1,721 research outputs found

    Percepção das crianças em idade escolar sobre o profissional de enfermagem

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    Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciado em EnfermagemO presente projecto de graduação e integração profissional, desenvolvido no âmbito da Licenciatura em Enfermagem, tenta aprofundar a questão da percepção das crianças em idade escolar, nomeadamente a frequentar o terceiro e quarto ano do primeiro ciclo, relativamente ao profissional de Enfermagem. No presente trabalho serão abordadas definições como a de Enfermagem e consequentemente o papel do profissional da área, a de percepção, a de criança, entre outras que serão pertinentes para o desenvolvimento deste projecto. Dentro dos objectivos do investigador este tenta perceber se as crianças reconhecem os diferentes papéis desenvolvidos pelo Enfermeiro de cuidados gerais, se mencionam a sua importância social e se identificam as suas funções para além da sua componente prática e especificamente se indicam o papel de educador do profissional.The present research project and professional integration, developed under the Nursing Degree, try to understand the perception of school-age children, specifically the third and fourth year of the first cycle, about the Nursing professional. In this work will be discussed topics such as nursing and consequently the role of the professional in the field, will be discussed the perception of the child, among others that will be relevant for the development of this project. Within the objectives of the researcher, he tries to understand if children recognize the different roles undertaken by the nurse responsible for general care, if they mention its social importance and identify other functions than their practical activities, specifically if they indicate the educator role of the professional

    Desinvestimento industrial e as regiões portuguesas. Reflexos da mudança no espaço económico internacional

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    INDUSTRIAL DIVESTMENT AND PORTUGUESE REGIONS WITHIN THE CHANGES IN THE INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC SPACE. The spatial impacts of capital mobility, especially foreign capital, are becoming increasingly complex and are extent, divestment is, in essence, another strategic option of firms and it may not be necessarily negative for regions. Still, the impacts are not identical to investment. In economic analysis, divestment in certain activities is seen as necessary to achieve regional economic restructuring. However, the time gap between the creation and destruction of activities frequently causes social and economic problems in regions. Starting with a conceptual framework of divestment, we then analyse the recent evolution of industrial employment and product in order to provide a macro-economic framework for the analysis of employment creation and destruction flows that follows. This analysis has a sectorial and regional perspective aimed at identifying different paths by regions. Finally, specific cases of foreign divestment, which have recently occurred in Portugal, are discussed, illustrating not only a micro-economic perspective of divestment but also the changes in the global value chains that point to a (re)positioning of the country in the international division of labour

    Constrangimentos dos métodos de Fry e Rf/φ e transecção de dobras: um exemplo de deformação progressiva no Varisco Ibérico

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    A utilização dos métodos de Rf/φ e de Fry na quantificação da deformação em tectonitos não é linear, pois as estruturas podem ser o resultado da actuação de diferentes processos; à escala do grão,a acomodação destas estruturas implica mecanismos intra-, trans- ou intergranular. Como os métodos normalmente utilizados nos estudos de deformação finita referidos apresentam diferentes sensibilidadesaos diferentes mecanismos, o mesmo tectonito pode apresentar diferentes valores da intensidade de deformação, consoante o método de quantificação utilizado. Este trabalho mostra que, embora o método de Fry dê valores mais próximos da totalidade da deformação, os resultados obtidos por ambos os métodos apresentam tipos de elipsóide semelhantes. Sendo a região da Apúlia caracterizada pela transecção dos dobramentos variscos, os valores da quantificação obtida pelos diferentes métodos ajudam a perceber a génese da obliquidade entre o plano axial das dobras e a clivagem

    Fry strain methodology: some constraints concerning initial point distributions

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    The Fry method, either in the classical (Fry, 1979) or in the normalized (Erslev, 1988) approaches, is widely used in order to estimate the finite strain of tectonites. Indeed it is easy to use and can be applied to a wide range of rocks (e.g. conglomerates, quartzites, gneisses and ironstones) and strain markers (e.g. pebbles, quartz grains, phenocrysts, oolites and Skolithos sections). However, the application of this method could only be used in the absence of sedimentary fabrics and for anti-clustered point distribution. Nevertheless, there is not an objective criterion in order to control the initial fabrics, leading to a general application of the method without any test of material suitability. In this work we use simulated initial fabrics and deformations to investigate how the ratio between the areas of the strain markers versus the matrix (RPM) influences the degree of anti-clustered distribution; in fact, for very low ratios, it should be expected a spatial random distribution of the strain markers centers, a situation that make impossible the use of Fry method. 16 undeformed fabrics have been simulated with a random orientation of the elliptical particles representing the strain markers, which are uniformly distributed and have RPM ranging from 0.3% to 88,9%. These fabrics were latter deformed by homogeneous pure shear (Rs from 1.2 to 2.0 with 0.2 increments) and simple shear (with shear angles from 15º to 75º with 15º increments). The finite strain of these deformed fabrics has been estimated using normalized Fry method (Erslev, 1988). The difference between the applied strains and the calculated ones were done either to the strain ellipse axial ratio (Rs) or its orientation could be used as an indication of the possibility to apply Fry method to access the finite strain of the original undeformed fabrics. The results indicates that for RPM bellow 15% the estimated strain, mainly in what concern strain ellipse orientation, is not consistent and so the method could not be used. Indeed, for such a low ratios the center distribution of the strain markers is not anti-clustered, one of the original theoretical assumptions of the method

