3 research outputs found

    Smart Cities : intelligent and sustainable cities of the future

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit soll dem Smart City-Begriff definieren sowie die Zukunftsfähigkeit nachhaltiger und intelligenter Städten klären. Es werden markante Eigenschaften aufgezeigt und das Konzept erläutert. Der Begriff Smart City ist sehr komplex und aktuell, daher beschäftigen sich Unmengen von Stadtentwicklern, Stadtplanern sowie Politikern mit der Thematik "Smart City"

    Student cruise: Observing techniques for Physical Oceanographers Cruise No. AL541

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    07.08.2020 – 10-08.2020 Kiel (Germany) – Kiel (Germany) MNF-Pher-110 The main purpose of the ALKOR cruise AL541 was the training of students in observational techniques used in physical oceanography. The students who participated in the trip attend the module "Measurement Methods of Oceanography" which is offered in the Bachelor program "Physics of the Earth System" at CAU Kiel. During the AL541 the students were instructed in instrument calibration and in the interpretation of measurement data at sea. In addition, the students had the opportunity to learn about working and living at sea and to explore and study the impact of physical processes on the western Baltic Sea, the sea at their doorstep. In addition, the students had the opportunity to learn about working and living at sea and to explore and investigate the effects of physical processes in the western Baltic Sea, the sea on their doorstep. Due to the COVID situation, only day trips could be made, to the Fehmarn Belt and to the time series station Boknis Eck. In the Fehmarn Belt, two sections were made (on 07 & 10.08.) and the tripod mooring could be recovered and deployed again. Measurements were taken at the Boknis Eck time series station and a section was acquired in the deep channel west of Kiel Bay