23 research outputs found

    Combination of osteogenesis imperfecta and type 1 diabetes mellitus

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    Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a hereditary connective tissue disorder accompanied by increased bone fragility. Five types of OI are distinguished on the basis of phenotypic manifestations. OI type 1 is characterized by a reduced amount of normal type 1 collagen and is the mildest form. In addition to the fractures, course of disease can be accompanied by short stature, skeletal deformity and joint hypermobility. Although fracture risk decreases with age, such patients needs regular follow-up with an assessment of bone mineral density (BMD) and, if necessary, correction of therapy to improve the quality of life. Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is associated with a decreased BMD, which is mostly attributed to insulin deficiency and hyperglycemia, which also increase the risk of fractures. Achieving and stable maintenance of glycemic targets is often challenging, but it is necessary to exclude hyperglycemia as a factor that further worsens the quality of bone. This paper describes a clinical case of an extremely rare combination of type 1 OI and T1DM, two diseases with a pronounced negative effect on bone tissue. The combination of these pathologies requires special management tactics for such patients to reduce the risk of developing new fractures


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    Authenticity evaluation of proteins obtained with recombinant DNA technology is an important step in confirming efficacy and safety of the drugs based on them. One of the main ways to assess the authenticity is to compare molecular structure of the test and standard samples using the peptide mapping method with chromatographic separation of the products obtained by enzymatic degradation. Proper selection of a standard reference sample is essential in order to achieve reliable results. A standard sample of Interferon (CRS, Chemical Reference Substances) recommended by the European Agency for the Quality of Medicines for interferon alpha-2b substances containing N-terminal methionine is inappropriate, since the Interferon CRS sample doesn’t contain methionine. We present the results of development of qualification procedure for methionine form of Interferon alfa-2b industrial standard sample (ISS). The range of use for this ISS is authenticity confirmation for the methionine form of interferon alpha-2b substance using peptide mapping method with reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (reverse-phase HPLC). The quality assessment was performed for all the parameters specified by the manufacturer of this candidate substance at the initial stage of qualification procedure, due to changed application area, and changed package size. Further, 30 peptide cards of the ISS candidate substance were obtained after pre-trypsinolysis of the protein followed by validated HPLC method with proven repeatability.It was shown that the hydrolysis conditions, i.e., the choice of trypsin preparations, may significantly affect the peptide map profile. Therefore, a reference to specific manufacturer and the catalog number of the product should be provided in description of application conditions for the ISS proposed.A set of eight reference peaks (peaks of comparison) has been justified, as based on evaluation of peptide maps and results of high-resolution mass spectrometry. The peak with maximally stable yield and intensity was selected as the main peak with an established absolute retention time. Two peaks with relative retention times were chosen as essential peaks for evaluation, i.e., the 1st peak containing N-terminal methionine, and the 2nd peak of highest molecular weight with an established amino acid sequence covering 11% of the studied interferon molecule.We have also qualified ISS parameters expressed as absolute (minimum for one reference peak), and relative (for the remaining reference peaks) retention time periods. Authenticity of the ISS candidate was further confirmed by the peptide mapping method, as compared with interferon CRS reference standard. Their peak patterns proved to be near-similar, except of a peak with eluted peptide containing N-terminal methionine as revealed by high-resolution mass spectrometr

    Influence of different forest management techniques on the quality of wood

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    The issue of accelerated forestry plantation with high-quality wood using the best soils in terms of productivity, fertilizers, and intensive treatment has become quite relevant due to increased demand for forestry products and higher requirements for environmentally friendly use of forest resources. This paper presents the results of a study on the impact of various techniques for treating coniferous plantations, including thinning, fertilization, and herbicide processing, on wood quality key indicators. The paper examined the wood density, correlation of early and late wood zones, and the cell wall thickness for 38-year-old pine trees grown on the sample plots of Siversky leskhoz (Leningrad region, Gatchinskiy district) at different treatment and density control techniques. It has been established that the highest basis density of wood corresponds to the samples grown at the density variant of 1 t/ha and double herbicides treatment, and the lowest basis density value was recorded at the option of 4 t/ha with combined treatment. It has been shown that the increase of width index for early wood is influenced by the lower density of 1 t/ha and one-time herbicide treatment, for late wood – by the lower density of 1 t/ha and repeated treatment with herbicides. The increase in average cell wall thickness for early and late wood is observed when the density increases up to 4 t/ha and double herbicides treatment. The results obtained provide a valuable scientific contribution to general forestry knowledge and have practical value in plantation forestry. © 2021, Tech Science Press. All rights reserved

