290 research outputs found


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    The patterns of innovation diffusion are well approximated by the logistic curves. This is the robust empirical fact confirmed by many studies in innovations dynamics. Here, we show that the logistic pattern of innovation diffusion can be replicated by the time-dependent stochastic process with positive feedbacks along the diffusion trajectory. The dynamic increasing returns process is modelled by Polya Urns. So far, Urn models have been mostly used to study the [path-dependent] limit properties. On the contrary, this work focuses on the transient [finite time] properties studying the conditions under which urn models capture the logistic trajectories which often track empirical diffusion process. As examples, we calibrate the process to match several cases of diffusion of motor ships in European countries

    May Measurement Month 2017: an analysis of blood pressure screening in Spain-Europe.

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    May Measurement Month 2017 is a global initiative aimed at raising awareness of high blood pressure (BP) and to act as a temporary solution to the lack of screening programs worldwide, in which Spain participated actively. The primary objective was to raise awareness and increase control of BP in Spain. An opportunistic cross-sectional survey of volunteers aged ≥18 was set up in May 2017. Following the design of the International Society of Hypertension, data were collected from the 17 autonomous communities in which Spain is divided, mainly in community pharmacies, primary care centres and some hypertension (HT) units, and cardiovascular departments in hospitals. No additional training of volunteers was necessary. A total of 3849 individuals were screened. After multiple imputation, our data showed that 1923 (50.0%) had HT. In those not receiving antihypertensive medication, 17.5% were hypertensives, in individuals receiving antihypertensive medication, 33.9% had uncontrolled BP. May Measurement Month 2017 was the largest BP screening campaign undertaken in Spain. In total, 17.5% of people with HT did not receive medication. One-third of hypertensive participants receiving treatment did not have their BP controlled. These results confirm that an opportunistic screening can identify a significant number of subjects with and untreated and inadequately treated BP

    Clinical correlates of renal dysfunction in hypertensive patients without cardiovascular complications: the REDHY study

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    Our study was aimed to assess the clinical correlates of different degrees of renal dysfunction in a wide group of non-diabetic hypertensive patients, free from cardiovascular (CV) complications and known renal diseases, participating to the REDHY (REnal Dysfunction in HYpertension) study. A total of 1856 hypertensive subjects (mean age: 47±14 years), attending our hypertension centre, were evaluated. The glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was estimated by the simplified Modification of Diet in Renal Disease Study prediction equation. A 24-h urine sample was collected to determine albumin excretion rate (AER). Albuminuria was defined as an AER greater than 20 μg min−1. We used the classification proposed by the US National Kidney Foundation's guidelines for chronic kidney disease (CKD) to define the stages of renal function impairment. In multiple logistic regression analysis, the probability of having stage 1 and stage 2 CKD was significantly higher in subjects with greater values of systolic blood pressure (SBP) and with larger waist circumference. SBP was also positively related to stage 3 CKD. Stage 3 and stages 4–5 CKD were inversely associated with waist circumference and directly associated with serum uric acid. Age was inversely related to stage 1 CKD and directly related to stage 3 CKD. The factors associated with milder forms of kidney dysfunction are, in part, different from those associated with more advanced stages of renal function impairment

