21 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKRIA MANDA SARI: SUATU KAJIAN TENTANG PENGGUNAAN2014PUTUSAN KASASI SEBAGAI ALAT BUKTI DALAM PENINJAUAN KEMBALIFakultas Hukum Universitas Syiah Kuala(vii, 55) pp., bibL.NURSITI, S.H., M.Hum.Pasal 263 ayat (2) huruf a KUHAP menyebutkan salah satu alasan diajukan peninjauan kembali adalah apabila terdapat keadaan baru yang menimbulkan dugaan kuat bahwa jika keadaan itu sudah diketahui pada sidang masih berlangsung, maka hasilnya akan menjadi putusan yang berbeda. Di dalam praktek timbul suatu masalah dimana terdakwa melakukan Peninjauan Kembali karena adanya kekeliruan yang nyata dalam hal kesalahan penerapan hukum oleh majelis hakim kasasi dalam hal menjatuhkan pemidanaan terhadap terdakwa dan alasan terdakwa melakukan peninjauan kembali yaitu karena adanya bukti baru (novum).Tujuan skripsi ini untuk mendapatkan kejelasan tentang penggunaan Putusan Kasasi sebagai alat bukti untuk Peninjauan Kembali dan untuk menjelaskan upaya hukum yang dapat dilakukan jika terdapat kekeliruan dalam Putusan Peninjauan Kembali.Data dalam skripsi ini diperoleh melalui penelitian kepustakaan dan penelitian lapangan. Penelitian kepustakaan dilakukan untuk memperoleh data sekunder dengan cara mempelajari buku-buku mengenai Peninjauan Kembali, peraturan perundang-undangan yang berhubungan dengan masalah yang diteliti. Penelitian lapangan dilakukan guna memperoleh data primer melalui wawancara dengan responden dan informan.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa Putusan Kasasi dapat dijadikan alat bukti, jika pada putusan tersebut dapat dinilai adanya pertentangan, kekeliruan, atau kekhilafan dari hakim, sehingga alat bukti baru berupa putusan pengadilan atau putusan Mahkamah Agung tersebut bisa dipertimbangkan sebagai alat bukti, asal relevan dan saling berhubungan.Jika Peninjauan Kembali terdapat kekeliruan maka tidak ada upaya hukum lain. Didasarkan pada KUHAP maka Peninjauan Kembali hanya dapat diajukan satu kali saja, namun dengan adanya Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi No 34/PUU-XI/2013 maka Peninjauan Kembali dapat diajukan lebih dari satu kali.Hakim harus benar-benar cermat dalam memutuskan suatu perkara jangan hanya melihat kebiasaan-kebiasaan yang bersifat formal pada persidangan, namun hakim juga harus menggunakan putusan-putusan sebelumnya sebagai yurisprudensi. Disarankan kepada DPRRI agar dapat segera menyusun kebijakan untuk mengatur tatacara Peninjauan Kembali yang dapat diajukan lebih dari satu kali agar keadilan dapat tercapai tanpa mengenyampingkan kepastian hukum sesuai dengan Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi No 34/PUU-XI/2013Banda Ace

    Experimental study on the stress corrosion cracking behavior of AISI347 in acid chloride ion solution

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    The stress corrosion cracking (SCC) behavior of AISI347 austenitic stainless steel exposed to acid solution containing chloride ion at different temperature and pressure is studied through slow strain rate testing (SSRT) at different test condition. The result of SSRT shows, with the pressure increasing, the SCC resistance is getting worse and the trend of brittle fracture presented by the fracture surface is more obvious. With the temperature rising, the mechanical properties of AISI347 getting worse first and then getting better, it gets to be the worst when the temperature is 260 °C. The result of significance effect analysis of temperature and pressure on SCC shows that the temperature has a greater effect on the resistance to SCC of AISI347 austenitic stainless steel than the pressure. The main component of passive film is analyzed and the mechanism of SCC is discussed. Chromium oxides soluble in the acidic chloride solution results in the forming of corrosion pits and the cracking of the passive film under stress. Keywords: Stress corrosion cracking, Chloride ion, Slow strain rate testing, AISI34

    Numerical investigation of multiphase flow in flue gas desulphurization system with rotary jet stirring

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    There exits multiphase flow of oxygenized air, lime slurry and limestone particles in power plant flue gas desulfurization (FGD) system. A rotary jet stirring device (RJSD) is installed in the slurry pond at the bottom center of absorption tank to get an appropriate mixing flow field so far as possible to get off sulfur dioxide. By employing the standard k-ε turbulence model and the Eulerian multiphase model, numerical investigations for liquid-solid and liquid-solid-gas flow field are presented to discuss the distribution of flow hydrodynamic parameters under a certain operational condition, respectively. In liquid-solid flow, limestone particle concentration shows a decreasing trend with the increase of the rotation angular velocity. The core jet length of the rotary mixer tend to be much longer with the increase of jet velocity under the surrounding pressure, but the dispersed slurry velocity tends to reduce after an initial increasing during the starting period due to the inadequate mixing process. This phenomenon shows that the stirring down-stream is more important than the advection stream in liquid-solid condition. Compared to the liquid-solid condition, the distribution of the air volume of fraction in gas-liquid-solid flow is getting uniform because of the participation of the solid phase, and the down-stream plays an important role in air lateral distribution. The concentration of the limestone particle in liquid-solid condition is higher than in the multiphase flow field. The reason is that the particle distributing velocity near the tank wall is lower and the vertical velocity is higher than in the liquid-solid condition when the jet down-stream velocity is equal. The numerical results could be a useful exploration for an attempt usage of rotary jet device in FGD system. Keywords: Flue gas desulfurization, Lime slurry pond, Jet stirring, Rotary je