    Estrutura dos sectores externos da Zona Sul Portuguesa; implicações geodinâmicas

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    Este trabalho é um contributo para o livro de síntese sobre a Geologia de Portugal e, por isso, não serão aqui abordados aspectos gerais sobre a Zona Sul Portuguesa (ZSP), os quais se encontram apresentados em pormenor no trabalho de Oliveira et al incluído neste livro (2010). Pelo mesmo motivo, a caracterização estrutural da ZSP incidirá essencialmente sobre os sectores mais externos, visto a deformação dos sectores mais internos ser tratada no artigo de Silva et al também incluído neste livro (2010). Do ponto de vista estrutural, a ZSP corresponde a uma faixa arqueada de carreamentos e dobras (Ribeiro et al, 1979, 1983; Ribeiro & Silva, 1983; Silva et al, 1990, 2010). Embora no que diz respeito à orientação geral das estruturas exista uma clara compatibilidade entre os sectores internos e externos, no que diz respeito a alguns aspectos estruturais é possível evidenciar um claro contraste entre ambos os sectores. Neste trabalho descreve-se o processo de deformação do sector compreendido entre Almograve e Sagres no contexto da evolução geodinâmica do Varisco Ibérico

    Volume change in contractional kink bands; examples from the NNE-SSW Late Variscan kink bands of Portugal

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    Kink bands are usually associated to the late deformation stages in polydeformed areas, being developed in rocks that present a strong planar mechanical anisotropy (e.g. layering or cleavage). In Portugal, the Late Variscan deformation episode generates in Almograve and Abrantes regions (SW Iberian Massif), brittle to brittle-ductile NNE-SSW sinistral kink bands, which deflects and deforms the NNW-SSE regional trend related to the earlier tectonic events. These defection induces a counterclockwise rotation of subvertical primary layering/foliation in inner domains of the kink bands. The rotation inevitably distort previous structures, generating a complex structural pattern in response to kink folding mechanism, but with particular features in each case. In Almograve, within metric to decametric sinistral kink bands, a wide spectrum of structures were developed, including distinct fold patterns (among which flexural slip folds) and brittle to brittle-ductile shear zones. In the inner domains of the Abrantes metric kink band, a high strain pattern composed by 2nd order conjugate kink bands, acting as “strain slip cleavage” is found. The developed mesoscopic structures allows to calculate internal and external stress fields, showing a variation from the outer to inner domains of kink band. The stress field pattern also shows a rotation which is also similar to the exhibit rotation of structures within inner domains. This stress field variation should be related with the deformation mechanisms induced by rotation of primary layering. Indeed, the generated internal structures are clearly controlled by layer parallel shortening and layer parallel slip, which were the two main mechanisms responsible by accommodation of volume distortion within kink bands. This deformation was also conditioned by the rheology and heterogeneities of deformed sequence. As mentioned, during the development of kink bands, the strain is localized within kink band due the internal rotation of primary layering and/or simple shear parallel to kink boundaries. There are no evidences of kink band boundary migration, allowing to classify the kink bands as fixed hinge type III kink bands. In order to estimate the internal shortening parallel to layering during the rotation, it is proposed a new theoretical graphical method for type III kink bands, which allows an expedite shortening measurement based on angular parameters of kink bands. The proposal graphic shows that kink bands presents variable shortening ratio ranging between 5 to 25%. Some care should be used with such shortening values, because small variations in kink band angular values could occur, being induced either by slip in kink band boundaries or the layer parallel slip. However, the new method presents itself as an excellent approach method, as proved by the similar shortening calculated for real structures. The correct geometric analysis also allows to determine that shortening component is dissipated in the other two orthogonal directions, i.e. perpendicular do layering and in vertical direction

    O Varisco do sector norte de Portugal

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    Desde que Lotze estabeleceu em 1945 as grandes divisões do Varisco ibérico que os conhecimentos geológicos sobre este sector do orógeno evoluíram substancialmente. Nem outra coisa seria de esperar tanto mais que, desde então, a Tectónica de Placas trouxe uma maneira completamente diferente de encarar a dinâmica do nosso planeta. Apesar de tudo, embora as zonas inicialmente estabelecidas por Lotze tenham sofrido posteriormente algumas alterações, na maior parte dos casos tratou-se do simples afinar de limites, razão pela qual o seu trabalho se tornou um verdadeiro clássico. Este facto traduz sem dúvida o profundo significado paleogeográfico das zonas inicialmente definidas. Contudo, se o acordo no que diz respeito ao zonamento geral do varisco ibérico é generalizado, tem sido precisamente a nível do Varisco do norte de Portugal que continua a haver alguma divergência. A esta situação não será também estranho o facto de esta corresponder precisamente "à zona Axial da Cadeia, a partir da qual divergem as polaridades geométricas e cronológicas" (Ribeiro et al, 2010a

    The Ibero-Armorican Arc: a collisional effect against an irregular continent?

