10 research outputs found

    Planning of Interventions With the Atlas Expert System

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    The ATLAS Technical Coordination Expert System is a tool for the simulation of the ATLAS experiment infrastructure that combines information from diverse areas such as detector control (DCS) and safety systems (DSS), gas, water, cooling, ventilation, cryogenics, and electricity distribution. It allows the planning of an intervention during technical stops and maintenance periods, and it is being used during the LS2 to provide an additional source of information for the planning of interventions. This contribution will describe the status of the Expert System and how it is used to provide information on the impact of an intervention

    ATLAS Technical Coordination Expert System

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    Technical details of the directly manipulated systems and the impact on non-obviously connected systems are required knowledge when preparing an intervention in a complex experiment like ATLAS. In order to improve the understanding of the parties involved in an intervention a rule-based expert system has been developed. On the one hand his helps to recognise dependencies that are not always evident and on the other hand it facilitates communication between experts with different backgrounds by translating domain specific vocabularies. To simulate an event this tool combines information from diverse areas such as detector control (DCS) and safety systems (DSS), gas, cooling, ventilation, and electricity distribution. The inference engine provides a fast response of the impacted systems that are connected at a low level although they belong to different domains. It also predicts the probability of failure for each of the components affected by an intervention. Risk assessment models considered are fault tree analysis and principal component analysis. The user interface is a web-based application that uses graphics and text to provide different views of the detector system adapted to the different user needs and to interpret the data

    ATLAS technical coordination expert system

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    When planning an intervention on a complex experiment like ATLAS, the detailed knowledge of the system under intervention and of the interconnection with all the other systems is mandatory. In order to improve the understanding of the parties involved in an intervention, a rule-based expert system has been developed. On the one hand this helps to recognise dependencies that are not always evident and on the other hand it facilitates communication between experts with different backgrounds by translating between vocabularies of specific domains. To simulate an event this tool combines information from different areas such as detector control (DCS) and safety (DSS) systems, gas, cooling, ventilation, and electricity distribution. The inference engine provides a list of the systems impacted by an intervention even if they are connected at a very low level and belong to different domains. It also predicts the probability of failure for each of the components affected by an intervention. Risk assessment models considered are fault tree analysis and principal component analysis. The user interface is a web-based application that uses graphics and text to provide different views of the detector system adapted to the different user needs and to interpret the data

    ATLAS technical coordination expert system

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    When planning an intervention on a complex experiment like ATLAS, the detailed knowledge of the system under intervention and of the interconnection with all the other systems is mandatory. In order to improve the understanding of the parties involved in an intervention, a rule-based expert system has been developed. On the one hand this helps to recognise dependencies that are not always evident and on the other hand it facilitates communication between experts with different backgrounds by translating between vocabularies of specific domains. To simulate an event this tool combines information from different areas such as detector control (DCS) and safety (DSS) systems, gas, cooling, ventilation, and electricity distribution. The inference engine provides a list of the systems impacted by an intervention even if they are connected at a very low level and belong to different domains. It also predicts the probability of failure for each of the components affected by an intervention. Risk assessment models considered are fault tree analysis and principal component analysis. The user interface is a web-based application that uses graphics and text to provide different views of the detector system adapted to the different user needs and to interpret the data

    Radiation Hard 3D Silicon Pixel Sensors for use in the ATLAS Detector at the HL-LHC

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    The High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) upgrade requires the planned Inner Tracker (ITk) of the ATLAS detector to tolerate extremely high radiation doses. Specifically, the innermost parts of the pixel system will have to withstand radiation fluences above 1×10161\times10^{16}neqcm2n_{eq}cm^{-2}. Novel 3D silicon pixel sensors offer a superior radiation tolerance compared to conventional planar pixel sensors, and are thus excellent candidates for the innermost parts of the ITk. This paper presents studies of 3D pixel sensors with pixel size 50×5050 \times 50μm2\mu m^2 mounted on the RD53A prototype readout chip. Following a description of the design and fabrication steps, Test Beam results are presented for unirradiated as well as heavily irradiated sensors. For particles passing at perpendicular incidence, it is shown that average efficiencies above 96% are reached for sensors exposed to fluences of 1×10161\times10^{16} neqcm2n_{eq}cm^{-2} when biased to 80 VV