    Manipulating hyperbolic transient plasmons in a layered semiconductor

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    Abstract Anisotropic materials with oppositely signed dielectric tensors support hyperbolic polaritons, displaying enhanced electromagnetic localization and directional energy flow. However, the most reported hyperbolic phonon polaritons are difficult to apply for active electro-optical modulations and optoelectronic devices. Here, we report a dynamic topological plasmonic dispersion transition in black phosphorus via photo-induced carrier injection, i.e., transforming the iso-frequency contour from a pristine ellipsoid to a non-equilibrium hyperboloid. Our work also demonstrates the peculiar transient plasmonic properties of the studied layered semiconductor, such as the ultrafast transition, low propagation losses, efficient optical emission from the black phosphorus’s edges, and the characterization of different transient plasmon modes. Our results may be relevant for the development of future optoelectronic applications

    The Survival Advantage of Females at Premenopausal Age Is Race Dependent in Colorectal Cancer

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    Background. A female prognostic advantage in younger individuals has been demonstrated in various cancers. Several large-scale analyses based on different racial backgrounds have reported inconsistent results in colorectal cancer. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the prognostic value of sex and age in patients with colorectal cancer of different ethnic groups. Methods. We identified 71,812 eligible patients from the Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results database. According to age at diagnosis, the patients were categorized into premenopausal age (≤45 yrs), menopausal age (46–54 yrs), and postmenopausal age (≥55 yrs) subgroups for further analysis. Results. Multivariate analysis identified the female survival advantage to be significant in the premenopausal age subgroup (P=0.002, HR (95% CI): 0.73 (0.60–0.89)), diminished in the menopausal age subgroup (P=0.09), and absent in the postmenopausal age subgroup (P=0.96). Furthermore, the female survival advantage at premenopausal age was significant only in white patients (P=0.001, HR (95% CI): 0.68 (0.54–0.87)) and not in either American Indian/Alaska Native or Asian or Pacific Islander patients. There was a trend of better survival of females in black patients (P=0.07). Conclusions. Sex was a major prognostic factor in colorectal cancer patients, especially premenopausal women, and the difference was also associated with race

    Liquid-Phase Cyclic Chemiluminescence for the Identification of Cobalt Speciation

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    Accurate discrimination of metal species is a significant analytical challenge. Herein, we propose a novel methodology based on liquid-phase cyclic chemiluminescence (CCL) for the identification of cobalt speciation. The CCL multistage signals (In) of the luminol–H2O2 reaction catalyzed by different cobalt species have different decay coefficients k. Thereby, we can facilely identify various cobalt species according to the distinguishable k values, including the complicated and structurally similar cobalt complexes, such as analogues of [Co­(NH3)5X]n+ (X = Cl–, H2O, and NH3), Co­(II) porphyrins, and bis­(2,4-pentanedione) cobalt­(II) derivatives. Especially, the number of substituent atoms also influences the k value greatly, which allows excellent discrimination between complexes that only have a subtle difference in the substituent group. In addition, linear discriminant analysis based on In provides a complementary solution to improve the differentiating ability. We performed density functional theory calculations to investigate the interaction mode of H2O2 over cobalt species. A close negative correlation between the adsorption energy and the k value is observed. Moreover, the calculation of energy evolutions of H2O2 decomposition into a double hydroxide radical shows that a high level of consistency exists between the activation energy barrier and the k value. The results further demonstrate that the decay coefficient of the CCL multistage signal is associated with the catalytic reactivity of the cobalt species. Our work not only broadens the application of chemiluminescence but also provides a complementary technology for speciation analysis

    Long non-coding RNA AGAP2-AS1, functioning as a competitive endogenous RNA, upregulates ANXA11 expression by sponging miR-16-5p and promotes proliferation and metastasis in hepatocellular carcinoma

