6 research outputs found


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    Pakan adalah salah satu faktor penting dalam menunjang pengembangan peternakan sapi potong. Kendalanya ternak sapi digembalakan di lahan pertanian sehingga pakan yang dikonsumsi adalah rumput lapangan yang kualitasnya rendah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis strategi apa yang digunakan untuk introduksi teknologi pakan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survei, dengan teknik PRA. Penentuan lokasi dilakukan secara purposive sampling yaitu kecamatan yang memiliki populasi sapi yang rendah. Data yang dikumpulkan adalah data primer yang diperoleh dari publikasi (BPS) dan artikel-artikel ilmiah. Responden ditentukan secara purposive sampling yaitu petani yang ternak sapi potong tradisonal. Responden kunci adalah pejabat Dinas Pertanian Peternakan dan penyuluh pertanian di lokasi penelitian. Analisis data menggunakan analisis PMSL dan deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ternak sapi potong digembalakan di lahan pertanian dengan pakan yang dikonsumsi adalah rumput yang kualitasnya rendah. Usaha ternak sapi potong yang bersifat tradisional ditunjukkan dengan skala kecil. Teknologi yang digunakan masih sederhana artinya petani peternak belum memperhatikan teknologi pakan berkualitas dan pengolahan pakan. Potensi maksimum sumberdaya lahan di bawah pohon kelapa (PMSL) untuk Kecamatan Bolangitang Timur adalah sebesar 3.158,42, Kecamatan Bintauna sebesar 3.206,55 dan Kecamatan Bolangitang Barat adalah sebesar 4.744,24.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa strategi yang dikembangkan adalah strategi agresif untuk meningkatkan peluang dengan memanfaatkan kekuatan yang ada. Perlu sosialisasi bagi petani peternak untuk introduksi hijauan berkualitas dan pengawetan hijauan.Kata Kunci : teknologi, introduksi, pakan, sapi, kebijakanBEEF CATTLE DEVELOPMENT POLICY THROUGH FEED TECHNOLOGY INTRODUCTIONFeed was an important factor in supporting the development of beef cattle farms. The problem was that cattle were grazed on agricultural land so that the feed consumed was field grass of low quality. The purpose of this research was to analyze what strategies were used for the introduction of feed technology. The research method used was a survey method, with the PRA technique. The location was determined by purposive sampling, namely districts that had a low cattle population. The data collected is primary data obtained from publications (BPS) and scientific articles. Respondents were determined by purposive sampling, namely farmers who were traditional beef cattle. Key respondents were officials of Department of the Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, and agricultural extension agents. Data were analyzed using PMSL and descriptive analysis. The results showed that beef cattle were grazed on agricultural land and the feed consumed was grass of low quality. Traditional beef cattle business was shown on a small scale. The technology used was traditional means that quality feed technology and processing have not been applied by farmers. The maximum potential of land resources under coconut trees (PMSL) for District of East Bolangitang District was 3,158.42, Bintauna was 3,206.55 and West Bolangitang was 4,744.24. Based on the research results it can be concluded that the strategy developed is an aggressive strategy to increase opportunities by utilizing existing strengths. Socialization is needed for farmers to introduce quality forages and forage preservation.Keywords: technology, introduction, feed, cattle, polic


