29 research outputs found

    Support for medical prescriptions

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    The clinical decision support system is an important part of the electronic healthcare system. The thesis focuses on how to implement a program that helps a doctor when prescribing medicines on the clinical pathway in case of introducing the active substance clozapine into treatment. The presented solution is built on the principle of a system that is based on previous knowledge and does not include artificial intelligence, but rather complies with the rules for determining the clinical pathway. The service is designed to minimize defects that could harm the patient in an incorrectly prescribed medicine but does not limit the doctor's work but only helps them

    Support for medical prescriptions

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    The clinical decision support system is an important part of the electronic healthcare system. The thesis focuses on how to implement a program that helps a doctor when prescribing medicines on the clinical pathway in case of introducing the active substance clozapine into treatment. The presented solution is built on the principle of a system that is based on previous knowledge and does not include artificial intelligence, but rather complies with the rules for determining the clinical pathway. The service is designed to minimize defects that could harm the patient in an incorrectly prescribed medicine but does not limit the doctor's work but only helps them

    "Gift vs. commoditiy" debate revisited

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    "Gift vs. commoditiy !" debate revisite

    Trust, contract and small-medium enterprises (SME) development in South East Europe

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    Socialni kapital je pomemben dejavnik razvoja malih in srednje velikih podjetij v jugovzhodni Evropi, in zato ključna spremenljivka, ki pojasnjuje ekonomsko rast v tej regiji. To potrjujejo tudi rezultati najnovejše študije (ACE, 2001) ekonomske rasti med malimi in srednje velikimi podjetji v treh državah: Sloveniji, Bosni in Hercegovini in Makedoniji. V tem članku pojasnjujemo vzročni mehanizem, ki vodi v statistično zvezo med socialnim kapitalom in ekonomsko rastjo. Ugotavljamo, da raven socialnega kapitala v neki deželi ustreza ravni medosebnega in sistemskega zaupanja. Prav tako obstaja zveza med ravnijo zaupanja v družbi in mehanizmom upravljanja ekonomskih transakcij, ki si ga izberejo ekonomski akterji. Mehanizmi upravljanja ekonomskih transakcij pa so ključen dejavnik pri rasti podjetja. Na podlagi teh rezultatov zaključimo, da ima socialni kapital vpliv na ekonomsko rast, ker spodbuja podjetnike in managerje, da prehajajo iz tradicionalnih oblik upravljanja ekonomskih transakcij na takšne, ki temeljijo na zaupanju. Socialni kapital torej ne samo da znižuje transakcijske stroške, ampak tudi širi okvir poslovnih priložnosti, kar je ključno za zagotavljanje ekonomske rasti

    Zaupanje in ekonomska uspešnost

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    Članek se loteva osrednjega vprašanja o zaupanju, vprašanja, ki se vse pogosteje pojavlja tudi v literaturi, in sicer nas zanima, kakšen je vpliv zaupanja na ekonomsko uspešnost in prek kakšnih vzročnih mehanizmov ta vpliv poteka. V prvem delu obravnavamo problem zaupanja in pokažemo, da je treba razlikovati med tremi in ne le dvema tipoma zaupanja, in sicer med medosebnim, mrežnim in institucionalnim zaupanjem. V nadaljevanju analiziramo vzročne mehanizme, prek katerih vsak tip zaupanja vpliva na ekonomsko uspešnost, in pokažemo na to, da trije tipi zaupanja na uspešnost vplivajo na tri različne načine. Medosebno zaupanje spodbuja kooperacijo med udeleženci ekonomskih transakcij, mrežno zaupanje omogoča koordinacijo med akterji, institucionalno zaupanje pa participacijo akterjev v menjavi. Ali bodo akterji za svoj uspeh potrebovali tesno sodelovanje, ohlapno koordinacijo ali zgolj čim večjo participacijo potencialnih partnerjev, je močno odvisno od narave projekta, ki se ga lotevajo. Razlikovanje med tipi zaupanja in pripadajočimi mehanizmi, s katerimi ti vplivajo na rezultat, torej pripomore ne le k boljšemu razumevanju razmerja med zaupanjem in ekonomsko uspešnostjo, temveč predstavlja tudi dobro vodilo za boljše oblikovanje razvojnih politik.The paper is concerned with the central question found in the ever growing literature on trust, namely, what is the effect of trust on economic performance and what are the causal mechanisms through which trust affects performance. In the first part, we consider the problem of trust and show that it is important to distinguish between three rather than two types of trust. The typology includes not only institutional and interpersonal trust but also network trust. In the second part of the paper, we analyse the causal mechanisms that are in place when each type of trust affects performance. We demonstrate that each type of trust affects performance by employing a different causal mechanism. Interpersonal trust leads to increased performance by encouraging co-operation among actors. Network trust improves performance by enabling co-ordination among actors. Institutional trust exerts a positive influence by facilitating the participation of actors in economic transactions. Distinctions between the types of trust and the mechanisms though which they affect performance are not only essential for understanding the relationship between trust and performance but also for formulating better policies for economic development