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    Neste artigo os autores fazem uma revisão dos eventos tectónicos descritos para os ramos sul e norte do Arco Ibero-Armoricano, propondo um modelo para a génese desta macro-estrutura que teria sido formada devido a um processo de colisão contra um promontório da Gondwana

    Domino structures as a local accommodation process in heterogeneous shear zones

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    Usually, deformation in rocks is heterogeneously distributed, concentrating on planar zones located between rigid blocks, named shear zones. The geometry and kinematic criteria analysis becomes essential to understand the shear zones dynamics; the dominoes are one of the structures which can be used as a shear kinematic criteria. However, for the application of these structures as kinematic criteria, it is necessary a careful analysis of the tectonic environment associated with these structures. These structures are developed under ductile-brittle to brittle regimes associated to a non-coaxial deformation and obeying Coulomb criterion for failure (Jaeger & Cook, 1981). Dominoes are characterized by the clear predominance of one shear family, that induces the block rotation during the deformation process. These structures are commonly associated to extensive regimes and in strike-slip environments their development is poorly known. In such non coaxial wrench domains, these structures are frequently interpreted as asymmetric boudins at mesoscale. Current work, in Abrantes region (Central Portugal), emphasizes the presence of two major Variscan deformation phases. The second one (D2) is associated with a NW-SE right-lateral non-coaxial shear component; This deformation increase to West, when approaching the Porto-Tomar-Ferreira do Alentejo shear zone, which leads to consider that this dextral first order shear was responsible by D2. The D2 structures are mostly right-lateral shear zones, developed at all scales, affecting clearly the first deformation phase structures. The D2 structures present a heterogeneous development with simple shear dominated transpression domains, alternating with domains that exposing pure shear dominated transpression. Locally, in simple shear dominated transpression domains, it is possible to see a complex Sfabric, characterized by the presence of several families of planar strucures, which accommodates the internal shear zone stress. This fabric is constrained to decimetric layer with well-defined borders and extensively laminated. It’s possible to separate four families of planar structures given our geometry and kinematics: (1) main shear represents NNW-SSE right-lateral kinematics, parallel to the previous anisotropy (S1). This shear acts like a rigid barrier and the other families don’t cut this shear. (2) Shear family 1 are conjugate NNE-SSW to N-S left-lateral shears. Near the main shear the shear orientation is variable. (3) Shear family 2 are NE-SW to E-W left lateral shears, delimiting centimetric to milimetric blocks. This blocks exhibits rotation. It is possible to show more than one generation of shears. (4) Shear family 3 are NNE−SSW shears, with main shear synthetic kinematics. These family behave as c’-bands and have a punctual development. Associated with this S-tectonite, appears cohesive fault rocks (cataclasite; e.g. Sibson, 1977). Cataclasite is characterized by distributed fracture and grain size reduction throughout shears. Therefore the blocks have rigid rotation in a plastic matrix (cataclasite); this heterogeneous flow accommodates the overlaps and gaps creation due the shear zones activity. The cataclastic flow is located near the main shear and shear family 1, yielding a crush zone. The field data shows that the domino spinning is result from dual acting between main shear and family 1 shear

    Fry and Rf/f strain methods constraints and fold transection mechanisms in the NW Iberian Variscides

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    Apúlia is a small Portuguese sector in NW of Central-Iberian Zone, that have been deformed in a noncoaxial sinistral transpressive regime during the first and main Variscan tectonic event (D1). This deformation give rise to a major NWeSE anticline, where the S1 NeS cleavage transect the inverted short NE limb; two and three-dimensional strains analysis have been done in the low metamorphic grade Ordovician quartzites of this limb using Fry and Rf/f methods. The data show that most deformation was due to intergranular deformation mechanisms. The intragranular deformation leading to the distortion of strain markers and to cleavage was very incipient and a latter event in the D1 phase. The apparent plane strain ellipsoids (if no volume change is assumed) related to the intragranular mechanisms contrast with the more prolate strain ellipsoids related to the bulk deformation of Apúlia Quartzites. This constrictional bulk strain fabrics are characteristic of the sinistral transpressive regimes dominant in the northern sectors of the Central-Iberian Zone