357 research outputs found

    The mobbing in the journalistic profession: Empirical analysis of the psychological harassment in the work and his influence in the journalist and in the informative company

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    Los casos de mobbing o acoso psicológico en el trabajo son frecuentes dentro de la profesión periodística, donde las amenazas, las presiones y las conductas hostigadoras se han convertido en compañeras de viaje de sus profesionales. El objetivo de este artículo científico es teorizar sobre esta práctica que se gesta, cada vez con mayor asiduidad, dentro de las redacciones informativas. La revisión crítica de la bibliografía existente, el análisis descriptivo de casos representativos, las entrevistas a los afectados y un estudio de caso aplicado a los profesionales de la prensa escrita de Almería, evidencian cómo el fenómeno afecta de forma insidiosa al bienestar físico y psicológico de los periodistas que lo padecen, suponiendo, al mismo tiempo, importantes costes económicos para las empresas informativas.The cases of mobbing or psychological harassment are frequent inside the journalistic profession at work, where the threats, the pressures and the harsh behavior have turned into partners for his professionals. The aim of this scientific article is to theorize on this practice that is happening, every time with major assiduity, inside the informative drafts. The critical review of the existing bibliography, the descriptive analysis of representative cases, the interviews to the affected ones and a study of case applied to the professionals of the written press of Almeria, demonstrate how the phenomenon concerns, in an alarming way, to the physical and psychological wellness of the journalists who suffer it, and at the same time, it assumes important economic costs to the informative companies

    El mobbing en la profesión periodística: Análisis empírico del acoso psicológico en el trabajo y su influencia en el periodista y en la empresa informativa

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    The cases of mobbing or psychological harassment are frequent inside the journalistic profession at work, where the threats, the pressures and the harsh behavior have turned into partners for his professionals. The aim of this scientific article is to theorize on this practice that is happening, every time with major assiduity, inside the informative drafts. The critical review of the existing bibliography, the descriptive analysis of representative cases, the interviews to the affected ones and a study of case applied to the professionals of the written press of Almeria, demonstrate how the phenomenon concerns, in an alarming way, to the physical and psychological wellness of the journalists who suffer it, and at the same time, it assumes important economic costs to the informative companies.Los casos de mobbing o acoso psicológico en el trabajo son frecuentes dentro de la profesión periodística, donde las amenazas, las presiones y las conductas hostigadoras se han convertido en compañeras de viaje de sus profesionales. El objetivo de este artículo científico es teorizar sobre esta práctica que se gesta, cada vez con mayor asiduidad, dentro de las redacciones informativas. La revisión crítica de la bibliografía existente, el análisis descriptivo de casos representativos, las entrevistas a los afectados y un estudio de caso aplicado a los profesionales de la prensa escrita de Almería, evidencian cómo el fenómeno afecta de forma insidiosa al bienestar físico y psicológico de los periodistas que lo padecen, suponiendo, al mismo tiempo, importantes costes económicos para las empresas informativas

    A proposal for the content of the chapter "poverty measures" in a master's subject in economy and development

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    The objective of this work is teaching. We ask ourselves, what should students be taught about statistical measures of poverty? In a master's course, Measures of Inequality and Poverty, given at the University of Seville, Spain, a chapter dedicated to Measures of Poverty is included. In this work we want to provide this chapter with content. We include the different conceptions of this phenomenon together with the most commonly used measures or indicators. Objective and subjective poverty (with the measures of Kaptein or Leiden), absolute and relative, one-dimensional or multidimensional, are ideas that are shelled in the development of this work. We also include a set of possible axioms or properties required for a good indicator of poverty

    Econometrics and Free Software: A Fruitful Binomial Teaching

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    En el Grado en Economía, en tercer curso, se imparten dos asignaturas relacionadas con la Econometría. La que aparece en segundo lugar, Métodos Avanzados de Econometría, tiene un enfoque eminentemente práctico que exige el uso de material informático sofisticado y que, hasta hace poco, tenía alto coste en el mercado, y por tanto, prohibitivo para nuestros estudian - tes. El hecho de disponer ahora de un software libre econométrico, GRETL, nos ha permitido desarrollar con total naturalidad todos los objetivos de la asignatura, consiguiendo para los estu- diantes un aprendizaje práctico a partir de datos reales, proporcionando a los mismos una visión global, eficaz y útil, de una disciplina que para el profesional de la Economía se convertirá en un instrumento fundamental para sus investigaciones futuras. Los resultados obtenidos entre nuestros alumnos son completamente satisfactorios.We teach two subjects related to Econometrics within the third year of the Degree in Eco- nomics. The second of them, Advanced Methods in Econometrics, has a practical approach and therefore it is necessary the use of specific software which until now had a prohibitive price for our students. However, we could carry out all the objectives of the subject using the free software GRETL. It has allowed our students learn practicing from real data, providing them a global, effective and useful overview of a subject that will be essential for their coming research in Economics. The results obtained with our students have been entirely satisfactor