    Comparative analysis of thinning techniques in pine forests

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    Thinning is a necessary and complex forestry activity. The complexity increases due to theoretical disagreements, contradictory recommendations, and errors of modern practice, which require confirmation through long-time experiments. This article presents a summary of experimental results from plantations established 20-30 years ago and explains concepts of the theory, methods, and regime of thinning in permanent sample plots of pine stands in Gatchinsky forest of the Leningrad region. The research results allow for the clarification of growth patterns and age dynamics of pine stands subject to heavy, low thinning, as well as the results of applying the crown (high) thinning technique and a mixed treatment. A combined thinning and fertilization could improve wood quality and yield compared to conventional methods. Of particular scientific importance is the analysis of change in tree diameter classes during growth and after thinning. The research results allow for optimizing the treatment regime in pine plantations and reducing labor intensity by increasing the intensity of thinning and reducing the number of techniques


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    The article is devoted to development of modern telemetric methods for an on-line evaluation of functional status of vehicle drivers during their work. The study of occupational load effect on cardiovascular system was performed with the use of mobile devices included portable sensors and storage device to collect information (smartphone). The developed computer programs were used to calculate spectral indices of heart rhythm variability (HRV). A high self-descriptiveness of wavelet transform for identification offunctional status of cardiovascular system was shown. The reduction of HRV, increase of sympathetic component in regulation and increase of vegetative balance index were observed in drivers by fatigue. The intensity of HRV changes met with occupational load level and characterized degree of individual response as well as allowed to detect exposure induced the stress. A wireless cardiorhythmography is a perspective method for creating personal monitoring system for increasing quality of the drivers' life andfor their health preservation


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    Introduction: the need for study of the actual state of professional activity motivation of higher education teachers is determined by the growing social role of university teachers in the development of modern society. However, it is noted in some research papers that currently university teachers are in the most difficult position, which is caused by the decrease of social and public recognition of the value of the profession, the staff deficit, staff aging and turnover. As a special problem, the crisis of motivation and professional identity in the sphere of higher education stands out alongside with the significant complication of the work of teachers of modern higher education. In these conditions, the main task is to develop and implement fundamentally new, effective management policy aimed at attracting, retaining and motivating highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel. The starting point for solving this problem should be a diverse study of the motivation of the work of the modern teacher of the university.Materials and Methods: the article presents a set of methods that provide diverse assessment of the current state of motivation of teachers at the university: the questionnaire "Motivation of the professional activity" (K. Zamfir), a questionnaire for identifying factors that stimulate and impede the teaching, development and self-development of teachers (Shamov), a questionnaire to study the motivation of the professional activity of the university teacher (E.G. Gutsu)Results: the results of the pilot study of the motivation of the teachers at the university are presented. The presentation of teachers about the factors that stimulate and impede professional development, the subjective perception by teachers of the changes taking place in higher education is revealed.Discussion and Conclusions: the conducted study suggests that the management of the motivation of the work of teachers with the help of administrative resources does not always lead to the development of labor motivation of university teachers and raise the questions of the need to search for internal reserves for the development of the motivation of the higher education teachers

    Forest preservation techniques in the Urals

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    Logging is essential to provide society with fuel, building materials, furniture and myriad other needs. At the same time, the ecosystem must be conserved so that the resources are sustainable. This paper considers the impact of forestry activities on forest vegetation and soil indicators: mean height, mean diameter, mean age, tree stock, plant density, soil density, thickness and porosity. The authors analyse the effect of five types of forest machinery operating three extraction (skidding) procedures: butt-first, top-end first, and untrimmed trees. Butt-first skidding using the Amkodor 2242B wheeled tractor was found to have a minimal effect on plant valuation indices; the least damage to soil attributes was inflicted by crawler tractors skidding untrimmed trees. © 2022 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