    Test of ITk 3D sensor pre-production modules with ITkPixv1.1 chip

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    ITk detector, the new ATLAS tracking system at High Luminosity LHC, will be equipped with 3D pixel sensor modules in the innermost layer (L0). The pixel cell dimensions will be either 25x100 µm2 (barrel) or 50x50 µm2 (endcap), with one read-out electrode at the centre of a pixel and four bias electrodes at the corners. Sensors from pre-production wafers (50x50 µm2) produced by FBK have been bump bonded to ITkPixv1.1 chip at IZM. Bare modules have been assembled in Genoa on Single Chip Cards and characterized in laboratory and at test beam

    Qualification of the first preproduction 3D FBK sensors with ITkPixV1\

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    The ITk detector, the new ATLAS silicon tracking system for High Luminosity LHC, will be equipped with 3D pixel sensor modules in the innermost layer (L0). The pixel cell dimensions will be 25x100 μm² in the barrel and 50x50 μm² in the end-caps, with one read-out electrode at the centre of each pixel and four bias electrodes at the corners. Sensors from pre-production wafers (50x50 μm²) produced by FBK have been bump bonded to ITkPixV1.1 chips at IZM. Bare modules have been assembled in Genoa on Single Chip Cards and characterized in laboratory and at test beams. Few of these modules have been irradiated in Bonn and at the CERN IRRAD facility. Preliminary results of their characterization after irradiation will be shown, including measurements performed during SPS test beam campaigns in Summer 2022

    Qualification of the first pre-production 3D FBK sensors with ITkPixV1 readout chip

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    The ITk detector, the new ATLAS silicon tracking system for the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC), will be equipped with 3D pixel sensor modules in the innermost layer (L0). The pixel cell dimensions will be 25×100 μm2^{2} in the barrel and 50×50 μm2^{2} in the end-caps, with one readout electrode at the centre of each pixel and four bias electrodes at the corners. Sensors from pre-production wafers (50×50 μm2^{2}) produced by FBK have been bump-bonded to ITkPixV1.1 chips at IZM. Bare modules have been assembled in Genoa on Single Chip Cards (SCCs) and characterized in laboratory measurements and in test beam campaigns. Some of these modules have been irradiated in Bonn and at the CERN IRRAD facility. Preliminary results of their characterization after irradiation are shown, including measurements performed during test beam campaigns at CERN SPS in Summer 2022

    Test Beam Results of SINTEF 3D Pixel Silicon Sensorsb

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    This paper presents test beam results of SINTEF 3D pixel sensors designed for the Inner Tracker (ITk) of the ATLAS detector at the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC). The sensors are required to withstand extreme radiation doses and to maintain efficiency above 96-97% after a lifetime operation at the ITk. We present details on the production and design of these sensors, the setup for the experiment at CERN, and the analysis of the test beam data. Results are promising, showing excellent position resolution and high efficiencies after irradiation. The sensors meet the operational efficiency targets for both perpendicular and tilted configurations, validating their design and performance for future HL-LHC operations

    EUDAQ—a data acquisition software framework for common beam telescopes

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    EUDAQ is a generic data acquisition software developed for use in conjunction with common beam telescopes at charged particle beam lines. Providing high-precision reference tracks for performance studies of new sensors, beam telescopes are essential for the research and development towards future detectors for high-energy physics. As beam time is a highly limited resource, EUDAQ has been designed with reliability and ease-of-use in mind. It enables flexible integration of different independent devices under test via their specific data acquisition systems into a top-level framework. EUDAQ controls all components globally, handles the data flow centrally and synchronises and records the data streams. Over the past decade, EUDAQ has been deployed as part of a wide range of successful test beam campaigns and detector development applications