15,393 research outputs found

    A neural network for semantic labelling of structured information

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    Intelligent systems rely on rich sources of information to make informed decisions. Using information from external sources requires establishing correspondences between the information and known information classes. This can be achieved with semantic labelling, which assigns known labels to structured information by classifying it according to computed features. The existing proposals have explored different sets of features, without focusing on what classification techniques are used. In this paper we present three contributions: first, insights on architectural issues that arise when using neural networks for semantic labelling; second, a novel implementation of semantic labelling that uses a state-of-the-art neural network classifier which achieves significantly better results than other four traditional classifiers; third, a comparison of the results obtained by the former network when using different subsets of features, comparing textual features to structural ones, and domain-dependent features to domain-independent ones. The experiments were carried away with datasets from three real world sources. Our results show that there is a need to develop more semantic labelling proposals with sophisticated classification techniques and large features catalogues.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2016-75394-

    TAPON: a two-phase machine learning approach for semantic labelling

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    Through semantic labelling we enrich structured information from sources such as HTML pages, tables, or JSON files, with labels to integrate it into a local ontology. This process involves measuring some features of the information and then nding the classes that best describe it. The problem with current techniques is that they do not model relationships between classes. Their features fall short when some classes have very similar structures or textual formats. In order to deal with this problem, we have devised TAPON: a new semantic labelling technique that computes novel features that take into account the relationships. TAPON computes these features by means of a two-phase approach. In the first phase, we compute simple features and obtain a preliminary set of labels (hints). In the second phase, we inject our novel features and obtain a refined set of labels. Our experimental results show that our technique, thanks to our rich feature catalogue and novel modelling, achieves higher accuracy than other state-of-the-art techniques.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2016-75394-

    AYNEC: All you need for evaluating completion techniques in knowledge graphs

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    The popularity of knowledge graphs has led to the development of techniques to refine them and increase their quality. One of the main refinement tasks is completion (also known as link prediction for knowledge graphs), which seeks to add missing triples to the graph, usually by classifying potential ones as true or false. While there is a wide variety of graph completion techniques, there is no standard evaluation setup, so each proposal is evaluated using different datasets and metrics. In this paper we present AYNEC, a suite for the evaluation of knowledge graph completion techniques that covers the entire evaluation workflow. It includes a customisable tool for the generation of datasets with multiple variation points related to the preprocessing of graphs, the splitting into training and testing examples, and the generation of negative examples. AYNEC also provides a visual summary of the graph and the optional exportation of the datasets in an open format for their visualisation. We use AYNEC to generate a library of datasets ready to use for evaluation purposes based on several popular knowledge graphs. Finally, it includes a tool that computes relevant metrics and uses significance tests to compare each pair of techniques. These open source tools, along with the datasets, are freely available to the research community and will be maintained.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2016-75394-

    Changing Times at Cuban Universities: Looking into the Transition towards a Social, Entrepreneurial and Innovative Organization

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    Since the 1990s, the socialist higher education system has faced several reforms oriented to satisfy the social, economic, and technological demands. However, little is known about the transformation process of the socialist university system over the past two decades. This study provides a better understanding of the entrepreneurial and innovative transition of universities located in socialist economies. By adopting mixed theoretical approaches, we proposed a conceptual model to understand the social, the innovative and the entrepreneurial transformation of socialist universities. We revised/tested this model in the context of the Cuban University by implementing a prospective case study approach. Our findings show insights about the transition towards a business model innovation within the Cuban university. The determinants have been the state regulations, the closing of the complete cycle from teaching to the commercialization of results and the creation of hybrid structures to manage knowledge. Consequently, the university is facing managerial challenges related to its ability to explore/exploit its activities to generate social, innovative and economic outcomes. Our results provide practical implications for the university managers and actors involved in the transformation process of the Cuban Universit

    The news selection about the European Union in Spanish media. A first-level agenda-setting analysis