    Laboratories journalism in Spain. New narratives and future challenges

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    Este trabajo de investigación analiza el origen, la estructura, el funcionamiento y el desarrollo de los laboratorios de periodismo en España, que están creando nuevas fórmulas narrativas y otras maneras de informar y comunicar, mezclando distintos lenguajes y diferentes tecnologías. Desde el punto de vista metodológico, optamos por un método multidisciplinar que combina técnicas de investigación cualitativas y cuantitativas. En primer lugar, recurrimos a una imprescindible revisión bibliográfica para el establecimiento de un marco teórico pertinente, técnica que se completa con otros procedimientos como las entrevistas estructuradas y los estudios de casos múltiples, donde los aspectos cualitativos se completan con un análisis cuantitativo que nos permite extraer conclusiones y aportar ejemplos de interés a la investigación. La crisis que sufre la profesión periodística ha llevado a las empresas informativas a indagar en nuevos productos frente a otros ya obsoletos y cada vez menos rentables. Nacen así los cuatro laboratorios de periodismo que hay en España, que afrontan la innovación como principal reto de futuro.This research analyzes the origin, structure, operation and development laboratories journalism in Spain, which are creating new narrative formulas and other ways to inform and communicate, mixing different languages and different technologies. From the methodological point of view, we opted for a multidisciplinary approach that combines techniques of qualitative and quantitative research. First, we turn to an essential literature review for the establishment of a relevant theoretical framework, technical complete with other procedures such as structured interviews and studies of multiple cases where the qualitative aspects are complemented by a quantitative analysis that allows us draw conclusions and provide examples of interest to the investigation. The crisis in journalism has been informative to look into new products over other companies obsolete and less profitable. And four laboratories are born journalism in Spain, facing innovation as a major challenge for the future

    Using Classification Techniques for Assigning Work Descriptions to Task Groups on the Basis of Construction Vocabulary

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    Construction project management produces a huge amount of documents in a variety of formats. The efficient use of the data contained in these documents is crucial to enhance control and to improve performance. A central pillar throughout the project life cycle is the Bill of Quantities (BoQ) document. It provides economic information and details a collection of work descriptions describing the nature of the different works needed to be done to achieve the project goal. In this work, we focus on the problem of automatically classifying such work descriptions into a predefined task organization hierarchy, so that it can be possible to store them in a common data repository. We describe a methodology for preprocessing the text associated to work descriptions to build training and test data sets and carry out a complete experimentation with several well-known machine learning algorithms.Programa Juan de la Cierva. Grant Number: FJCI-2015-24093Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness. European Regional Development Fund—ERDF. Grant Number: TIN2014-58227-

    Formal verification of a generic framework to synthesize SAT-provers

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    We present in this paper an application of the ACL2 system to generate and reason about propositional satis ability provers. For that purpose, we develop a framework where we de ne a generic SAT-prover based on transformation rules, and we formalize this generic framework in the ACL2 logic, carrying out a formal proof of its termination, soundness and completeness. This generic framework can be instantiated to obtain a number of veri ed and executable SAT-provers in ACL2, and this can be done in an automated way. Three instantiations of the generic framework are considered: semantic tableaux, sequent and Davis-Putnam-Logeman-Loveland methods.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC2000-1368-C03-0

    Verification in ACL2 of a Generic Framework to Synthesize SAT–Provers

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    We present in this paper an application of the ACL2 system to reason about propositional satisfiability provers. For that purpose, we present a framework where we define a generic transformation based SAT–prover, and we show how this generic framework can be formalized in the ACL2 logic, making a formal proof of its termination, soundness and completeness. This generic framework can be instantiated to obtain a number of verified and executable SAT–provers in ACL2, and this can be done in an automatized way. Three case studies are considered: semantic tableaux, sequent and Davis–Putnam methods.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC2000-1368-C03-0

    Formal Verification of Molecular Computational Models in ACL2: A Case Study

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    Theorem proving is a classical AI problem with a broad range of applications. Since its complexity is exponential in the size of the problem, many methods to parallelize the process has been proposed. One of these approaches is based on the massive parallelism of molecular reactions. ACL2 is an automated theorem prover especially adequate for algorithm verification. In this paper we present an ACL2 formalization of a molecular computational model: Adleman’s restricted model. As an application of this model, an implementation of Lipton’s experiment solving SAT is described. We use ACL2 to make a formal proof of the completeness and soundness properties of this implementation.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC2000-1368-C03-0

    Formal Correctness of a Quadratic Unification Algorithm

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    We present a case study using ACL2 [5] to verify a non-trivial algorithm that uses efficient data structures. The algorithm receives as input two first-order terms and it returns a most general unifier of these terms if they are unifiable, failure otherwise. The verified implementation stores terms as directed acyclic graphs by means of a pointer structure. Its time complexity is O(n2) and its space complexity is O(n), and it can be executed in ACL2 at a speed comparable to a similar C implementation. We report the main issues encountered to achieve this formally verified implementation
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