    Creatinine clearance versus serum creatinine as a risk factor in cardiac surgery

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    BACKGROUND: Renal impairment is one of the predictors of mortality in cardiac surgery. Usually a binarized value of serum creatinine is used to assess the renal function in risk models. Creatinine clearance can be easily estimated by the Cockcroft and Gault equation from serum creatinine, gender, age and body weight. In this work we examine whether this estimation of the glomerular filtration rate can advantageously replace the serum creatinine in the EuroSCORE preoperative risk assessment. METHODS: In a group of 8138 patients out of a total of 11878 patients, who underwent cardiac surgery in our hospital between January 1996 and July 2002, the 18 standard EuroSCORE parameters could retrospectively be determined and logistic regression analysis performed. In all patients scored, creatinine clearance was calculated according to Cockcroft and Gault. The relationship between the predicted and observed 30-days mortality was evaluated in systematically selected intervals of creatinine clearance and significance values computed by employing Monte Carlo methods. Afterwards, risk scoring was performed using a continuous or a categorical value of creatinine clearance instead of serum creatinine. The predictive ability of several risk score models and the individual contribution of their predictor variables were studied using ROC curve analysis. RESULTS: The comparison between the expected and observed 30-days mortalities, which were determined in different intervals of creatinine clearance, revealed the best threshold value of 55 ml/min. A significantly higher 30-days mortality was observed below this threshold and vice versa (both with p < 0.001). The local adaptation of the EuroSCORE is better than the standard EuroSCORE and was further improved by replacing serum creatinine (SC) by creatinine clearance (CC). Differential ROC analysis revealed that CC is superior to SC in providing predictive power within the logistic regression. Variable rank comparison identified CC as the best single variable predictor, even better than the variable age, former number 1, and SC, previously number 9 in the standard set of EuroSCORE variables. CONCLUSION: The renal function is an important determinant of mortality in heart surgery. This risk factor is not well captured in the standard EuroSCORE risk evaluation system. Our study shows that creatinine clearance, calculated according to the Cockcroft and Gault equation, should be applied to estimate the preoperative renal function instead of serum creatinine. This predictor variable replacement gains a significant improvement in the predictive accuracy of the scoring model

    Clinical Features of Cardio-Renal Syndrome in a Cohort of Consecutive Patients Admitted to an Internal Medicine Ward

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    Introduction: Cardiorenal syndrome (CRS) is a disorder of the heart and kidney whereby interactions between the 2 organs can occur. We recorded the clinical features of CRS in patients consecutively admitted to an Internal Medicine ward. Patients and Methods: We retrospectively analyzed the anthropometric, history, clinical, biochemical and treatment characteristics in 438 out of 2,998 subjects (14.6%) admitted to our unit (from June 2007 to December 2009), diagnosed with CRS, according to Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative (ADQI) recommendations. Estimated glomerular filtration (eGFR) was calculated using several equations: MDRD (Modification of Diet in Renal Disease; 2 variations GFRMDRD186, GFRMDRD175), Mayo, Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI) and Cockroft-Gault. Results: Mean age was 80±8 years, 222 (50.6%) were males, 321 (73.2%) were smokers, 229 (52.2%) were diabetic, 207 (47.2%) had a history of acute myocardial infarction, 167 (38.1%) had angina, 135 (30.8%) were affected by cerebrovascular disease, 339 (77.3%) had peripheral arterial disease. CRS was type 1 in 211 cases (48.2%), type 2 in 96 (21.9%), type 3 in 88 (20.1%), type 4 in 29 (6.6%) and type 5 in 14 (3.2%). eGFR, calculated by different formulae, ranged between 31 and 36 ml/min/1.73 m2. GFR was lower in CRS type 3 than in the other types, and the values ranged between 24 and 27 ml/min/1.73 m2. Mean hospital length-of-stay (LOS) was 9.8±6.3 days. Diuretics were the most prescribed medication (78.7%); only 5 patients underwent haemodialysis. Conclusions: CRS is common, especially in the elderly. CRS Type 1 was the prevalent subset and patients had stage 3-4 renal insufficiency. Results obtained from the GFR equations were similar although the Mayo equation tended to overestimate the eGFR

