781 research outputs found

    Timing of Wage Setting when Firms Invest in R&D

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    Also published as Working Paper Ikerlanak 2003-08unions, R&D, productivity of labor, wage setting

    Partial cross-ownership and strategic environmental policy

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    This paper analyzes the effect that passive investment in rival firms has on the setting of cooperative and non-cooperative environmental taxes. We consider two firms located in different countries, one of which owns a stake in its rival. We show that partial cross-ownership affects the taxes set by the countries in the cooperative and non-cooperative cases. Depending on the stake that one firm has in its rival we show that cooperative taxes may he higher or lower than non-cooperative taxes. Moreover, for intermediate values of the stake, the non-cooperative tax is higher in one country and lower in the other than the cooperative tax.environmental taxes, international trade, local pollution, partial ownership

    Sobre el método de Godunov para sistemas hiperbólicos no conservativos

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    En este trabajo se aborda la aproximación numérica del problema de Cauchy para sistemas hiperbólicos no conservativos en dimensión uno. El concepto de solución débil de dichos sistemas se define utilizando la teoría de Dal Maso, Le Floch y Murat, basada en la elección de una familia de caminos en el espacio de estados. En primer lugar, establecemos hipótesis para la elección de esta familia de caminos y estudiamos sus implicaciones, en particular, la obtención de una expresión del método de Godunov que generaliza su expresión clásica para sistemas de leyes de conservación. A continuación se estudian las propiedades de buen equilibrado de estos métodos. Finalmente, probamos la consistencia del esquema numérico obtenido con la definición de soluciones débiles. En concreto, probamos que, bajo la hipótesis de variación total acotada, si las aproximaciones obtenidas mediante un método de Godunov basado en una familia de caminos converge uniformemente a alguna función cuando la malla se refina, entonces esta función es una solución débil del sistema no conservativo, relativa a esa familia de caminos. Este resultado se extiende a los esquemas numéricos basados en Resolvedores de Riemann Aproximados

    Partial cross-ownership and strategic environmental policy

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    This paper analyzes the effect that passive investment in rival firms has on the setting of cooperative and non-cooperative environmental taxes. We consider two firms located in different countries, one of which owns a stake in its rival. We show that partial cross-ownership affects the taxes set by the countries in the cooperative and non-cooperative cases. Depending on the stake that one firm has in its rival we show that cooperative taxes may he higher or lower than non-cooperative taxes. Moreover, for intermediate values of the stake, the non-cooperative tax is higher in one country and lower in the other than the cooperative tax.Financial support from Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología and FEDER (ECO2009-07939) and Departamento de Educación, Universidades e Investigación del Gobierno Vasco (IT-223-07) is gratefully acknowledged

    Paisajes líquidos y tempos disueltos.

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    El presente articulo analiza distintas estrategias narrativas presentes en la cartografía artística contemporánea como medio para reflejar las diferentes temporalidades y espacialidades presentes en el paisaje. Estos espacios se han visto sometidos alo largo de los últimos años al flujo migratorio de la globalización, y a la disolución de fronteras espacio temporales derivadas de un proceso de intercomunicación a escala global, donde lo local ha ido perdiendo relevancia frente a lo global.El objeto de este análisis es esbozar un breve panorama de distintas estrategias de reconstrucción espacio temporales y de delimitación de cronologías presentes en la imagen del paisaje artístico. Y para ello se realiza una revisión de determinadas obras pictóricas, fotográficas y audiovisuales que pueden se consideradas representativas y que van a revelar las distintas estrategias utilizadas para reflejar de diferentes formas la memoria líquida del lugar

    Syncronized or Staggered Wage Bargaining

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    [EN] This paper analyzes the timing of wage bargaining in a unionized market, assuming that workers are organized in independent unions. In equilibrium, when unions decide the timing of the negotiations, we obtain a staggered wage setting. When firms decide the timing of the negotiations, we obtain a synchonized wage setting. In general, the result also holds when workers are organized in an industry union.wage bargaining, bargaining structure

    Estudio de imagen multimodal en maculopatía miópica

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    Tesis Doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Cirugía. Fecha de Lectura: 05-04-202

    Cost Optimisation for Minimizing the Visual Impact of Ornamental Stone Quarrying. A Case Study in Murcia Region

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    Quarrying of ornamental stone has adverse effects that are both visual and environmental. This paper aims to develop a methodology for minimising the costs associated with reducing the visual impact of ornamental stone quarrying. This study uses digital topographical maps of the study zone and a GPS and GIS application to calculate the extent of the area affected by quarrying activities for each altitude designated in the work plan and to calculate the extent of the potential visual impact. The results obtained applying the proposed methodology for the selected area suggested that the potential visual impact is minimal for an altitude of 520 metres, this being the optimal point for the observer. When altitude increases, the potential visual impact increases and the optimal point for the observer diminishes until the highest impact altitude (740 m) is readied. The optimal point that the exploitation should reach is that at which the values of the diagram generated by the (%) area of potential visual impact and area of exploitation (%) intersect. The methodology allows the optimal altitude to be determined for mining exploitations and helps assess the viability of a given exploitation from an environmental point of view