25 research outputs found

    Atomic-scale observation of localized phonons at FeSe/SrTiO3 interface

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    In single unit-cell FeSe grown on SrTiO3, the superconductivity transition temperature features a significant enhancement. Local phonon modes at the interface associated with electron-phonon coupling may play an important role in the interface-induced enhancement. However, such phonon modes have eluded direct experimental observations. Indeed, the complicated atomic structure of the interface brings challenges to obtain the accurate structure-phonon relation knowledge from either experiment or theory, thus hindering our understanding of the enhancement mechanism. Here, we achieve direct characterizations of atomic structure and phonon modes at the FeSe/SrTiO3 interface with atomically resolved imaging and electron energy loss spectroscopy in a scanning transmission electron microscope. We find several phonon modes highly localized (~1.3 nm) at the unique double layer Ti-O termination at the interface, one of which (~ 83 meV) engages in strong interactions with the electrons in FeSe based on ab initio calculations. The electron-phonon coupling strength for such a localized interface phonon with short-range interactions is comparable to that of Fuchs-Kliewer (FK) phonon mode with long-rang interactions. Thus, our atomic-scale study provides new insights into understanding the origin of superconductivity enhancement at the FeSe/SrTiO3 interface

    Low Resistance Ohmic Contact to P-type Monolayer WSe2

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    Advanced microelectronics in the future may require semiconducting channel materials beyond silicon. Two-dimensional (2D) semiconductors, characterized by their atomically thin thickness, hold immense promise for high-performance electronic devices at the nanometer scale with lower heat dissipation. One challenge for achieving high-performance 2D semiconductor field effect transistors (FET), especially for p-type materials, is the high electrical contact resistance present at the metal-semiconductor interface. In conventional bulk semiconductors, low resistance ohmic contact is realized through heavy substitutional doping with acceptor or donor impurities at the contact region. The strategy of substitutional doping, however, does not work for p-type 2D semiconductors such as monolayer tungsten diselenide (WSe2_2).In this study, we developed highly efficient charge-transfer doping with WSe2_2/α\alpha-RuCl3_3 heterostructures to achieve low-resistance ohmic contact for p-type WSe2_2 transistors. We show that a hole doping as high as 3×\times1013^{13} cm−2^{-2} can be achieved in the WSe2/α_2/\alpha-RuCl3_3 heterostructure due to its type-III band alignment. It results in an Ohmic contact with resistance lower than 4 k Ohm μ\mum at the p-type monolayer WSe2_2/metal junction. at room temperature. Using this low-resistance contact, we demonstrate high-performance p-type WSe2_2 transistors with a saturation current of 35 μ\muA⋅\cdot μ\mum−1^{-1} and an ION_{ON}/IOFF_{OFF} ratio exceeding 109^9 It could enable future microelectronic devices based on 2D semiconductors and contribute to the extension of Moore's law

    Thermodynamic behavior of correlated electron-hole fluids in van der Waals heterostructures

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    Coupled two-dimensional electron-hole bilayers provide a unique platform to study strongly correlated Bose-Fermi mixtures in condensed matter. Electrons and holes in spatially separated layers can bind to form interlayer excitons, composite Bosons expected to support high-temperature exciton superfluids. The interlayer excitons can also interact strongly with excess charge carriers when electron and hole densities are unequal. Here, we use optical spectroscopy to quantitatively probe the local thermodynamic properties of strongly correlated electron-hole fluids in MoSe2/hBN/WSe2 heterostructures. We observe a discontinuity in the electron and hole chemical potentials at matched electron and hole densities, a definitive signature of an excitonic insulator ground state. The excitonic insulator is stable up to a Mott density of ~0.8×1012cm−20.8\times {10}^{12} \mathrm{cm}^{-2} and has a thermal ionization temperature of ~70 K. The density dependence of the electron, hole, and exciton chemical potentials reveals strong correlation effects across the phase diagram. Compared with a non-interacting uniform charge distribution, the correlation effects lead to significant attractive exciton-exciton and exciton-charge interactions in the electron-hole fluid. Our work highlights the unique quantum behavior that can emerge in strongly correlated electron-hole systems

    Measuring phonon dispersion at an interface

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    Measuring phonon dispersion at an interface

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