    The influence of diffusion welding mods and heat-treatment on structure and mechanical properties of porous blanks from titanium fiber

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    The effect of diffusion welding modes on structure and properties of PM from titanium fibers was investigated. It was shown that the perspective area in PM production for medical application could be the use of titanium fibers obtained by high-speed melt solidification and joined by diffusion welding in workpieces or articles. It was stated that the change in type of fibers structure and their junctions had a substantial influence on mechanical characteristics of PM workpieces. We also observed PM strength increase and plasticity decrease at the growth of diffusion welding temperature for sheet workpieces as well as for cylindrical ones.Проведено исследование влияния режимов диффузионной сварки на структуру и свойства ПМ из волокон титана. Показано, что перспективным направлением получения ПМ для медицинского применения может быть использование волокон титана, полученных высокоскоростным затвердеванием расплава, соединенных в заготовки или изделия методом диффузионной сварки. Установлено, что изменение характера структуры волокон и их контакта оказывает существенное влияние на механические характеристики заготовок ПМ. Отмечено, что с повышением температуры диффузионной сварки как для листовых, так и для цилиндрических заготовок наблюдается увеличение прочности и снижение пластичности ПМ.Результаты работы получены в МАТИ при финансовой поддержке федеральной целевой программы «Исследования и разработки по приоритетным направлениям развития научно-технологического комплекса России на 2014–2020 годы» по соглашению о предоставлении субсидии № 14.577.21.0013 (уникальный идентификатор соглашения RFMEFI57714X0013)

    Comparative Analysis of Thinning Techniques in Garchinsky Forestry

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    Thinning treatment is a necessary and complex forestry activity. The experimental results from plantations established 20-30 years ago and explains some concepts of the theory, practice, methods, and regime of thinning on the permanent sample plots of pine stands in Gatchinsky forestry of the Leningrad region were shown in this article. Choosing the right thinning method allows to optimize the yield, productivity and mortality of the stand. On the other hand, we observed improved merchantability of the stand, reduced time for forestation, and simplified thinning programs. Crown thinning is a less preferred method than bottom thinning, as it leads to a deterioration in the quality of trees and an increase in their mortality. The inexpediency of preliminary thinning of trees has been established. Tree thinning results in an improvement in the quality of the remaining stand, as nutrient utilization is greatly increased. Tree thinning must necessarily be combined with fertilization. Thinning without fertilization and fertilization without thinning show the worst results. In general, findings of this article can be used to improve approach of thinning treatment in the Leningrad or other regions in the North of Russian Federation © 2022. Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Problems.All Rights Reserve

    Factors determining the clinical significance of dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors in the treatment of elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    Elderly patients with diabetes type 2 represent complex and heterogeneous group with different diabetes complications and comorbidity, polypharmacy, functional and cognitive state. Each of those factors should be taken into account to choose the best glycemic targets as well as the most tailored treatment so that it is necessary for endocrinologist to perform geriatric assessment. The most favorable antidiabetic drugs for elderly are safe in terms of hypoglycemia and cardiovascular risks, can be used irrespective of kidney function, do not affect weight or bone mineral density, and are available in fixed combinations with other drugs. Dipeptidyl pepti-dase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitors meet all these requirements with low adverse events rate. Interdisciplinary approach, close interaction with patient and his relatives and considerations for both intensification and deprescribing are keys to successful treatment in this patient subgroup. Cardiovascular events are the most common cause of death and hypoglycemia is highly unfavorable in elderly because it can lead to falls, life-threatening arrhythmias, and cognitive impairment. So deprescribing in elderly with diabetes should be primarily aimed at minimizing of cardiovascular events and severe hypoglycemia risks. For this purpose, it is considered to the reject use of sulfonylureas, glinides, insulins in favor of safer ones (metformin, GLP-1 receptor agonists, SGLT-2 inhibitors, DPP-4 inhibitors)