83 research outputs found

    Athymic nude rat. III natural cell mediated cytotoxicity.

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    Homozygous rnu/rnu and heterozygous +/rnu rats were investigated and compared with each other for the existence of natural cell-mediated cytotoxicity. Investigated were total, adherent, and nonadherent cell populations from spleen, peritoneal cavity, and mesenteric lymph node. The natural killer (NK) cell activity was measured in a 4-hr 51Cr-release assay with a xenogeneic murine YAC lymphoma target cell line. In both and +/rnu rats the peritoneal cavity had the highest percentage of activity, while the spleen and mesenteric lymph node showed a lower activity. The mesenteric lymph node of +/rnu rats of 8–10 weeks of age was found to express a very low activity, in contrast to a very high activity in rats. For almost every effector to target cell (E:T) ratio investigated (100, 70, 50, and 10), the natural killer cell activity in the nude rats was found to be significantly higher than in their thymus-bearing littermates. In comparison with that of +/rnu rats, NK activity in the nonadherent cell fractions of athymic rats was 50 to 60% higher in spleen cells, doubled in peritoneal cells, and increased 10-fold or higher in lymph node cells. Investigations o

    Comparison of NITAG policies and working processes in selected developed countries

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    BACKGROUND: Vaccines are specific medicines characterized by two country-specific market access processes: (1) a recommendation by National Immunization Technical Advisory Group (NITAG), and (2) a funding policy decision. OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to compare and analyze NITAGs of 13 developed countries by describing vaccination committees' bodies and working processes. METHODS: Information about NITAGs bodies and working processes was searched from official sources from June 2011 to November 2012. Retrieved information was completed from relevant articles identified through a systematic literature review and by information provided by direct contact with NITAGs or parent organizations. An expert panel was also conducted to discuss, validate, and provide additional input on obtained results. RESULTS: While complete information, defined as 100%, was retrieved only for the UK, at least 80% of data was retrieved for 9 countries out of the 13 selected countries. Terms of references were identified in 7 countries, and the main mission for all NITAGs was to provide advice for National immunization programs. However, these terms of references did not fully encompass all the actual missions of the NITAGs. Decision analysis frameworks were identified for 10 out of the 13, and all NITAGs considered at least four criteria for decision-making: disease burden, efficacy/effectiveness, safety and cost-effectiveness. Advices were published by most NITAGs, but few NITAGs published meeting agendas and minutes. Only the United States had open meetings. CONCLUSIONS: This study supports previous findings about the disparities in NITAGs processes which could potentially explain the disparity in access to vaccinations and immunization programs across Europe. With NITAGs recommendations being used by policy decision makers for implementation and funding of vaccine programs, guidances should be well-informed and transparent to ensure National Immunization Programs' (NIP) credibility among the public and health care professionals

    Overheid moet toetsende rol oppakken

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    Improving utilization of research through stakeholder involvement

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    Good manufacturing practice in food processing

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    T.b.v. pluimveecontactdag, waarbij aan Keuringsdierenartsen voorlichting wordt gegeven, werden m.b.v. de scanning elektronenmicroscoop opnamen gemaakt van diverse oppervlakken in pluimveeslachterijen. T.b.v. de exportcertificatie van diermelen werd in een aantal gevallen onderzoek uitgevoerd betreffende de herkomst van Salmonella-bacterien. In het merendeel van de onderzochte gevallen bleek dat er of onvoldoende hygienisch gewerkt werd of fouten werden gemaakt bij de produktie, zoals het gebruik van dezelfde containers voor opslag en grondstoffen en het gerede produkt. Aan een aantal pluimveeslachterijen werden adviezen verstrekt m.b.t. reiniging en desinfectie. Bovendien werd in een enkele slachterij getracht om Staphylococcus aureus kiemen, die er als huiskiem persisteerden, te verwijderen. Diverse adviezen aan bedrijven en instellingen betreffende "good manufacturing practice".Abstract not availableRIVMVH

    Vaccinatie van zwangere vrouwen tegen seizoensgriep 2010-2011, Rapport 2010/14

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    Trikhinellez v Gollandii

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