1,233 research outputs found

    "Single-cycle" ionization effects in laser-matter interaction

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    We investigate numerically effects related to ``single-cycle'' ionization of dense matter by an ultra-short laser pulse. The strongly non-adiabatic response of electrons leads to generation of a megagauss steady magnetic field in laser-solid interaction. By using two-beam interference, it is possible to create periodic density structures able to trap light and to generate relativistic ionization frontsComment: 12 pages, 6 figures, to be published in Laser and Particle Beam

    Fast magnetic reconnection in laser-produced plasma bubbles

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    Recent experiments have observed magnetic reconnection in high-energy-density, laser-produced plasma bubbles, with reconnection rates observed to be much higher than can be explained by classical theory. Based on fully kinetic particle simulations we find that fast reconnection in these strongly driven systems can be explained by magnetic flux pile-up at the shoulder of the current sheet and subsequent fast reconnection via two-fluid, collisionless mechanisms. In the strong drive regime with two-fluid effects, we find that the ultimate reconnection time is insensitive to the nominal system Alfven time.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted by Phys. Rev. Let

    Primordial helium recombination II: two-photon processes

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    Interpretation of precision measurements of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) will require a detailed understanding of the recombination era, which determines such quantities as the acoustic oscillation scale and the Silk damping scale. This paper is the second in a series devoted to the subject of helium recombination, with a focus on two-photon processes in He I. The standard treatment of these processes includes only the spontaneous two-photon decay from the 2^1S level. We extend this treatment by including five additional effects, some of which have been suggested in recent papers but whose impact on He I recombination has not been fully quantified. These are: (i) stimulated two-photon decays; (ii) two-photon absorption of redshifted HeI line radiation; (iii) two-photon decays from highly excited levels in HeI (n^1S and n^1D, with n>=3); (iv) Raman scattering; and (v) the finite width of the 2^1P^o resonance. We find that effect (iii) is highly suppressed when one takes into account destructive interference between different intermediate states contributing to the two-photon decay amplitude. Overall, these effects are found to be insignificant: they modify the recombination history at the level of several parts in 10^4.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures, to be submitted to PR

    Three-dimensional Gross-Pitaevskii solitary waves in optical lattices: stabilization using the artificial quartic kinetic energy induced by lattice shaking

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    In this Letter, we show that a three-dimensional Bose-Einstein solitary wave can become stable if the dispersion law is changed from quadratic to quartic. We suggest a way to realize the quartic dispersion, using shaken optical lattices. Estimates show that the resulting solitary waves can occupy as little as 1/20\sim 1/20-th of the Brillouin zone in each of the three directions and contain as many as N=103N = 10^{3} atoms, thus representing a \textit{fully mobile} macroscopic three-dimensional object.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, accepted in Phys. Lett.

    Focusing of Intense Subpicosecond Laser Pulses in Wedge Targets

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    Two dimensional particle-in-cell simulations characterizing the interaction of ultraintense short pulse lasers in the range 10^{18} \leq I \leq 10^{20} W/cm^{2} with converging target geometries are presented. Seeking to examine intensity amplification in high-power laser systems, where focal spots are typically non-diffraction limited, we describe key dynamical features as the injected laser intensity and convergence angle of the target are systematically varied. We find that laser pulses are focused down to a wavelength with the peak intensity amplified by an order of magnitude beyond its vacuum value, and develop a simple model for how the peak location moves back towards the injection plane over time. This performance is sustained over hundreds of femtoseconds and scales to laser intensities beyond 10^{20} W/cm^{2} at 1 \mu m wavelength.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Physics of Plasma

    Primordial helium recombination. I. Feedback, line transfer, and continuum opacity

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    Precision measurements of the cosmic microwave background temperature anisotropy on scales ℓ>500 will be available in the near future. Successful interpretation of these data is dependent on a detailed understanding of the damping tail and cosmological recombination of both hydrogen and helium. This paper and two companion papers are devoted to a precise calculation of helium recombination. We discuss several aspects of the standard recombination picture, and then include feedback, radiative transfer in He i lines with partial redistribution, and continuum opacity from H i photoionization. In agreement with past calculations, we find that He ii recombination proceeds in Saha equilibrium, whereas He i recombination is delayed relative to Saha due to the low rates connecting excited states of He i to the ground state. However, we find that at z<2200 the continuum absorption by the rapidly increasing H i population becomes effective at destroying photons in the He i 21Po-11S line, causing He i recombination to finish around z≃1800, much earlier than previously estimated

    A Signature of Cosmic Strings Wakes in the CMB Polarization

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    We calculate a signature of cosmic strings in the polarization of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). We find that ionization in the wakes behind moving strings gives rise to extra polarization in a set of rectangular patches in the sky whose length distribution is scale-invariant. The length of an individual patch is set by the co-moving Hubble radius at the time the string is perturbing the CMB. The polarization signal is largest for string wakes produced at the earliest post-recombination time, and for an alignment in which the photons cross the wake close to the time the wake is created. The maximal amplitude of the polarization relative to the temperature quadrupole is set by the overdensity of free electrons inside a wake which depends on the ionization fraction ff inside the wake. The signal can be as high as 0.06μK0.06 {\rm \mu K} in degree scale polarization for a string at high redshift (near recombination) and a string tension μ\mu given by Gμ=107G \mu = 10^{-7}.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure