinary awareness of a newly recognized parasitic threat to canine and human health, highlight the increasing availability of molecular parasitological diagnostics and the need to implement best practices of cestocidal use in high-risk dogs. ANIMAL A young Boxer dog with vomiting and bloody diarrhea, suspected diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease. CLINICAL PRESENTATION, PROGRESSION, AND PROCEDURES Bloodwork revealed inflammation, dehydration, and protein loss, addressed with supportive therapy. Fecal culture revealed only Escherichia coli. On centrifugal flotation, tapeworm eggs (which could be Taenia or Echinococcus spp) and, unusually, adult cestodes of Echinococcus were observed. The referring veterinarian was contacted to initiate immediate treatment with a cestocide due to zoonotic potential. Diagnosis was confirmed with a coproPCR which has higher sensitivity for Echinococcus spp than fecal flotation alone. DNA was identical to an introduced European strain of E multilocularis currently emerging in dogs, people, and wildlife. Since dogs can also self-infect and develop hepatic alveolar echinococcosis (severe and often fatal), this was ruled out using serology and abdominal ultrasound. TREATMENT AND OUTCOME Following cestocidal treatment, fecal flotation and coproPCR were negative for eggs and DNA of E multilocularis; however, coccidia were detected and diarrhea resolved following treatment with sulfa-based antibiotics. CLINICAL RELEVANCE This dog was serendipitously diagnosed with E multilocularis, acquired through ingestion of a rodent intermediate host likely infected from foxes and coyotes. Therefore, as a dog at high risk of reexposure from eating rodents, regular (ideally monthly) treatment with a labeled cestocide is indicated going forward

    Großschutzgebiete, BiodiversitĂ€t und rĂ€umliche Planung

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    Positionen 1 Stellenwert von Großschutzgebieten in der rĂ€umlichen Planung stĂ€rken 2 ZustĂ€ndigkeiten von Großschutzgebieten klarer regeln und administrative Struk-turen harmonisieren 3 Monitoring und QualitĂ€tsmanagement von Großschutzgebieten sicherstellen 4 Neben klassischem Naturschutz mehr Prozessschutz: Dynamik in Großschutz-gebieten zulassen 5 Großschutzgebiete bundesweit einheitlich zonieren 6 Ökosystemleistungen von Großschutzgebieten stĂ€rker fĂŒr Kommunikation und rĂ€umliche Planung nutzen 7 Neue Strategien fĂŒr den Umgang mit aktuellen Herausforderungen wie demo-graphischem Wandel, Klimawandel und Bodenspekulation in Großschutzgebieten ent-wickel

    Teaching for Reflection : Folk High School Teachers’ Descriptions of How They Facilitate Their Students’ Reflection