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    Ternak sapi di pedesaan diandalkan oleh petani sebagai sumber pendapatan. Di sisi lain, ternak sapi menghasilkan limbah yang dapat berdampak terhadap pencemaran lingkungan. Inovasi teknologi dibutuhkan untuk memanfaatkan kotoran sapi sebagai pupuk organik. Permasalahannya sejauh mana penerapan teknologi pemanfaatan kotoran sapi sebagai pupuk dan apakah pupuk organik dapat memberikan manfaat begi petani peternak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penerapan teknologi pupuk organik dan manfaatnya bagi petani di pedesaan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survei. Data yang dikumpulkan adalah data yang dipublikasi baik oleh BPS maupun artikel – artikel ilmiah. Penentuan lokasi kecamatan dan desa adalah secara purposive sampling. Kecamatan yang dipilih adalah kecamatan yang memiliki populasi sapi terbanyak. Desa sampel adalah desa yang memiliki petani yang sudah menerapkan teknologi pembuatan pupuk bersumber dari kotoran sapi. Responden ditentukan secara purposive sampling yaitu petani yang telah memanfaatkan kotoran sapi sebagai pupuk organik. Analisis data menggunakan análisis deskriptif. Ternak sapi menghasilkan kotoran sebanyak 10 kg per hari yang dikelola menjadi pupuk organik padat sebanyak 3 kg. Jumlah ternak sapi di Kecamatan Sangkub Tahun 2018 sebanyak 3570 ekor menghasilkan kotoran sebanyak 13.030.500 kg dalam setahun. Pupuk padat dijual dengan harga Rp 1500 per kg. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa petani yang mengikuti penyuluhan inovasi teknologi pupuk organik sebanyak 37,5 persen (15 petani) dan yang menerapkan 13,33 persen dari jumlah petani yang ikut penyuluhan. Perlu sosialisasi bagi petani untuk pemanfaatan kotoran sap sebagai pupuk organik.Kata Kunci : teknologi, introduksi, pupuk, organik, sapi ORGANIC FERTILIZER TECHNOLOGY INTRODUCTION BY UTILIZING CATTLE WASTECattle in rural areas were favored by farmers as a source of income. On the other hand, cattle produce waste which can have an impact on environmental pollution. Technological innovation was needed in utilizing cattle waste as organic fertilizer. The problem was the extent to which technology was applied to utilize cattle waste as fertilizer and whether organic fertilizers can benefit farmers. The purpose of this study was to determine the application of organic fertilizer technology and its benefits for farmers in rural areas. The research method used was a survey method. The data collected was data published both by BPS and scientific articles. Determination of the location of districts and villages was by purposive sampling. The districts were selected based on the districts that had the largest cattle population. The sample villages were determined based on the presence of farmers who had applied fertilizer technology sourced from cattle waste. Respondents were determined by purposive sampling, namely farmers who have used cattle waste as organic fertilizer. The data analysis used was descriptive analysis. Cattles produce 10 kg of feces per day which was managed into 3 kg of solid organic fertilizer. The number of cattle in Sangkub District in 2018 was 3570 heads producing 13,030,500 kg of feces a year. Solid fertilizer was sold at Rp. 1500 per kg. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the farmers who took part in the extension on organic fertilizer technology innovation were 37.5 percent (15 farmers) and those who applied 13.33 percent of the total farmers who participated in the extension. There is a need for socialization for farmers to use cattle waste as organic fertilizer.Keywords: technology, introduction, fertilizer, organic, cattl

    Development Potential of Integrated Farming System (Local Cattle - Food Crops)

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    Local cattle farming as an income source for farmers in rural areas is mostly developed traditionally. The local cattle farm continues, even though it is a side business, but is a mainstay in supporting national beef needs. The problem is whether integration of local cattle and food crops have the potential to be developed by farmers. The research was conducted to determine the potential integration of local cattle local and corn in North Bolaang Mongondow Regency. A survey method using a purposive sampling selected 60 farmers from Sangkub District where farmers practiced an integrated cattle-crops farming. Data were subjected to proximate and feasibility analysis. The results showed that the total cattle owned by respondents were 209. The feed consisted of grass and corn waste, with an average consumption of 5.33 and 11.15 kg/head/day, respectively. A proximate analysis of waste corn reported 86.48% dry material, 7.36% crude protein, 1.84% fat, 28.95% crude fiber, 9.10% ash and 68.18% carbohydrate.  Respondents' income from cattle farming in Bintauna and Sangkub Districts were Rp. 151,000,000 vs. Rp. 169,900,000, production costs were Rp. 101,150,625 vs. Rp. 107,298,593.8, and RC ratio was 1.49 vs. 1.58. In conclusion, corn waste consumption was greater (67.66%) than the grass. RC ratio value >1 indicated that cattle farming was feasible. The corn-cattle farming integration system can minimize environmental pollution because it enables the concept of LEISA (Low External Input Sustainability Agriculture)


