5 research outputs found

    The Relationship Between Abraham Maslow's Theory of Learning Motivation and the Learning Motivation of FKIP Students of Nusa Cendana University

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          The goal is that students have motivation that is in line with the principles of learning motivation and can participate in every learning activity in theory and practice. The design used in the implementation of this research is Ex post facto. The method used is non-experimental quantitative. The instrument used in the form of a questionnaire aimed at collecting data on Abraham Maslow's motivation theory with the learning motivation of Physical Education Students consists of five aspects namely physiological needs, security needs, social needs, self-esteem needs, self-actualization needs which are independent variables or those that affect two aspects, namely learning activities in the classroom or the field and independent activities of students which are dependent or influenced variables. The sample in this study used simple random sampling. The research sample selected as many as 35 students of Semester II, IV and VI. The results of Abraham Maslow's theory of learning motivation with learning motivation of 35 Penjaskesrek students are in moderate qualifications with an average score of 162, in the interval (157 – 164), and the learning motivation of Penjaskesrek students lies in moderate qualifications with an average score. the average is 130, is in the interval (126 – 132). Thus, there is a significant influence between Abraham Maslow's theory of learning motivation and the learning motivation of Penjaskesrek FKIP students, Nusa Cendana University, Kupang in 2020. It appears that r count (0.609) is greater than r table (0.344), 0.609 > 0.344. The results showed that there was a positive and quite strong influence so that there was a relationship between Abraham Maslow's theory of learning motivation and the learning motivation of Penjaskesrek FKIP students, Nusa Cendana University, Kupang in 2022 of 0.609


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    ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study is to study the effect of audio visual media on the cognitive and psychomotor affective development of students. The method used in this research is experiment. The population in this study were all students who took part in futsal extracurricular activities at SMPN 11 Kota Kupang while the sample in this study was 40 male students. The instrument used used the game performance assessment test (GPAI) and the instrument transferred from Permana (2014, p. 37). Data were processed using SPSS version 22. The results of this study are: 1) Increased affective participation from the control group 48.64% to the trial 49.58%, by proving 27.77%. 2) With the increase in cognitivefrom the control group 22.07% to the experiment 33.47% with the experiment 59.18%. 3) Increase in psychomotor development from the control group 17.08% to the 19.79% experiment with the 31.03% trial. So this shows a significant increase of learning outcomes through audio-visual media on the affective, cognitive and psychomotor development in futsal learning.Keywords: Audio Visual, Affective, Cognitive, Psychomotor, Futsal Learning.  ABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengearuh media audio visual terhadap perkembangan afektif kognitif dan psikomotor siswa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah eksperimen. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa yang mengikuti kegiatan ekstrakulikuler futsal di SMPN 11 Kota Kupang sedangkan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 40 siswa laki-laki. Instrument yang dipakai menggunakan tes game performance assesment instrument (GPAI) dan instrumen yang mengadopsi dari Permana (2014, hlm. 37). Data diolah menggunakan program SPSS versi 22. Hasil penelitian ini adalah: 1) Terdapat peningkatan pada afektif dari kelompok kontrol 48,64% ke eksperimen 49,58%, dengan  perbandingan 27,77%. 2) Terdapat peningkatan pada kognitif dari kelompok kontrol 22,07% ke eksperimen 33,47% dengan perbandingan 59,18%. 3) Terdapat peningkatan pada perkembangan psikomotor dari kelompok kontrol 17,08% ke eksperimen 19,79% dengan perbandingan 31,03%. Maka hal ini menunjukan adanya peningkatan signifikan dari hasil pembelajaran melalui media audio visual terhadap perkembangan afektif, kognitif dan psikomotor dalam pembelajaran futsal.Kata Kunci: Audio Visual, Afektif, Kognitif, Psikomotor, Pembelajaran Futsal

    The Effectiveness of Instruments and Norms of Physical Ability Tests for Athletes Aged 13-18 Years in East Nusa Tenggara Province

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the instrument and the norms for testing the physical ability of athletes aged 13-18 years. This type of research is descriptive research with survey techniques using the test method. The population in this study were Student Education and Training Center athletes in East Nusa Tenggara Province, totaling 69 athletes consisting of 41 boys and 28 girls. The sampling technique used in this study is nonprobability sampling of 69 athletes. The instruments used in this study were the 400 meter running test, sit and reach test, power hop test and multistage fitness test. The data obtained in this study were processed using t-test statistics with a significance level (α) = 5%. The results of research based on research and tests that have been carried out have a significant effect. Judging from the results of calculating the correlation coefficient of the influence and contribution of the old and new norms, namely: for male athletes, the value of R = correlation coefficient is equal to 0.720, while the magnitude of the contribution of the new norm to the old norm is shown by the R Square value of 0.518, which is 51.8%. Whereas for female athletes, the results obtained are R = correlation coefficient of 0.921, which means that the influence is large, while the contribution of the new norm to the old norm is shown by the R Square value of 0.849, which is 84.9%. So it can be concluded that there is an effectiveness of the instruments and norms for testing the physical ability of athletes aged 13-18 years in East Nusa Tenggara Province

    Socialization of The Teaching Games for Understanding Learning Model to School Physical Education Teacher Upper Middle School in Kupang City

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    Learning physical education has a different approach from other subjects. This is due to the emphasis on the development of psychomotor aspects rather than cognitive and affective aspects. In fact, the process of learning physical education emphasizes not only psychomotor aspects but also cognitive and affective aspects simultaneously, as internationally standardized by ICHPER-SD and UNESCO that physical education and sports in schools must describe the discipline of knowledge, skills and behavior covering the domains psychomotor, cognitive, and affective. This demand results in the need for a learning approach that can involve and develop all aspects of education.The Tactics Learning Approach (TGfU) pays very broad attention to the cognitive and psychomotor domains. For example, the cognitive domain is obtained from exams in high and secondary schools. Behavioral measurement is carried out to measure the effectiveness and involvement of the game that was developed to contribute to the measurement of actions and skills that are measured in relation to the cognitive domain. Very little attention has been paid to researchers and educators in the cognitive and affective domains. The influence of work and pleasure in sports will give greater influence through game learning. For example, children, coaches and parents all need to know that games and game situations are more enjoyable than continuous, technique-oriented practice

    Pelatihan Pentingnya Endurance Dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Pelatih Olahraga di SKO Kota Kupang

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    Praktisi atau pelatih olahraga merupakan tugas utama dalam proses pembaharuan dalam menjawab kebutuhan akan kuantitas serta kualitas sumber daya manusia yang mampu berperan secara aktif dalam menumbuhkan peradaban masyarakat. Para pelatih, khususnya para pelatih klub-klub olahraga di pulau jambu adalah evaluasi ketahananuntuk para atlet. Para pelatih hanya mengetahui cara menajamkan daya tahan, akan tetapi mereka (para pelatih) tidak mengetahui acuan bahwa adanya tes dan pengukuran terkait daya tahan pada atlet.Setelah melakukan pelatihan pada masyarakat berdampak pada pemahaman dan penguasaan daya tahan/kebugaran serta penggunaaan tes dan pengukuran daya tahan