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    Abstract Background Accumulating evidence has highlighted the potential role of long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) in the biological behaviors of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Here, we elucidated the function and possible molecular mechanisms of the effect of lncRNA-AGAP2-AS1 on the biological behaviors of HCC. Methods EdU, Transwell and flow cytometry were used to determine proliferation, migration, invasion and apoptosis of HCC cells in vitro. The subcutaneous tumor model and lung metastasis mouse model in nude mice was established to detect tumor growth and metastasis of HCC in vivo. The direct binding of miR-16-5p to 3’UTR of ANXA11 was confirmed by luciferase reporter assay. The expression of AGAP2-AS1 and miR-16-5p in HCC specimens and cell lines were detected by real-time PCR. The correlation among AGAP2-AS1 and miR-16-5p were disclosed by a dual-luciferase reporter assay, RIP assay and biotin pull-down assay. Results Here, we demonstrated that AGAP2-AS1 expression was up-regulated in HCC tissues and cell lines, especially in metastatic and recurrent cases. Gain- and loss-of-function experiments indicated that AGAP2-AS1 promoted cell proliferation, migration, invasion, EMT progression and inhibited apoptosis of HCC cells in vitro and in vivo. Further studies demonstrated that AGAP2-AS1 could function as a competing endogenous RNA (ceRNA) by sponging miR-16-5p in HCC cells. Functionally, gain- and loss-of-function studies showed that miR-16-5p promoted HCC progression and alteration of miR-16-5p abolished the promotive effects of AGAP2-AS1 on HCC cells. Moreover, ANXA11 was identified as direct downstream targets of miR-16-5p in HCC cells, and mediated the functional effects of miR-16-5p and AGAP2-AS1 in HCC, resulting in AKT signaling activation. Clinically, AGAP2-AS1 and miR-16-5p expression were markedly correlated with adverse clinical features and poor prognosis of HCC patients. We showed that hypoxia was responsible for the overexpression of AGAP2-AS1 in HCC. And the promoting effects of hypoxia on metastasis and EMT of HCC cells were reversed by AGAP2-AS1 knockdown. Conclusions Taken together, this research supports the first evidence that AGAP2-AS1 plays an oncogenic role in HCC via AGAP2-AS1/miR-16-5p/ANXA11/AKT axis pathway and represents a promising therapeutic strategy for HCC patients

    Tunable Low Loss 1D Surface Plasmons in InAs Nanowires

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    Due to the ability to manipulate photons at nanoscale, plasmonics has become one of the most important branches in nanophotonics. The prerequisites for the technological application of plasmons include high confining ability (λ0/λp), low damping, and easy tunability. However, plasmons in typical plasmonic materials, i.e., noble metals, cannot satisfy these three requirements simultaneously and cause a disconnection to modern electronics. Here, the indium arsenide (InAs) nanowire is identified as a material that satisfies all the three prerequisites, providing a natural analogy with modern electronics. The dispersion relation of InAs plasmons is determined using the nanoinfrared imaging technique, and show that their associated wavelengths and damping ratio can be tuned by altering the nanowire diameter and dielectric environment. The InAs plasmons possess advantages such as high confining ability, low loss, and ease of fabrication. The observation of InAs plasmons could enable novel plasmonic circuits for future subwavelength applications

    Resolvin D1 prevents epithelial-mesenchymal transition and reduces the stemness features of hepatocellular carcinoma by inhibiting paracrine of cancer-associated fibroblast-derived COMP

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    Abstract Background Cancer stem cells (CSCs) require stromal signals for maintaining pluripotency and self-renewal capacities to confer tumor metastasis. Resolvin D1 (RvD1), an endogenous anti-inflammatory lipid mediator, has recently been identified to display anti-cancer effects by acting on stroma cells. Our previous study reveals that hepatic stellate cells (HSCs)-derived cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP) contributes to hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) progression. However, whether RvD1 inhibits paracrine of cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs)-derived COMP to prevent epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and cancer stemness in HCC remains to be elucidated. Methods CAFs were isolated from HCC tissues. Direct and indirect co-culture models were established to analyze the interactions between HCC cells and CAFs in the presence of RvD1 in vitro. The transwell and tumor sphere formation assays were used to determine invasion and stemness of HCC cells. The subcutaneous tumor formation and orthotopic liver tumor models were established by co-implantation of CAFs and HCC cells to evaluate the role of RvD1 in vivo. To characterize the mechanism of RvD1 inhibited paracrine of COMP in CAFs, various signaling molecules were analyzed by ELISA, western blotting, reactive oxygen species (ROS) detection, immunofluorescence staining, dual luciferase reporter assay and chromatin immunoprecipitation assay. Results Our data revealed that RvD1 treatment can impede the CAFs-induced cancer stem-like properties and the EMT of HCC cells under co-culture conditions. In vivo studies indicated that RvD1 intervention repressed the promoting effects of CAFs on tumor growth and metastasis of HCC. Furthermore, RvD1 inhibited CAF-induced EMT and stemness features of HCC cells by suppressing the secretion of COMP. Mechanistically, formyl peptide receptor 2 (FPR2) receptor mediated the suppressive effects of RvD1 on COMP and forkhead box M1 (FOXM1) expression in CAFs. Notably, RvD1 impaired CAF-derived COMP in a paracrine manner by targeting FPR2/ROS/FOXM1 signaling to ultimately abrogate FOXM1 recruitment to the COMP promoter. Conclusion Our results indicated that RvD1 impaired paracrine of CAFs-derived COMP by targeting FPR2/ROS/FOXM1 signaling to repress EMT and cancer stemness in HCC. Thus, RvD1 may be a potential agent to promote treatment outcomes in HCC