184 research outputs found

    Lyman-alpha forest-CMB cross-correlation and the search for the ionized baryons at high redshift

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    The intergalactic neutral hydrogen which is responsible for the Lyman alpha forest of quasar absorption is a tracer of much larger amounts of ionised hydrogen. The ionised component has yet to be detected directly, but is expected to scatter CMB photons via the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect. We use hydrodynamic simulations of a LambdaCDM universe to create mock quasar spectra and CMB sky maps. We find that the high-z Lya forest gas causes temperature fluctuations of the order of 1 muK rms in the CMB on arcmin scales. The kinetic and thermal SZ effects have a similar magnitude at z=3, with the thermal effect becoming relatively weaker as expected at higher z. The CMB signal associated with lines of sight having HI column densities > 10^18 cm^-2 is only marginally stronger than that for lower column densities. The strong dependence of rms temperature fluctuation on mean Lya absorbed flux, however, suggests that the CMB signal effectively arises in lower density material. We investigate the use of the cross-correlation of the Lya forest and the microwave background to detect the SZ effect at redshifts 2-4. In so doing we are able to set direct limits on the density of diffuse ionised intergalactic baryons. We carry out a preliminary comparison at a mean redshift z=3 of 3488 quasar spectra from SDSS Data Release 3 and the WMAP first year data. Assuming that the baryons are clustered as in a LambdaCDM cosmology, and have the same mean temperature, the cross-correlation yields a weak limit on the cosmic density of ionised baryons Omega_(b,I), which is Omega_(b,I) < 0.8 at 95% confidence. With data from upcoming CMB telescopes, we anticipate that a direct detection of the high redshift ionised IGM will soon be possible, providing an important consistency check on cosmological models.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Weak lensing of the Lyman-alpha forest

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    The angular positions of quasars are deflected by the gravitational lensing effect of foreground matter. The Lyman-alpha forest seen in the spectra of these quasars is therefore also lensed. We propose that the signature of weak gravitational lensing of the forest could be measured using similar techniques that have been applied to the lensed Cosmic Microwave Background, and which have also been proposed for application to spectral data from 21cm radio telescopes. As with 21cm data, the forest has the advantage of spectral information, potentially yielding many lensed "slices" at different redshifts. We perform an illustrative idealized test, generating a high resolution angular grid of quasars (of order arcminute separation), and lensing the Lyman-alphaforest spectra at redshifts z=2-3 using a foreground density field. We find that standard quadratic estimators can be used to reconstruct images of the foreground mass distribution at z~1. There currently exists a wealth of Lya forest data from quasar and galaxy spectral surveys, with smaller sightline separations expected in the future. Lyman-alpha forest lensing is sensitive to the foreground mass distribution at redshifts intermediate between CMB lensing and galaxy shear, and avoids the difficulties of shape measurement associated with the latter. With further refinement and application of mass reconstruction techniques, weak gravitational lensing of the high redshift Lya forest may become a useful new cosmological probe.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Noise Estimates for Measurements of Weak Lensing from the Lyman-alpha Forest

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    We have proposed a method for measuring weak lensing using the Lyman-alpha forest. Here we estimate the noise expected in weak lensing maps and power spectra for different sets of observational parameters. We find that surveys of the size and quality of the ones being done today and ones planned for the future will be able to measure the lensing power spectrum at a source redshift of z~2.5 with high precision and even be able to image the distribution of foreground matter with high fidelity on degree scales. For example, we predict that Lyman-alpha forest lensing measurement from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument survey should yield the mass fluctuation amplitude with statistical errors of 1.5%. By dividing the redshift range into multiple bins some tomographic lensing information should be accessible as well. This would allow for cosmological lensing measurements at higher redshift than are accessible with galaxy shear surveys and correspondingly better constraints on the evolution of dark energy at relatively early times.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, submitted to MNRA
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