7 research outputs found

    Определение параметров «виртуальной модельной жидкости» для оценки интенсивности теплообмена в реальных условиях теплотехнологии

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    Запропоновано поняття «віртуальної модельної рідини», розроблено метод визначення її теплофізичних властивостей для застосування в експериментально-розрахунковому методі. Введено метод оцінювання реологічної поведінки натурної рідини, суміші, розчину, що дає можливість перевірки надійності застосування запропонованого підходу до визначення інтенсивності теплообміну в рідині в натурних умовах. Проаналізовані результати реалізації удосконаленого експериментально-розрахункового методу. Введення «віртуальної модельної рідини» дозволяє оцінювати теплофізичні властивості середовища та інтенсивність теплообміну в натурних умовах, а також визначати границі режимів руху суміші за умов теплообміну.The notion of «virtual model liquid» has been proposed and the method of determining its thermophysical properties has been developed for application in experimental calculated method. Evaluation method of rheological behavior of model mixture or grout has been introduced which makes possible to verify the reliability the application of the proposed approach to determine the intensity of heat transfer in a mixture in the natural conditions. The results of the implementation of the improved experimental calculated method have been analyzed. The introduction of «virtual model liquid» allow evaluate the thermophysical properties of the medium and the intensity of heat transfer in natural conditions and to determine the boundary modes of movement of mixture in conditions of heat exchange.Предложено понятие «виртуальной модельной жидкости», разработан метод определения ее теплофизических свойств для применения в экспериментально-расчетном методе. Введен метод оценки реологического поведения натурной жидкости, смеси, раствора, что дает возможность проверки надежности применения предложенного подхода к определению интенсивности теплообмена в жидкости в натурных условиях. Проанализированы результаты реализации усовершенствованного экспериментально-расчетного метода. Введение «виртуальной модельной жидкости» позволяет оценивать теплофизические свойства среды и интенсивность теплообмена в натурных условиях, а также определять границы режимов движения смеси в условиях теплообмена

    Optimization of pharmacotherapy of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease complicated by bronhoectasis in patients with cardiovascular pathology

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    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a weighty social health and economic importance, and remains one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Presently, special attention is paid to comorbid conditions, when the patient has a combination of pathology respiratory and cardiovascular systems. This research has been devoted to finding ways to optimize the treatment of moderate acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with the complication of bronchoectasis on the background of coronary heart disease

    Реки опорных зон Российской Арктики и их современное состояние

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    Implementation of projects to create support zones is closely linked to the optimization of the system of state control over the environmental situation in the Russian Arctic. Previous studies have shown that zones of ecological disadvantage, as well as impact areas, have formed on these territories. In this regard, the urgency of developing and adapting scientific methods for monitoring the status and methods of regulating the quality of freshwater ecosystems is growing. Recent studies show that the reasons for changing the quality of freshwater ecosystems are the introduction of the substances with anthropogenic origin into the water mass and the modification of chemical components of the natural water environment, changes in its physical characteristics and other properties of the freshwater ecosystem.The aim of this work is to assess the hydrological and environmental state of the river ecosystems in the support zones of the Russian Arctic. The analysis of the long-term regime hydrochemical information (1990–2010) of the state observation network of the Roshydromet was carried out using methods of complex indicators calculating and risk of anthropogenic impact assessments.Variability of the water pollution degreeis analyzed. Priority and critical hydrochemical indicators are identified. It is shown that the role of the anthropogenic component is currently determinative in the transformation of their hydrochemical regime for the river ecosystems of the support zones under study. Their hydrochemical regime is characterized by high spatial, interannual and intra-annual variability of the component composition of the aquatic environment; formation of a higher “anthropogenically-altered natural background”; periodic accumulation in the water environment of priority pollutants to concentrations of tens of hundreds of times the maximum permissible concentrations, an increase in the frequency of cases of high and extreme high pollution.Реализация проектов по созданию опорных зон Российской Арктики тесно связана с оптимизацией системы государственного контроля за экологической ситуацией, в том числе за состоянием пресноводных экосистем. Целью работы является оценка гидролого-экологического состояния речных экосистем опорных зон Российской Арктики. Анализ многолетней (1990–2010 гг.) режимной гидрохимической информации Росгидромета проводился на основе методов расчета комплексных показателей и оценки риска антропогенного воздействия. Проанализирована изменчивость степени загрязненности вод, выявлены приоритетные и критические гидрохимические показатели. Показано, что для речных экосистем роль антропогенной составляющей является в настоящее время определяющей при трансформации их гидрохимического режима

