239 research outputs found

    Theoretical Reflectance Spectra of Earth-Like Planets through Their Evolutions: Impact of Clouds on the Detectability of Oxygen, Water, and Methane with Future Direct Imaging Missions

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    In the near-future, atmospheric characterization of Earth-like planets in the habitable zone will become possible via reflectance spectroscopy with future telescopes such as the proposed LUVOIR and HabEx missions. While previous studies have considered the effect of clouds on the reflectance spectra of Earth-like planets, the molecular detectability considering a wide range of cloud properties has not been previously explored in detail. In this study, we explore the effect of cloud altitude and coverage on the reflectance spectra of Earth-like planets at different geological epochs and examine the detectability of O2\mathrm{O_2}, H2O\mathrm{H_2O}, and CH4\mathrm{CH_4} with test parameters for the future mission concept, LUVOIR, using a coronagraph noise simulator previously designed for WFIRST-AFTA. Considering an Earth-like planet located at 5 pc away, we have found that for the proposed LUVOIR telescope, the detection of the O2\mathrm{O_2} A-band feature (0.76 μ\mathrm{\mu}m) will take approximately 100, 30, and 10 hours for the majority of the cloud parameter space modeled for the atmospheres with 10\%, 50\%, and 100\% of modern Earth O2_2 abundances, respectively. Especially, for {the case of ≳50\gtrsim 50\%} of modern Earth O2_2 abundance, the feature will be detectable with integration time ≲10\lesssim 10 hours as long as there are lower altitude (≲8\lesssim 8 km) clouds with a global coverage of ≳20%\gtrsim 20\%. For the 1\% of modern Earth O2\mathrm{O_2} abundance case, however, it will take more than 100 hours for all the cloud parameters we modeled.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in A

    Water Planets in the Habitable Zone: Atmospheric Chemistry, Observable Features, and the case of Kepler-62e and -62f

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    Planets composed of large quantities of water that reside in the habitable zone are expected to have distinct geophysics and geochemistry of their surfaces and atmospheres. We explore these properties motivated by two key questions: whether such planets could provide habitable conditions and whether they exhibit discernable spectral features that distinguish a water-planet from a rocky Earth-like planet. We show that the recently discovered planets Kepler-62e and -62f are the first viable candidates for habitable zone water-planet. We use these planets as test cases for discussing those differences in detail. We generate atmospheric spectral models and find that potentially habitable water-planets show a distinctive spectral fingerprint in transit depending on their position in the habitable zone.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, ApJ, 775, L4

    UV Surface Environment of Earth-like Planets Orbiting FGKM Stars Through Geological Evolution

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    The UV environment of a host star affects the photochemistry in the atmosphere, and ultimately the surface UV environment for terrestrial planets and therefore the conditions for the origin and evolution of life. We model the surface UV radiation environment for Earth-sized planets orbiting FGKM stars at the 1AU equivalent distance for Earth through its geological evolution. We explore four different types of atmospheres corresponding to an early Earth atmosphere at 3.9 Gyr ago and three atmospheres covering the rise of oxygen to present day levels at 2.0 Gyr ago, 0.8 Gyr ago and modern Earth (Following Kaltenegger et al. 2007). In addition to calculating the UV flux on the surface of the planet, we model the biologically effective irradiance, using DNA damage as a proxy for biological damage. We find that a pre-biotic Earth (3.9 Gyr ago) orbiting an F0V star receives 6 times the biologically effective radiation as around the early Sun and 3520 times the modern Earth-Sun levels. A pre-biotic Earth orbiting GJ 581 (M3.5V) receives 300 times less biologically effective radiation, about 2 times modern Earth-Sun levels. The UV fluxes calculated here provide a grid of model UV environments during the evolution of an Earth-like planet orbiting a range of stars. These models can be used as inputs into photo-biological experiments and for pre-biotic chemistry and early life evolution experiments.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Effect of UV Radiation on the Spectral Fingerprints of Earth-like Planets Orbiting M dwarfs