    Nova tehnologija ali novi monopoli?

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    Technology companies are often described by their founders and analysts as holding the potential to disrupt the industry and revolutionise the world. In this article, we focus on Amazon Inc. as one of the trillion-dollar technology companies that are credited with having disrupted its industry. The article provides an evaluation framework built around disruptive innovation and radical innovation theories. This framework is used to assess the extent to which Amazon Inc. has revolutionised retail industry. Based on this framework, it is argued that Amazon is not a disruptor because it has not created new markets but entered existing ones. We use this framework to analyse the retail sales process and its components and show that Amazon’s technology has not brought architectural changes to the retail sales process or radically change its component parts. It is concluded that Amazon’s success is not the result of technology and innovation but arises from its monopoly that has been built on the traditional retail modelUstanovitelji tehnoloških podjetij pogosto trdijo, da imajo njihova podjetja potencial, da temeljito preobrazijo svojo vejo industrije in revolucionirajo svet. V tem članku se osredinim na podjetje Amazon Inc., ki mu stroka pripisuje zasluge za preobrazbo področja drobne prodaje. V članku skušam preverjati to trditev na sistematičen način s pomočjo evalvacijskega okvirja, ki sem ga razvil na podlagi teorij o radikalnih inovacijah in disruptivnih inovacijah. Na podlagi izvedene analize pridem do sklepa, da Amazon ni preobrazil drobnoprodajne industrije, ker ni razvil novih trgov, pač pa je zgolj zajel obstoječe povpraševanje. V nadaljevanju analiziram drobnoprodajni process in njegove komponente ter pokažem, da Amazonova tehnologija ni niti prinesla arhitekturnih sprememb v tem procesu niti ni radikalno spremenila njegovih komponent. Članek sklenem z ugotovitvijo, da Amazonov uspeh ni rezultat tehnoloških inovacij, temveč rezultat monopolnih praks, ki jih je Amazon uspel vzpostaviti s pomočjo naprednih tehnologi

    Managerial elite and market transition - the case of Slovenia

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    Managers are the most critical resource of corporate restructuring. Given the scarcity of managerial talent in Eastern Europe, the managers became the bottleneck of the continuation of economic reforms and market adjustment. This article looks at the cultural, human, and social capital of the incumbent managerial elite in Slovenia to examine its managerial potential. The survey of transition managers in 160 companies showed that many of the common assumptions do not hold. Human capital of transition managers is higher than assumed. However, education is too often considered the goal by itself and not the means for getting business results. Credentialism is evident from the high priority of formal education and the neglect of management training. Cultural capital is as weak as expected. The incumbent management elite was recruited largely from lower parts of social hierarchy, which makes intergenerational skills transfer an unsuitable substitute for management training. Social capital of transition managers was to a large extent untouched by transition. Managers remained higly involved in business associations. The pattern that has its origin in the socialist system is most likely the result of attempts by managers to stay abreast of changes by networking and lobbying outside of their firms rather than by strategizing and mobilizing within them. All forms of capital contributed to the willingness of the mangers to restructure their firms. However, the attitudes of managers regarding privatization and transition issues had no effect whatsoever on their corporate strategy

