4 research outputs found


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    In his path of thinking, particularly from the 1930s onwards, Martin Heidegger firmly believed that Sein reveals itself, when human being, whom he termed as Dasein, awakened from his blindness of common sense and struggle for grasps his own authenticity. In this paper I examine Heidegger’s destruction of the work of art as a site of strife between art and politics in his text, Der Ursprung des Kunstwerkes. Heidegger’s position is complex: on the one hand, he acknowledges that Sein is a phenomenon beyond our horizon of understanding, Sein is all about not something particular; on the other hand, he insists that Sein’s presence through art inscribed in a certain particular identity, especially German volks. In response, I argue that the identification of Sein with a particular identity such as German volks, offers the truth that the politics itself is forged and instituted in and as work of art. Some conclusions will be drawn concerning the importance of the small dimension of Heidegger’s thought on art in contemporary politics

    Antropologi Politik Helmuth Plessner

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    In the contexts of contemporary social and political thought, a fundamental anthropological and political problem is thedebate about how deeply the essence of the human related to political praxis. The purpose of this article is to explore the idea ofHelmuth Plessner’s political anthropology as the middle paradigm, between political theology and economic theology. In thefirst and second parts of this article, Plessner’s philosophical anthropology will be presented, which focuses on the concept of theeccentric position of human being. Based on this concept, Plessner attempted to show the mutual interpenetration of philosophyand politics, which will be described in the third part of this article. Plessner insists on the importance of a philosophicalanthropology of the political for practical politics itself. Some conclusion will be drawn concerning the importance of smalldimensions of Plessner’s political anthropology in relation to the current political context

    Universalisme Paulus menurut Alain Badiou: uraian dan tanggapan

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    Ketika semua orang percaya bahwa partikularitas-partikularitas sosial memunculkan pluralitas pandangan di dalam masyarakat kontemporer, Badiou mengintrodusir gagasannya tentang universalitas subjek singular dengan tujuan mengatasi apa yang disebut sebagai global village tanpa solidaritas. Artikel ini adalah suatu uraian atas pandangan Badiou, yang termasuk dalam barisan pemikir yang menggerakkan ?kapal kecil pemikiran‛ kepada subjek dan subjektivitas manusia. Dalam bagian pertama, saya akan menguraikan pandangan Badiou tentang problem homogenisasi, dilanjutkan dengan pandangannya mengenai kekristenan sebagai sebuah peristiwa, yang akan menghantar kita pada pandangannya mengenai singularitas universal yang diakarkan pada pewartaan St. Paulus. Pada bagian akhir, saya akan mengajukan suatu catatan kritis atas pandangannya dalam perbandingan dengan beberapa filsuf yang berbicara pula mengenai St. Paulus. Tulisan ini akan ditutup dengan satu simpulan mengenai signifikansi pemikiran Badiou, dalam konteks pluralisme masyarakat semasa ini, terutama di Indonesia

    Universalisme Paulus Menurut Alain Badiou: Uraian dan Tantangan

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    Ă‚ When people believe that social particularities raise plurality of views in the contemporary society, Badiou introduces the idea of the universality of the singular subject with the aim of overcoming the so-called global village without solidarity. This article is a description of Badious thought, which is included in the line of thinkers which moves "small boat of thought" to the subject and the subjectivity of human. In the first section, I will outline Badious view about the problem of homogenization, followed by his view of Christianity as an event, which will lead us to his view on the universal singularity that is rooted in the proclamation of St. Paul. At the end, I will propose a critical note on his views in comparison with some philosophers who also spoke about St. Paul. This paper will be closed with a conclusion on the significance of Badious thought, in the context of contemporary society's pluralism, especially in Indonesia.