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    El presente artículo pretende contribuir al debate académico acerca de la comunicación sobre la UE, centrando el objeto de estudio en los medios españoles. Así, se presentan los resultados de un estudio de primer nivel de la teoría de la Agenda Setting realizado durante 16 meses en cuatro medios españoles: El País, El Mundo, Telecinco y TVE. El objetivo es analizar cómo la selección de temas que realizan los medios sobre asuntos de la UE supone un importante condicionante en la percepción de los ciudadanos españoles.This article attempts to make a contribution to the academic debate on communication about the EU taking the Spanish media as the subject matter. Hence, it has been performed a first level study of the Agenda Setting theory developed covering a period of time of 16 months in four Spanish media outlets: El País, El Mundo, Telecinco and TVE. It is aimed at studying how the citizens’ perception of the EU is conditional upon the thematic selection on EU affairs carried on by the media

    Adecuación de la ingesta en una población geriátrica institucionalizada

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    Los ancianos institucionalizados son uno de los colectivos con mayor riesgo de padecer malnutrición o déficits nutricionales importantes. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido valorar la adecuación nutricional de los menús ofertados en un centro asistencial para personas mayores, comparando la ingesta propuesta por el centro con la ingesta real de algunos de los residentes. Métodos: se seleccionó una muestra de 33 residentes con distintos tipos de demencia en un centro asistencial de Castilla y León a los que se les realizó una valoración del estado nutricional sencilla (IMC) y se evaluó el riesgo de malnutrición (Mini Nutritional Asessment (MNA) e Índice de Riesgo Nutricional Geriátrico (IRNG)). Se evaluó el aporte de nutrientes de las dietas pautadas a los residentes (dieta basal, hipocalórica o metabólica) mediante el análisis de las planillas del centro (ingesta teórica) y del consumo alimentario real a partir de un registro de 3 días (ingesta real), y se compararon con las recomendaciones. La normalidad de las variables se determinó mediante Kolmogorov-Smirnov o Shapiro-Wilk; la valoración nutricional de los tres tipos de dieta se analizó mediante ANOVA o el test de Wilcoxon; las dietas reales y teóricas se compararon con la t de Student o la U de Mann-Whitney;.la significación estadística se alcanzó con p<0,05. Resultados: la la edad media de los sujetos fue de 81,5 años. La mitad de los sujetos presentaban un IMC compatible con la normalidad nutricional. Casi el 70% de los ancianos presentaba riesgo de malnutrición a partir del MNA, pero este riesgo se reduce al 42% de los sujetos con el IRNG. Las dietas planificadas aportan una cantidad de energía suficiente, pero con un déficit de hidratos de carbono, un exceso de proteínas y lípidos, un disbalance del perfil lipídico, con un exceso de colesterol, y un aporte de micronutrientes desequilibrado. Al comparar la ingesta teórica con la real, las mayores diferencias se observan en la dieta basal: una menor ingesta de la planificada genera un perfil nutricional más adecuado (menor aporte de grasas, mejor perfil lipídico y mayor ingesta de carbohidratos). Conclusiones: la planificación dietética del centro no se adecúa a las recomendaciones nutricionales para este colectivo, ya que es deficiente en hidratos de carbono y presenta un exceso de lípidos y colesterol, además de desequilibrios en el aporte de algunos micronutrientes que podrían alterar el status óseo y la función cardiovascular. Los sujetos con dieta basal ingieren significativamente menos cantidad de alimentos de los que se les oferta, resultando una dieta con mejor perfil de macronutrientes.Departamento de Pediatría e Inmunología, Obstetricia y Ginecología, Nutrición y Bromatología, Psiquiatría e Historia de la CienciaGrado en Nutrición Humana y Dietétic

    Tratamientos médicos medievales en la Corona de Aragón (s. XIV - XV)

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    Treballs Finals de Grau en Història, Facultat de Geografia i Història, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2013-2014, Tutor: Salvador ClaramuntLa situación geográfica de la Corona de Aragón hizo que, durante la Edad Media, confluyera el saber occidental o latino con el islámico y el judío, creando un clima de conocimiento particular que provocó muchos de los avances científicos de la época. Este trabajo pretende explicar cuáles fueron los tratamientos médicos que se dieron en esas circunstancias y hace una mención especial a la reacción frente a las principales enfermedades y epidemias de la época, como la Peste Negra