474 research outputs found

    Effect of Bioenhancers on Amoxicillin bioavailability

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    Amoxicillin, which inspite of being effective is losing its importance due to less bioavailability. Bioavailability could be enhanced by combining the antibiotics with bioenhancers like Piperine and Ginger resin. The present abstract deals with the use of piperine and ginger resin in increasing the bioavailability of amoxicillin using the insitu SPIP method. Piperine, isolated was found to be 99 % pure and ginger resin contained 4.36 % w/w of gingerol. The absorption of amoxicillin increased with addition of Piperine (1.2, 1.5, 1.8 % w/w of amoxicillin) in a dose dependant manner reaching saturation after 45 minutes wheras Ginger resin (6, 7, 8 % w/w of amoxicillin) failed to show this effect in the invitro studies. Piperine enhanced the permeation of Amoxicillin but ginger resin failed to show this effect using the insitu SPIP method. The method used may be appropriate for bioenhancers acting on transporters, metabolizing enzymes or modulators of diffusivity but not for those acting on gut motility. The combination of Piperine and Amoxicillin trihydarte may have a potential in reducing the dose, shortening the treatment period thus reducing drug-resistance problems of the antibiotic

    Hindi to English: Transformer-Based Neural Machine Translation

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    Machine Translation (MT) is one of the most prominent tasks in Natural Language Processing (NLP) which involves the automatic conversion of texts from one natural language to another while preserving its meaning and fluency. Although the research in machine translation has been going on since multiple decades, the newer approach of integrating deep learning techniques in natural language processing has led to significant improvements in the translation quality. In this paper, we have developed a Neural Machine Translation (NMT) system by training the Transformer model to translate texts from Indian Language Hindi to English. Hindi being a low resource language has made it difficult for neural networks to understand the language thereby leading to a slow growth in the development of neural machine translators. Thus, to address this gap, we implemented back-translation to augment the training data and for creating the vocabulary, we experimented with both word and subword level tokenization using Byte Pair Encoding (BPE) thereby ending up training the Transformer in 10 different configurations. This led us to achieve a state-of-the-art BLEU score of 24.53 on the test set of IIT Bombay English-Hindi Corpus in one of the configurations.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    What's hot that the other lot got

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    Role of Virechana Purvaka Shamana Sneha with Rasayana drugs in the management of Psoriasis (Ekakustha)

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    Skin diseases are taken up as a social stigma, due to altered appearance. Psoriasis is one of the most repulsive skin diseases which may disturb patient’s life. It usually runs a chronic course with remission and exacerbations. As far as treatment is concerned modern medical science has number of therapeutic measures which provide temporary relief accompanied by side effects and which make the patients to take lifelong treatment. So it is a need to find out an effective radical cure for psoriasis through Ayurveda. According to Ayurveda all skin diseases are taken under generalized term Kustha. In present study psoriasis is considered as Ekakustha, one type of Kshudrakustha. As Shodhana therapy is essential in the management of all skin diseases, Virechana Karma was selected because it is the only procedure which acts upon all three Doshas and Raktadi Dushyas which are vitiated in Kustha. After Virechana Karma, Shamana treatment was also given to alleviate remaining Doshas and to continue the normal state of Dhatus. This clinical trial was conducted on total 13 patients of psoriasis (Ekakustha) to compare the effect of Virechana Purvaka Shamana with only Shamana. For Shamana purpose Shamana Sneha (Panchatikta Ghrita) along with some Rasayana drugs were used. Duration of Shamana treatment was 2 months in both groups. Patients of both the groups showed significant results. But Virechana Purvaka Shamana was found to be more effective than only Shamana

    Role of Virechana Yoga and Rasayana Yoga in the management of Essential Hypertension