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    I ett flertal teorier inom fĂ€ltet vuxnas lĂ€rande, liksom i dokument i specifika skolformer inom svensk vuxenutbildning, ges begreppet reflektion en frontposition i relation till lĂ€rande. Begreppet Ă€r dock problematiskt i att det har flera olika innebörder som inte nödvĂ€ndigtvis harmonierar med varandra. Vidare saknar skolformer i utbildningssystemet didaktiska riktlinjer för utformningen av undervisning. Ett spĂ€nningsfĂ€lt kan skönjas hĂ€r, mellan Ă„ ena sidan explicita krav pĂ„ reflektion i dokument med bĂ€ring pĂ„ specifika skolformers verksamhet, och Ă„ andra sidan teoretisk och didaktisk oklarhet kring begreppet reflektion.     Syftet med uppsatsen Ă€r att identifiera folkhögskollĂ€rares beskrivningar av hur de utformar undervisning för deltagares reflektion. Den kvalitativa metodansatsen Ă€r tematisk analys och det empiriska datamaterialet bestĂ„r av intervjuer med sex folkhögskollĂ€rare.     Resultaten av analysen gestaltas i fem övergripande teman av beskrivningar: samtal utformas som perspektivvidgning och Ă„terkoppling bĂ„de i det fysiska och virtuella klassrummet; skrivande utformas via chatt eller för hand genom dikt- och brevskrivande eller som textframstĂ€llningar i linje med olika skrivgenrer. Dessutom som formuleringar i punkt- eller verbform, som skrivstafett eller som reflektion utifrĂ„n givna frĂ„gor och uppgifter; frĂ„gor utformas dels med öppna frĂ„gor som inleds med Vad, Hur, Varför, Vilka och Var och dels som ja/nej-frĂ„gor; samspel utformas i helgrupp, i smĂ„grupper eller enskilt med lĂ€raren; intryck utformas med textbaserade och visuellt baserade material, auditivt och audiovisuellt material, dofter och gemensamma upplevelser.In several theories within the field of Adult learning, as well as in specific documents in Swedish Adult education, reflection is given a front position in relation to students’ learning. However, the concept of reflection is problematic in that it has various meanings that do not necessarily harmonize. Furthermore, school forms in the educational system lack guidelines for the design of teaching. A conflict can be discerned here. A conflict between, on the one hand, explicit demands on reflection in documents relevant to specific school forms, and, on the other hand, a lack of clarity concerning the theory and design of reflection in teaching. The aim of this paper is to identify Folk High School teachers’ descriptions of how they design teaching to facilitate their students’ reflection. The qualitative method is thematic analysis and the empirical material consists of interviews with six Folk High School teachers. The results of the analysis are illustrated in five overall themes of descriptions; discussion is designed as broadening of perspectives and feedback in the virtual, as well as physical class room; writing is designed as online chat or by hand, with poetry and letter writing or as texts of various genres. In addition/moreover, as expressions in point- or verb form, as “writing relay” or as reflection based on given questions or assignments; questions are partly designed open-ended, beginning with What, How, Why, Who, and Where, and partly as yes-no questions; interaction is designed plenary, in small groups, or individually with the teacher; impressions are designed with text-based and visually-based materials, auditory and audiovisual materials, fragrances, and shared experiences

    Constructing the ideal youth recreation leader : A Foucault inspired analysis

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    Youth recreation centres in Sweden are significant venues for youth to engage in meaningful activities, as a way to counteract increased segregation and social tension. The professionals promoting young people’s social inclusion and fostering positive personal development in this context, are youth recreation leaders. Since young people’s informal learning is construed in relation to youth recreation centre attendance, a question of these leaders’ professionalism is actualized. What knowledge and competencies are needed - and valued as important - to be a ‘good’ youth recreation leader? The aim of this thesis is to explore how the youth recreation leader is shaped and governed through discourses on youth recreational work. How is the discourse shaped, and what kind of subjectivity emerges through it? Drawing on Michel Foucault’s concepts discourse, subjectivity, governmentality, and technologies of power and the self, the thesis analyses policy texts on youth recreation leader education and professional practice, as well as youth recreation leader educators’ talk about the youth recreation leader. The analysis illustrates how four subject positions emerge and are made possible through current discourses on youth recreational work - the democratic, relational, recreation-anchored, and reflective youth recreation leader. These subjectivities are enmeshed in power-relations through which they are fostered into governing themselves and others, i.e. the conduct of conduct. Government operates, for example, through students’ use of portfolios and personal reflection as confession

    Ovulation and calcium metabolism in white leghorn hens (Gallus gallus)

