6 research outputs found


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    1. Ant behavioural reaction to stimuli presented at the entrance of the domatium for 3 minutes. 2. Ant behavioural reaction to leaflet damage and pure compounds, using the paired-leaves protocol. 3. Quantification of leaf compounds. Leaflets of three taxa of Leonardoxa africana (subspp. africana, letouzeyi and gracilicaulis) were soaked in hexane for 30 minutes. 2.9 µg of nonane was added to each sample as an internal standard. Amounts of (E)-2-hexenal and methyl salicylate were determined by gas chromatography / mass spectroscopy. 4. Antennal responses of ants (measured by electroantennography) to compounds. 5. Antennal responses of ants (measured by electroantennography) to increasing amounts of compounds

    Number of fungal samples in which the different MOTUs were detected using sequencing of the ITS region (ITS1, 5.8S, ITS2) of ribosomal DNA.

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    a<p>PCR was performed directly on the fungal patch using fungal universal primers ITS1f and ITS4, and thus only one species per sample can be detected.</p>b<p>species were detected using either universal primers, molecular cloning of PCR product or species-specific primers, so that several species per sample can be detected.</p>c<p>either no amplification, or the sequence was not readable.</p>d<p>sequences that do not belong to Chaetothyriales (likely contaminants or non-symbiotic competitors).</p

    Spatial distribution of Chaetothyriales MOTUs of the <i>Petalomyrmex phylax/Leonardoxa africana</i> subsp. <i>africana</i> system.

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    <p>Sectors represent the proportion of each Molecular Operational Taxonomic Unit in each sampling site. MOTUs were detected using universal and/or specific ITS primers. Size of pie charts is proportional to sample size (i.e., the number of fungal samples for which at least one Chaetothyriales MOTU was detected).</p

    Spatial distribution of Chaetothyriales MOTUs of the <i>Tetraponera aethiops/Barteria fistulosa</i> system.

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    <p>Sectors represent the proportion of each Molecular Operational Taxonomic Unit in each sampling site. MOTUs were detected using universal and/or specific ITS primers. When specific ITS primers were used, PCR products were not always sequenced. Size of pie charts is proportional to sample size (i.e., the number of fungal samples for which at least one Chaetothyriales MOTU was detected).</p