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    INTRODUCTION OF TECHNOLOGY IN SUPPORT FARMING OF DUCK IN PASLATEN VILLAGE DISTRICT OF KAKAS REGENCY OF MINAHASA.The purpose of raising ducks by members of the Kinakas Jaya group was to produce eggs and meat. The eggs produced were around 60-70 percent of the total number of duck members owned by group members. The low production and productivity of ducks causes low income received by group members and not continuous whereas the demand for duck products has increased from year to year. Duck farming in North Sulawesi has a very large development prospect in terms of the population that tends to increase every year. The problem with raising ducks by group members was still traditional and the availability of DOD was not continuous. Based on these problems, empowerment of group members was carried out, namely extension and introduction of hatching machines. The research was conducted with the aim to find out the extent of empowerment activities in supporting duck business in Paslaten Village, Kakas District. The research method used was a survey method. The sample location was Paslaten Village, which was determined by purposive sampling (a village with a group of duck farmers). Respondents were members of the Kinakas Jaya group who were empowered through the introduction of technology. The age of the respondents ranged from 42-50 years with junior high school level (37.5%) and high school 62.5%. Extension was done and responded well by group members. Furthermore, the process of hatching eggs was carried out by group members. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the technology was successfully adopted by group members, but the success rate of hatching eggs was still low. Suggestions submitted need to increase the frequency of counseling and application of technologyÂ

    Profitabilitas Lembaga Rantai Pasok Ternak Sapi

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    Agribisnis ternak sapi yang bersifat tradisional, manajemen rantai pasok atau supply chain management (SCM) masih berlangsung tradisional pula. Sekalipun sederhana atau tradisional rantai pasok memiliki fungsi dan perannya. Peran setiap rantai pasok terkait banyaknya mata rantai yang terlibat dalam rantai pasokan daging sapi dan merupakan proses penyampaian produk yang awalnya berupa sapi potong hidup menjadi daging sapi dari peternak sapi potong hingga ke konsumen daging. Buku ini akan menjelaskan secara detail mengenai bagaimana pengembangan agribisnis sapi dapat dilakukan. Semoga buku dengan judul “Profitabilitas Lembaga Rantai Pasok Ternak Sapi” ini dapat membawa manfaat bagi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan

    Development Potential of Integrated Farming System (Local Cattle - Food Crops)

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    Local cattle farming as an income source for farmers in rural areas is mostly developed traditionally. The local cattle farm continues, even though it is a side business, but is a mainstay in supporting national beef needs. The problem is whether integration of local cattle and food crops have the potential to be developed by farmers. The research was conducted to determine the potential integration of local cattle local and corn in North Bolaang Mongondow Regency. A survey method using a purposive sampling selected 60 farmers from Sangkub District where farmers practiced an integrated cattle-crops farming. Data were subjected to proximate and feasibility analysis. The results showed that the total cattle owned by respondents were 209. The feed consisted of grass and corn waste, with an average consumption of 5.33 and 11.15 kg/head/day, respectively. A proximate analysis of waste corn reported 86.48% dry material, 7.36% crude protein, 1.84% fat, 28.95% crude fiber, 9.10% ash and 68.18% carbohydrate. Respondents' income from cattle farming in Bintauna and Sangkub Districts were Rp. 151,000,000 vs. Rp. 169,900,000, production costs were Rp. 101,150,625 vs. Rp. 107,298,593.8, and RC ratio was 1.49 vs. 1.58. In conclusion, corn waste consumption was greater (67.66%) than the grass. RC ratio value >1 indicated that cattle farming was feasible. The corn-cattle farming integration system can minimize environmental pollution because it enables the concept of LEISA (Low External Input Sustainability Agriculture)