8 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Ujian Osce Mahasiswa Pendidikan Profesi Ners

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    Ujian OSCE adalah mengukur kemampuan lulusan dengan menggunakan salah satu metode yang pengujiannya dilakukan secara komprehensif sehingga lulusan yang di hasilkan kompeten. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui mekanisme pelaksanaan ujian OSCE, faktor faktor yang mempengaruhi pelaksanaan ujian, dan bagaimana evaluasi hasil pelaksanaan ujian OSCE di Program Studi Pendidikan Profesi Ners di Fakultas Keperawatan UNSRIT. Desain penelitian Kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus, sampel dengan menggunakan Pusposive sampling terdiri dari 6 informan, laksanakan pada bulan September tahun 2022 di Universitas Sari Putra Indonesia Tomohon.  Instrumen penelitian adalah peneliti itu sendiri dengan pengambilan data primer yaitu wawancara dan observasi, keabsahan data ditetapkan dengan teknik pemeriksaan yaitu teknik triangulasi. Hasil penelitian di temukan mekanisme pelaksanaan ujian OSCE sudah dilaksanakan dengan menyediakan fasilitas penunjang seperti ruangan dengan 9 station, dosen penguji, klien standar, peralatan penunjang dan petugas yang membantu pelaksanaan ujian. Faktor yang mempengaruhi yaitu kualitas soal, dosen penguji yang memenuhi syarat dan kesiapan mahasiswa dalam mengikuti ujian OSCE serta evaluasi hasil pelaksanaan ujian sebagian besar mahasiswa telah lulus tanpa remedial.              &nbsp

    Strategi Perkuliahan Online Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Dengan Capaian Hasil Belajar Mahasiswa Fakultas Keperawatan Tahun Akademik 2021/2022

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    Sejak pandemi Covid-19 berlangsung di hampir seluruh dunia membuat seluruh aktifitas di berbagai sektor terhambat termasuk sektor Pendidikan. Lewat kebijakan pemerintah untuk belajar dari rumah membuat pendidik dan peserta didik mau tidak mau beradaptasi dengan perubahan tersebut dan merubah system pembelajaran yang terintegrasi melalui jaringan internet secara virtual (Online Learning). Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis strategi perkuliahan online pada masa pendemi Covid-19 dengan capaian hasil belajar pada mahasiswa Fakultas Keperawatan Unsrit Tahun Akademik 2021/202.2 Metode penelitian kualitatif menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dengan 7 responden. Instrumen utama peneliti sendiri. Data primer memakai panduan wawancara, data sekunder didapatkan dari observasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dengan reduksi data, penyusunan data dan kategorisasi. Hasil penelitian Strategi perkuliahan menggunakan pendekatan dan model belajar untuk mencapai tujuan perkuliahan. Perencanaan perkuliahan diatur dalam Rencana Pembelajaran semester (RPS). Media yang digunakan dalam proses perkuliahan adalah Google Classroom (GCR), Google Meet dan Zoom Meeting, media komunikasi menggunakan aplikasi Watsapp. Hasil belajar masuk melalui pelaporan dari dosen pengampu mata kuliah. Ketercapaian tatap muka perkuliahan berdasarkan hasil pemasukan laporan dari para dosen 90% sebanyak 16 kali pertemuan dan pemasukkan nilai tepat waktu oleh dosen sebesar 80%. Ketercapaian kompetensi praktikum mahasiswa tidak maksimal karena adanya protokol kesehatan memerlukan waktu yang lama untuk menyelesaikan satu kompetensi dimana jumlah mahasiswa terbatas yang masuk di ruangan laboratorium keperawatan

    Exploration of an International Program with the Independent Learning and Independent Campus Approach at Sari University Indonesian Son Tomohon

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    The internship program which is one of the Merdeka Learning and Merdeka Campus (MBKM) programs is carried out because students have so far lacked work experience in the real world or in the industry so they are not ready to work. Meanwhile, internships that are held for less than six months or for a short period of time are not sufficient in providing industry competence and experience to students. The company that received the apprentice also stated that the short-term apprenticeship had no benefits, and even disrupted the industry's activities. The purpose of the research is to analyze the implementation of the internship program, namely: the curriculum; the process of carrying out an apprenticeship; the obstacle; its human resources; learning tools; funding; advantages and disadvantages of implementing the MBKM program at the Sari Putra Indonesia University, Tomohon. This study used a qualitative design with the case study method, the sample was determined using a purposive sampling consisting of 6 informants, carried out from January to February 2023 at the University of Sari Putra Indonesia, Tomohon. The research instrument was the researcher himself by collecting primary data, namely interviews and observations, the validity of the data was determined by examining techniques, namely triangulation techniques. The results of the study found that in implementing a quality apprenticeship program, it is necessary to have a curriculum that is adapted to the MBKM curriculum, socialized to academics and campus partners

    Exploration of an International Program with the Independent Learning and Independent Campus Approach at Sari University Indonesian Son Tomohon