    Interpersonal dynamics in network organizations

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    Mrežna organizacija je organizacijska oblika, ki naj bi organizacijam omogočila visoko stopnjo fleksibilnosti. Teorija predvideva, da naj bi s pomočjo rušenja zidov birokratske avtoritete organizacije lažje dosegle kooperacijo in integracijo na ravni celotne organizacije, kar je danes predpogoj za konkurenčni uspeh na spreminjajočih se trgih. V tem članku smo analizirali preprostejšo obliko mrežne organizacije, t.j. matrično organizacijo, da bi razumeli medosebno dinamiko v organizaciji. Konkretno, pokazali smo, da se predvidevanja glede vzorca socialnih odnosov iz teorije mrežnih organizacij niso uresničila. V nasprotju s pričakovanji smo ugotovili,da se v matrični organizaciji niso razvila lateralna socialna omrežja, pač pa se je okrepila enosmerna vertikalna komunikacija z nadrejenimi. Da bi razložili tako odstopanje od teorije, smo v članku razvili razlago, ki se opira na fenomen statusne negotovosti. Razgradnja in odpravljanje birokracije povzroča statusno negotovost znotraj organizacij, na katero se zaposleni odzovejo tako, da okrog sebe vzpostavijo zaščitniška socialna omrežja, pri čemer se ponovno vzpostavi hierarhija. V članku sklenemo, da je mogoče birokracijo mehčati na številne načine, da bi vanjo vnesli fleksibilnost. Ne moremo pa zagotoviti fleksibilnosti z odpravljanjem birokracije in formalnih struktur.Network organization is an organizational form that holds a big promise of reaching organizational flexibility. It is often argued that by means of tearing down the walls of bureaucratic authority organizations can promote organization-wide cooperation and integration, essential features of competitive organizations in a changing marketplace. In this paper we look at a simpler version of network organization i.e. matrix organization in order to study interpersonal dynamics in an organization. Specifically, we look at social networks and show that the patterns of relationships predicted by the expectaions of theory of network organization does not emerge. Contrary to expectations, we find the lack of lateral networks and strong vertical communication with direct supervisors. The paper concludes by proposing a theory of status uncertainty as an explanation for the failure of network organizations to eschew bureaucracy and generate company wide integration and cooperation. The tearing down of bureaucracy creates status uncertainty within organizations which leads actors to build protective neworks recreating hierarchies in the process. The paper concludes with suggestion that bureaucracy could be altered in many ways to accommodate flexibility. But flexibility can not be achieved by tearing down bureaucracy

    Mehanizmi upravljanja ekonomskih odnosov

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    Problem ekonomskih transakcij izhaja iz njihove sekvenčnosti, ki vnaša negotovost glede izpolnjevanja dogovorov v implicitnih ali eksplicitnih pogodbah. Institucionalna ekonomija to negotovost povezuje z oportunizmom in išče rešitev v specializiranih institucijah za uveljavljanje pogodb. Ekonomska sociologija pa negotovost razume kot rezultat nesporazuma, rešitev vidi v mehanizmih upravljanja, ki poleg sankcij omogočajo tudi koordinacijo med udeleženci transakcij. V tem članku soočimo sociološke in ekonomske argumente glede upravljanja ekonomskih transakcij. Z uporabo Polanyijevega modela razločujemo med tremi mehanizmi upravljanja ekonomskih odnosov in pokažemo, da za svoje delovanje vsak potrebuje različno družbeno strukturo in socialno regulacijo.The problem of the governance of economic transactions arises from the fact that they are sequential. This creates uncertainty regarding the fulfilment of implicit or explicit contracts. Institutional economics understands this uncertainty as arising from opportunism and seeks a solution in specialised contract enforcement institutions. Economic sociology understands the uncertainty as a result of misunderstanding and finds a solution in mechanisms of governance that, in addition to sanctions, allow for coordination among participants in a transaction. In this paper, we confront the arguments made by sociology and economics regarding the mechanism of governance of economic transactions. Following Polanyi, we distinguish three governance mechanisms of economic relations and note that, to be operational, each of them requires a different social structure and social regulation