11 research outputs found

    Brandbestattungen von der mittleren Donau bis zur Ägäis zwischen 1300 und 750 v. Chr.

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    In these conference proceedings particular attention is paid to the performance of burials and burial rites between 1300 and 750 BC. A change in burial customs took place in large parts of central Europe during the 13th century BC. The dead were no longer buried in inhumation graves – as was customary until then – but were burned and laid to rest in urns. This transformation of burial customs is probably connected to far reaching changes in society and religious beliefs

    Athen, Griechenland. Forschungen im Rahmen des Projektes »Shapes of Ancient Greece«: Das Fragment einer spätgeometrischen Riesenamphora. Arbeiten im Jahr 2022

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    A fragment of a giant vessel dating to the Late Geometric period (c. 750 BC) with two partly preserved mourners from the margin of a prothesis or ekphora scene is kept in the archaeological collection of the German Archaeological Institute at Athens. It is demonstrated that the fragment formed part of a belly-handled amphora that was manufactured in the Dipylon workshop. The sherd was found in Athens in the area of the railway line slightly west of Theseion station. Therefore, the amphora fragment bears witness to the existence of an otherwise unknown high status burial place next to the cemeteries in the Kerameikos and the Agora area that was probably destroyed during construction of the railway

    Brandbestattungen von der mittleren Donau bis zur Ägäis zwischen 1300 und 750 v. Chr.

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    In these conference proceedings particular attention is paid to the performance of burials and burial rites between 1300 and 750 BC. A change in burial customs took place in large parts of central Europe during the 13th century BC. The dead were no longer buried in inhumation graves – as was customary until then – but were burned and laid to rest in urns. This transformation of burial customs is probably connected to far reaching changes in society and religious beliefs.In dem vorliegenden Kongressband werden Bestattung und Ritual in der Region zwischen Mitteleuropa und Griechenland zwischen 1300 und 750 v. Chr. besondere Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt. Im 13. Jahrhundert v. Chr. fand in weiten Teilen Mitteleuropas eine radikale Veränderung der Grabsitten statt. Die Toten wurden nicht mehr, wie bis dahin üblich, in Körpergräbern bestattet, sondern verbrannt und in Urnen beigesetzt. Es ist wahrscheinlich, dass sich hinter dem Wandel des Begräbnisrituals weitreichende Veränderungen der Gesellschaft und der religiösen Vorstellungen verbergen

    Brandbestattungen von der mittleren Donau bis zur Ägäis zwischen 1300 und 750 v. Chr.

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    In these conference proceedings particular attention is paid to the performance of burials and burial rites between 1300 and 750 BC. A change in burial customs took place in large parts of central Europe during the 13th century BC. The dead were no longer buried in inhumation graves – as was customary until then – but were burned and laid to rest in urns. This transformation of burial customs is probably connected to far reaching changes in society and religious beliefs

    Athen, Griechenland. »Shapes of Ancient Greece«: Ein Projekt zur Digitalisierung der archäologischen Sammlung der Abteilung Athen. Der ­Beginn der Arbeiten 2021

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    The project »Shapes of Ancient Greece« is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and aims at digitizing and re-contextualizing the complete archaeological collection of the Athens branch of the German ­Archaeological Institute. Furthermore, all the approximately 37.000 objects will be provided with metadata. Most of these objects are pottery sherds. The items will be both photographed and scanned. The »Laser Aided Profiler« is used for generating two-dimensional profil drawings. The »Go!SCAN 3D-Scanner« for creating 3D models of selected objects. The digital images and the metadata will be published in iDAI.objects and linked to other databases under the umbrella of the iDAI.world portal