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    The internship program which is one of the Merdeka Learning and Merdeka Campus (MBKM) programs is carried out because students have so far lacked work experience in the real world or in the industry so they are not ready to work. Meanwhile, internships that are held for less than six months or for a short period of time are not sufficient in providing industry competence and experience to students. The company that received the apprentice also stated that the short-term apprenticeship had no benefits, and even disrupted the industry's activities. The purpose of the research is to analyze the implementation of the internship program, namely: the curriculum; the process of carrying out an apprenticeship; the obstacle; its human resources; learning tools; funding; advantages and disadvantages of implementing the MBKM program at the Sari Putra Indonesia University, Tomohon. This study used a qualitative design with the case study method, the sample was determined using a purposive sampling consisting of 6 informants, carried out from January to February 2023 at the University of Sari Putra Indonesia, Tomohon. The research instrument was the researcher himself by collecting primary data, namely interviews and observations, the validity of the data was determined by examining techniques, namely triangulation techniques. The results of the study found that in implementing a quality apprenticeship program, it is necessary to have a curriculum that is adapted to the MBKM curriculum, socialized to academics and campus partners, the availability of human resources that suit their needs

    Exploration of an International Program with the Independent Learning and Independent Campus Approach at Sari University Indonesian Son Tomohon

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    The internship program which is one of the Merdeka Learning and Merdeka Campus (MBKM) programs is carried out because students have so far lacked work experience in the real world or in the industry so they are not ready to work. Meanwhile, internships that are held for less than six months or for a short period of time are not sufficient in providing industry competence and experience to students. The company that received the apprentice also stated that the short-term apprenticeship had no benefits, and even disrupted the industry's activities. The purpose of the research is to analyze the implementation of the internship program, namely: the curriculum; the process of carrying out an apprenticeship; the obstacle; its human resources; learning tools; funding; advantages and disadvantages of implementing the MBKM program at the Sari Putra Indonesia University, Tomohon. This study used a qualitative design with the case study method, the sample was determined using a purposive sampling consisting of 6 informants, carried out from January to February 2023 at the University of Sari Putra Indonesia, Tomohon. The research instrument was the researcher himself by collecting primary data, namely interviews and observations, the validity of the data was determined by examining techniques, namely triangulation techniques. The results of the study found that in implementing a quality apprenticeship program, it is necessary to have a curriculum that is adapted to the MBKM curriculum, socialized to academics and campus partners, the availability of human resources that suit their needs

    Exploration of an International Program with the Independent Learning and Independent Campus Approach at Sari University Indonesian Son Tomohon

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    The internship program which is one of the Merdeka Learning and Merdeka Campus (MBKM) programs is carried out because students have so far lacked work experience in the real world or in the industry so they are not ready to work. Meanwhile, internships that are held for less than six months or for a short period of time are not sufficient in providing industry competence and experience to students. The company that received the apprentice also stated that the short-term apprenticeship had no benefits, and even disrupted the industry's activities. The purpose of the research is to analyze the implementation of the internship program, namely: the curriculum; the process of carrying out an apprenticeship; the obstacle; its human resources; learning tools; funding; advantages and disadvantages of implementing the MBKM program at the Sari Putra Indonesia University, Tomohon. This study used a qualitative design with the case study method, the sample was determined using a purposive sampling consisting of 6 informants, carried out from January to February 2023 at the University of Sari Putra Indonesia, Tomohon. The research instrument was the researcher himself by collecting primary data, namely interviews and observations, the validity of the data was determined by examining techniques, namely triangulation techniques. The results of the study found that in implementing a quality apprenticeship program, it is necessary to have a curriculum that is adapted to the MBKM curriculum, socialized to academics and campus partners

    The Role of the Driving Teacher in the Implementation of Independent Learning Program in Vocational High School

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    A driving teacher is a teacher who has a strong commitment to the program, they are studying and have the skills to lead and coordinate efforts to achieve program goals. Through qualitative research involving in-depth interviews with mobilizing teachers and field observations, this article shows that the role of mobilizing teachers is very important in ensuring the success of the independent learning program in Vocational Schools (SMK). The driving teacher acts as a liaison between the independent learning program and students, motivating students to be actively involved in the program, and leading in program development and implementation. The results of this study also show that driving teachers must have strong leadership skills, be able to communicate well, and have extensive knowledge of the independent learning program and related industries. Besides that, the support and cooperation from school management and other staff is also very important to ensure the success of the independent learning program. This study concludes that the role of the driving teacher is very important in the implementation of the independent learning program in Vocational High Schools. The driving teacher must have strong leadership skills and the support of school management and other staff to ensure the success of their program of learning

    The Role of the Driving Teacher in the Implementation of Independent Learning Program in Vocational High School

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    A driving teacher is a teacher who has a strong commitment to the program, they are studying and have the skills to lead and coordinate efforts to achieve program goals. Through qualitative research involving in-depth interviews with mobilizing teachers and field observations, this article shows that the role of mobilizing teachers is very important in ensuring the success of the independent learning program in Vocational Schools (SMK). The driving teacher acts as a liaison between the independent learning program and students, motivating students to be actively involved in the program, and leading in program development and implementation. The results of this study also show that driving teachers must have strong leadership skills, be able to communicate well, and have extensive knowledge of the independent learning program and related industries. Besides that, the support and cooperation from school management and other staff is also very important to ensure the success of the independent learning program. This study concludes that the role of the driving teacher is very important in the implementation of the independent learning program in Vocational High Schools. The driving teacher must have strong leadership skills and the support of school management and other staff to ensure the success of their program of learning