    Geographical Distribution, Incidence, Malignancies, and Outcome of 136 Eastern Slavic Patients With Nijmegen Breakage Syndrome and NBN Founder Variant c.657_661del5

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    Nijmegen breakage syndrome (NBS) is a DNA repair disorder characterized by combined immunodeficiency and a high predisposition to lymphoid malignancies. The majority of NBS patients are identified with a homozygous five base pair deletion in the Nibrin (NBN) gene (c.657_661del5, p.K219fsX19) with a founder effect observed in Caucasian European populations, especially of Slavic origin. We present here an analysis of a cohort of 136 NBS patients of Eastern Slav origin across Belarus, Ukraine, Russia, and Latvia with a focus on understanding the geographic distribution, incidence of malignancy, and treatment outcomes of this cohort. Our analysis shows that Belarus had the highest prevalence of NBS (2.3 per 1,000,000), followed by Ukraine (1.3 per 1,000,000), and Russia (0.7 per 1,000,000). Of note, the highest concentration of NBS cases was observed in the western regions of Belarus and Ukraine, where NBS prevalence exceeds 20 cases per 1,000,000 people, suggesting the presence of an “Eastern Slavic NBS hot spot.” The median age at diagnosis of this cohort ranged from 4 to 5 years, and delay in diagnosis was more pervasive in smaller cities and rural regions. A total of 62 (45%) patients developed malignancies, more commonly in males than females (55.2 vs. 34.2%; p=0.017). In 27 patients, NBS was diagnosed following the onset of malignancies (mean age: 8 years). Malignancies were mostly of lymphoid origin and predominantly non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) (n=42, 68%); 38% of patients had diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. The 20-year overall survival rate of patients with malignancy was 24%. However, females with cancer experienced poorer event-free survival rates than males (16.6% vs. 46.8%, p=0.036). Of 136 NBS patients, 13 underwent hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) with an overall survival of 3.5 years following treatment (range: 1 to 14 years). Indications for HSCT included malignancy (n=7) and immunodeficiency (n=6). Overall, 9% of patients in this cohort reached adulthood. Adult survivors reported diminished quality of life with significant physical and cognitive impairments. Our study highlights the need to improve timely diagnosis and clinical management of NBS among Eastern Slavs. Genetic counseling and screening should be offered to individuals with a family history of NBS, especially in hot spot regions. © Copyright © 2021 Sharapova, Pashchenko, Bondarenko, Vakhlyarskaya, Prokofjeva, Fedorova, Savchak, Mareika, Valiev, Popa, Tuzankina, Vlasova, Sakovich, Polyakova, Rumiantseva, Naumchik, Kulyova, Aleshkevich, Golovataya, Minakovskaya, Belevtsev, Latysheva, Latysheva, Beznoshchenko, Akopyan, Makukh, Kozlova, Varabyou, Ballow, Ong, Walter, Kondratenko, Kostyuchenko and Aleinikova.We thank all doctors for clinical help for patients. We also appreciate the support of patient and their parents for agreeing to take part in this study. TP thanks Sergey?Nikulshin, Marika Grutupa, and Zanna Kovalova. We thank Joseph Dasso for editing this manuscript, primarily for proper English

    The Influence of SiC and Al2O3 Whiskers on the Properties of Whisker-Reinforced cBN-Based Composites

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    Three types of cBN-based composites with TaN binder—without whiskers, with Al2O3 whiskers, and with SiC whiskers—have been produced by the high pressure-high temperature (HPHT) sintering. Density, hardness, Poisson ratio, and fracture toughness of the composites have been studied. The whisker-reinforced cBN-based composites exhibit a higher level of mechanical properties (hardness, fracture toughness) in comparison with the non-reinforced materials