    The C242T polymorphism of the p22-phox gene (CYBA) is associated with higher left ventricular mass in Brazilian hypertensive patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Reactive oxygen species have been implicated in the physiopathogenesis of hypertensive end-organ damage. This study investigated the impact of the C242T polymorphism of the p22-phox gene (CYBA) on left ventricular structure in Brazilian hypertensive subjects.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We cross-sectionally evaluated 561 patients from 2 independent centers [Campinas (n = 441) and Vitória (n = 120)] by clinical history, physical examination, anthropometry, analysis of metabolic and echocardiography parameters as well as p22-phox C242T polymorphism genotyping. In addition, NADPH-oxidase activity was quantified in peripheral mononuclear cells from a subgroup of Campinas sample.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Genotype frequencies in both samples were consistent with the Hardy- Weinberg equilibrium. Subjects with the T allele presented higher left ventricular mass/height<sup>2.7 </sup>than those carrying the CC genotype in Campinas (76.8 ± 1.6 vs 70.9 ± 1.4 g/m<sup>2.7</sup>; p = 0.009), and in Vitória (45.6 ± 1.9 vs 39.9 ± 1.4 g/m<sup>2.7</sup>; p = 0.023) samples. These results were confirmed by stepwise regression analyses adjusted for age, gender, blood pressure, metabolic variables and use of anti-hypertensive medications. In addition, increased NADPH-oxidase activity was detected in peripheral mononuclear cells from T allele carriers compared with CC genotype carriers (p = 0.03).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The T allele of the p22-phox C242T polymorphism is associated with higher left ventricular mass/height<sup>2.7 </sup>and increased NADPH-oxidase activity in Brazilian hypertensive patients. These data suggest that genetic variation within NADPH-oxidase components may modulate left ventricular remodeling in subjects with systemic hypertension.</p

    cGMP becomes a drug target

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    Cyclic guanosine 3′,5′-monophosphate (cGMP) serves as a second messenger molecule, which regulates pleiotropic cellular functions in health and disease. cGMP is generated by particulate or soluble guanylyl cyclases upon stimulation with natriuretic peptides or nitric oxide, respectively. Furthermore, the cGMP concentration is modulated by cGMP-degrading phosphodiesterases. Several targets of cGMP are utilized to effect its various cellular functions. These effector molecules comprise cGMP-dependent protein kinases, ion channels, and phosphodiesterases. During the last decade, it emerged that cGMP is a novel drug target for the treatment of pulmonary and cardiovascular disorders. In this respect, several drugs were developed, which are now in clinical phase studies for, e.g., pulmonary hypertension or cardiovascular diseases. These new drugs act NO-independently with/without heme on soluble guanylyl cyclases or induce subtypes of particular guanylyl cyclases and thereby lead to new therapeutic concepts and horizons. In this regard, the fifth cGMP meeting held in June 2011 in Halle, Germany, comprised the new therapeutic challenges with the novel functional and structural concepts of cGMP generating and effector molecules. This report summarizes the new data on molecular mechanisms, (patho)physiological relevance, and therapeutic potentials of the cGMP signaling system that were presented at this meeting

    Novel quantitative trait locus is mapped to chromosome 12p11 for left ventricular mass in Dominican families: the Family Study of Stroke Risk and Carotid Atherosclerosis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Left ventricular mass (LVM) is an important risk factor for stroke and vascular disease. The genetic basis of LVM is unclear although a high heritability has been suggested. We sought to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) for LVM using large Dominican families.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Probands were selected from Dominican subjects of the population-based Northern Manhattan Study (NOMAS). LVM was measured by transthoracic echocardiography. A set of 405 microsatellite markers was used to screen the whole genome among 1360 subjects from 100 Dominican families who had complete phenotype data and DNA available. A polygenic covariate screening was run to identify the significant covariates. Variance components analysis was used to estimate heritability and to detect evidence for linkage, after adjusting for significant risk factors. Ordered-subset Analysis (OSA) was conducted to identify a more homogeneous subset for stratification analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>LVM had a heritability of 0.58 in the studied population (p < 0.0001). The most significant evidence for linkage was found at chromosome 12p11 (MLOD = 3.11, empirical p = 0.0003) with peak marker at D12S1042. This linkage was significantly increased in a subset of families with the high average waist circumference (MLOD = 4.45, p = 0.0045 for increase in evidence for linkage).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We mapped a novel QTL near D12S1042 for LVM in Dominicans. Enhanced linkage evidence in families with larger waist circumference suggests that gene(s) residing within the QTL interact(s) with abdominal obesity to contribute to phenotypic variation of LVM. Suggestive evidence for linkage (LOD = 1.99) has been reported at the same peak marker for left ventricular geometry in a White population from the HyperGEN study, underscoring the importance of this QTL for left ventricular phenotype. Further fine mapping and validation studies are warranted to identify the underpinning genes.</p