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    Calcium status is a major factor in the regulation of reproductive activity in the hen. Restriction of dietary calcium (Ca) or vitamin D (D) is assumed to cause cessation of ovulation through decreased plasma calcium concentrations. Several studies suggest that there may be a threshold level of ionized calcium (Cai) below which ovulation will not proceed. The objectives of this thesis were to determine how Cai concentration is involved in the process of ovulation by comparing Ca and D-deficient hens, that had ceased laying, with control birds that were laying normally. A secondary objective was to determine the effects of multiple blood sampling (MBS) on the hen's ovulatory cycle. SCWL hens were divided into three groups-control, Ca-deficient and D-deficient groups and fed respective diets. Control birds were serially sampled every two hrs for 24-26 hrs immediately after oviposition until the next oviposition. Deficient birds, that had ceased laying for 10 to 14 days, were sampled at the same time. MBS was achieved with an indwelling vascular access port. Six birds/experimental group were used. Control birds were bled two weeks later from late afternoon until the following day at the same time. Whole blood was analyzed for Cai. Separated plasma was analyzed for total calcium (Cat), inorganic phosphorus (Pi), estrogen (E₂), progesterone (P₄) and l,25(OH)₂D₃ concentrations. Tibiae were ashed for mineral content. In expt. 1, the effect of MBS on the ovulatory pattern of hormones and ions was observed by sampling control birds twice, using two different time courses. Patterns and concentrations of the hormones and ions, regardless of time course, were similar to previous studies. Overall treatment effects were only significant between treatments with regards to total calcium and estradiol concentrations. The large loss of plasma proteins during the bleeding regime resulted in a steady decline in Cat over the 26 hrs, however, it was still within the physiological range of laying birds. . E₂ concentrations were also affected due to interruption of the laying sequence. However, this can be avoided since some birds continued to lay. In expt. 2, the control group had significantly higher mean plasma Cat and Pi concentrations and bone ash than both the deficient groups. Control and D-deficient groups had similar mean Cai concentrations, however, the ovulatory profile of the control group had a significant cyclic pattern over the 24-26 hrs, whereas, both deficient groups did not vary significantly over the 24 hrs. Plasma Pi concentration in the control group, not previously described, was cyclic in nature, related to the egg laying cycle. Plasma l,25(OH)₂D₃ concentrations were significantly higher in the Ca-deficient group than the control group. D-deficient birds had detectable levels of plasma 1,25(OH)₂D₃, but it was significantly lower than the control group. Plasma E₂ and P₄ concentrations were significantly higher in the control group In conclusion, it would appear that an inter-relationship exists among Cai, Pi and 1,25(0H)₂D₃ and the reproductive hormones. A threshold concentration of Cai may be the trigger for ovulation, perceived at the level of the pituitary, hypothalamus or ovary. A threshold of Pi and a window of l,25(OH)₂D₃ concentration may also have permissive roles in ovulation. In addition, MBS, regardless of time course, can be used as a method for determining ovulatory profiles in individual birds without seriously affecting ionic and hormonal concentrations and patterns.Land and Food Systems, Faculty ofGraduat

    Variation in Folk High School Teachers’ Conceptions of Reflection : Broadening the Understanding of Reflection in Swedish Popular Education

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    The concept of reflection expressed as different types of thinking is explicitly given an essential role in specific strands of international discourses on lifelong learning and education. Meanwhile, some researchers consider reflection problematic and point to the lack of consensus on its meaning in theory and practice. Assuming that there are varied conceptualizations and that arguments for learning of reflective skills are deemed sound, it follows that it would be especially meaningful to find out how professionals responsible for educational practices understand the concept. As this kind of research appears scarce in adult education, an exploration may contribute to knowledge underlying what teachers do ‘in the name of reflection’. The pedagogy in Swedish popular education is of special interest as it ideally centers adults' participation and reflection with others to facilitate learning. Furthermore, the curriculum is not regulated in law which may indicate a wide variety of interpretations of the teaching mission including its key concepts. Therefore, the aim of this phenomenography inspired study is to identify the variation in folk high school teachers’ (n=7) conceptions of reflection in Swedish popular education. Based on analysis of semi-structured interviews, it is argued that the results in some sense broaden the understanding of reflection in revealing three different categories of descriptions. These categories are; reflection as a process fostering understanding of experiences, reflection as a tool facilitating learning and development, and reflection as a pedagogy enacting ideals of popular education and emancipation. On basis of the theoretical idea that teachers’ thought is important to and influence their professional action, the potential influences of these varying conceptualizations on folk high school teachers’ professional practice are elucidated