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    Hypertension is the most prevalent cardiovascular disorder in the India. Depending on the criteria for the diagnosis, hypertension can be said to be present in 40-45 millions of the adult population. The latest developments in pharmacology has blessed the human community with certain antihypertensive drugs to suppress the elevated arterial blood pressure; at the same time it is proved that all of the used for it only symptomatic, have sufficient adverse effect and will not cure the disease. So it is need to find out effective medicine for essential HTN. In Ayurveda there is no description of such a single disease which can resemble with HTN. As per Ayurvedic principles, in case of unknown disease, the physician should try to understand the nature of the disease through Dosha, Dushya and Samprapti; then should initiate the treatment .This clinical trial was conducted on 20 patients of Essential Hypertension (HTN) to compare the effect of Virechanyoga and Rasayanyoga in the management of Essential HTN. Duration of treatment was 4 weeks. Both the groups showed highly significant results. But Rasayanyoga was found to be more effective

    An Ayurvedic management of Annular Tear of Lumber Intervertebral Disc - A Case Study

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    Intervertebral discs are fibro cartilaginous structures. They give shape to the vertebral column. The discs act as a remarkable series of shock absorbers. Surrounding each intervertebral disc, a tough, shock absorbing layer known as annulus, protect the disc’s vulnerable interior. An annular tear occurs when this outer hard layer cracks. Causes of annular tear are aging process of spine, injury, trauma etc. Medicines like Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs), Narcotic drugs, injections and surgery which have their limitations and having some adverse effects too. In present era, awareness and popularity of Ayurveda is increasing day by day and people prefer to be treated by Ayurveda. So, Ayurveda is more favoured by people. According to Ayurveda annular tear can be understood as Abhighata Janya Katigatavata. In this single case study an effort has been made to manage annular tear in lumbar intervertebral disc, through Ayurveda. A 48 year old female, suffering from annular tear of lumbar intervertebral disc desiccation and herniation, was treated with Tikta Kshira Basti for 15 consecutive days. Simultaneously Kati Basti and internal medicines were also given. Noticeable relief was found in all symptoms of the patients, so here a single case study is presente

    Comparison of effects of rocuronium bromide versus vecuronium bromide on hemodynamic parameters during anaesthesia for elective surgical procedures

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    Background: Understanding haemodynamic effects of muscle relaxants may help us in selection of most appropriate muscle relaxant in a given case after considering preoperative cardiac status, preoperative medications, anaesthetic drugs to be used, nature of surgery and desirable intraoperative hemodynamics. Hemodynamic effects of rocuronium are not as clear as vecuronium. Present study was conducted to compare haemodynamic parameters during general anaesthesia for elective surgical procedures with vecuronium vs. rocuronium as muscle relaxant.Methods: Haemodynamic effects of vecuronium 0.15 mg/kg and 0.9 mg/kg of rocuronium was evaluated in patients (25 patients in each group) undergoing elective surgical procedures not lasting more than two hours. During this study period patients were evaluated for heart rate (HR), systolic BP (SBP), diastolic BP (DBP) and mean arterial pressure (MAP).Results: When both groups were compared, degree of fall in heart rate was more in vecuronium group (V group) compared to rocuronium group at all-time intervals after administration of drug. The fall in mean heart rate in V group was significant at two minutes after administration of muscle relaxant when compared to R group i.e.77.12±9.96 vs. 85.04±12.82 (p<0.05) and was highly significant at 3 minutes after administration of drug i.e. 76.12±9.67 vs. 85.44±12.47 (p<0.001). After induction and administration of vecuronium or rocuronium there was fall in systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and mean arterial pressure in both the groups when these parameters were recorded before laryngoscopy with slightly more but comparatively non-significant fall in these parameters in vecuronium group. Intraoperatively these parameters were comparable in both groups and no significant difference from baseline was observed in these parameters in both groups thereby showing good haemodynamic stability.Conclusions: Vecuronium is associated with greater decrease in heart rate than rocuronium in clinical doses. No increase in heart rate was observed with rocuronium in doses used. In all other aspects (SBP, DBP, MAP) haemodynamic effects were similar in both groups with slightly greater but non-significant fall observed after administration of vecuronium group
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