3,790 research outputs found

    Reduction of noise in gyro outputs

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    Technique is described to reduce extraneous gyro output signals by using relatively inexpensive shrouds which do not increase power comsumption. Shrouds reduce noise by minimizing mass of gas spinning with rotor, reducing Reynolds number near rotor, and inducing laminar flow

    What My Muffin Top Has To Say To You

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    My name is Hannah, and I have a confession to make. I hate working out—none of that sweat, panting, exhaustion, and sore muscles for me, no thank you. I’m embarrassed to go to a gym because I assume that everyone judges my speed, pacing, and weight lifting. I try to encourage myself by shopping for brightly colored running shorts and funky sports bras, but, honestly, it’s a fruitless endeavor. Because at the end of the day, I just don’t like to exercise. So why do I do it? Because I want to be skinny. [excerpt

    Culture Shock

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    Take one week living in our culture: Monday: A student quotes other students on Overheard at Gettysburg. “In the commons at 8:50am. Two girls. Completely serious. Girl 1: Have you been outside? Girl 2: Yea! It’s rape weather. Girl 1: I know. A girl could totally get raped out there.” [excerpt

    Coherent optical implementations of the fast Fourier transform and their comparison to the optical implementation of the quantum Fourier transform

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    Optical structures to implement the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithms for discretely sampled data sets are considered. In particular, the decomposition of the FFT algorithm into the basic Butterfly operations is described, as this allows the algorithm to be fully implemented by the successive coherent addition and subtraction of two wavefronts (the subtraction being performed after one has been appropriately phase shifted), so facilitating a simple and robust hardware implementation based on waveguided hybrid devices as employed in coherent optical detection modules. Further, a comparison is made to the optical structures proposed for the optical implementation of the quantum Fourier transform and they are shown to be very similar

    Cyber Policy Networks: Zur sozialethischen Bedeutung virtueller Netzwerke in Zeiten der Globalisierung

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    In diesem Beitrag wird keine theologische SelbstaufklĂ€rung anhand des VirtualitĂ€tsbegriffs betrieben, so reizvoll das sein mag. Der VirtualitĂ€tsbegriff soll hier auch nicht in systematischer Abgrenzung von einem wie auch immer zu fassenden RealitĂ€tsbegriff entwickelt werden. VirtualitĂ€t sei im folgenden vielmehr ein Wort fĂŒr das InterdependenzverhĂ€ltnis von medialen Referenten und ihren außermedialen Referenzen. In einem doppelten medienhistorischen Cursus soll es zunĂ€chst um dieses InterdependenzverhĂ€ltnis gehen. Es wird im medienhistorischen Zusammenhang zu fragen zu sein, wie die Spezifika des Digitalen Zeitalters sozialethisch anzusprechen sind. Die These lautet, daß diese Spezifika mit ihren ungeahnten Kommunikationsmögichkeiten nicht nur dem Marktprinzip nĂŒtzen, sondern auch fĂŒr das normative Konzept einer marktkorrektiven Netzwerkgesellschaft interessant sind. Was sich hinter dem Begriff Netzwerk verbirgt, muß allerdings eigens geklĂ€rt werden. Dann gilt es, die medien- und die gesellschaftstheoretischen Befunde miteinander zu korrelieren, um die eigentliche These des Beitrags zu begrĂŒnden, fĂŒr welche der Begriff Cyber Policy Networks (CPNs) steht: Marktkorrektive Politik kann kĂŒnftig nicht mehr nur ĂŒber territorialhierarchische Rahmenordnungen implementiert werden. Sie verlangt weltweite, horizontale interdependente Netzwerke, die erst im Cyberspace des Internet ihre ganze Wirksamkeit entfalten

    Some Musts for Doing Our Job Better

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    When your president, Gordon Graham of the University of Arizona, came by my office in April and asked me to kick off your 61st annual meeting, I happily accepted