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    We model the atmospheres and spectra of Earth-like planets orbiting the entire grid of M dwarfs for active and inactive stellar models with TeffT_{eff} = 2300K to TeffT_{eff} = 3800K and for six observed MUSCLES M dwarfs with UV radiation data. We set the Earth-like planets at the 1AU equivalent distance and show spectra from the VIS to IR (0.4μ\mum - 20μ\mum) to compare detectability of features in different wavelength ranges with JWST and other future ground- and spaced-based missions to characterize exo-Earths. We focus on the effect of UV activity levels on detectable atmospheric features that indicate habitability on Earth, namely: H2_2O, O3_3, CH4_4, N2_2O and CH3_3Cl. To observe signatures of life - O2_2/O3_3 in combination with reducing species like CH4_4, we find that early and active M dwarfs are the best targets of the M star grid for future telescopes. The O2_2 spectral feature at 0.76μ\mum is increasingly difficult to detect in reflected light of later M dwarfs due to low stellar flux in that wavelength region. N2_2O, another biosignature detectable in the IR, builds up to observable concentrations in our planetary models around M dwarfs with low UV flux. CH3_3Cl could become detectable, depending on the depth of the overlapping N2_2O feature. We present a spectral database of Earth-like planets around cool stars for directly imaged planets as a framework for interpreting future lightcurves, direct imaging, and secondary eclipse measurements of the atmospheres of terrestrial planets in the HZ to design and assess future telescope capabilities.Comment: in press, ApJ (submitted August 18, 2014), 16 pages, 12 figure

    Water-planets in the habitable zone: atmospheric chemistry, observable features, and the case of kepler-62e and -62f

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    Planets composed of large quantities of water that reside in the habitable zone are expected to have distinct geophysics and geochemistry of their surfaces and atmospheres. We explore these properties motivated by two key questions: whether such planets could provide habitable conditions and whether they exhibit discernable spectral features that distinguish a water-planet from a rocky Earth-like planet. We show that the recently discovered planets Kepler-62e and -62f are the first viable candidates for habitable zone water-planets. We use these planets as test cases for discussing those differences in detail. We generate atmospheric spectral models and find that potentially habitable water-planets show a distinctive spectral fingerprint in transit depending on their position in the habitable zone.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Finding Signs of Life on Earth-like Planets: High-resolution Transmission Spectra of Earth through time around FGKM stars

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    The search for life in the universe mainly uses modern Earth as a template. However, we know that Earth's atmospheric composition changed significantly through its geological evolution. Recent discoveries show that transiting, potentially Earth-like exoplanets orbit a wide range of host stars, which strongly influence their atmospheric composition and remotely detectable spectra. Thus, a database for transiting terrestrial exoplanet around different host stars at different geological times is a crucial missing ingredient to support observational searches for signs of life in exoplanet atmospheres. Here, we present the first high-resolution transmission spectra database for Earth-like planets, orbiting a wide range of host stars, throughout four representative stages of Earth's history. These correspond to a prebiotic high CO2-world - about 3.9 billion years ago in Earth's history - and three epochs through the rise of oxygen from 0.2% to modern atmospheric levels of 21%. We demonstrate that the spectral biosignature pairs O2 + CH4 and O3 + CH4 in the atmosphere of a transiting Earth-like planet would show a remote observer that a biosphere exists for oxygen concentrations of about 1% modern Earth's - corresponding to about 1 to 2 billion years ago in Earth's history - for all host stars. The full model and high-resolution transmission spectra database, covering 0.4 to 20microns, for transiting exoplanets - from young prebiotic worlds to modern Earths-analogs - orbiting a wide range of host stars is available online. It can be used as a tool to plan and optimize our observation strategy, train retrieval methods, and interpret upcoming observations with ground- and space-based telescopes.Comment: 9 pages, accepted in Ap

    Photochemical modelling of atmospheric oxygen levels confirms two stable states

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    This work was supported by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme (grant no. 678812 awarded to M.W.C).Various proxies and numerical models have been used to constrain O2 levels over geological time, but considerable uncertainty remains. Previous investigations using 1-D photochemical models have predicted how O3 concentrations vary with assumed ground-level O2 concentrations, and indicate how the ozone layer might have developed over Earth history. These classic models have utilised the numerical simplification of fixed mixing ratio boundary conditions. Critically, this modelling assumption requires verification that predicted fluxes of biogenic and volcanic gases are realistic, but also that the resulting steady states are in fact stable equilibrium solutions against trivial changes in flux. Here, we use a 1-D photochemical model with fixed flux boundary conditions to simulate the effects on O3 and O2 concentrations as O2 (and CH4) fluxes are systematically varied. Our results suggest that stable equilibrium solutions exist for trace- and high-O2/O3 cases, separated by a region of instability. In particular, the model produces few stable solutions with ground O2 mixing ratios between 6×10-7 and 2×10-3 (3×10-6 and 1% of present atmospheric levels). A fully UV-shielding ozone layer only exists in the high-O2 states. Our atmospheric modelling supports prior work suggesting a rapid bimodal transition between reducing and oxidising conditions, and proposes Proterozoic oxygen levels higher than some recent proxies suggest. We show that the boundary conditions of photochemical models matter, and should be chosen and explained with care.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Prebiosignature Molecules Can Be Detected in Temperate Exoplanet Atmospheres with JWST

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    The search for biosignatures on exoplanets connects the fields of biology and biochemistry to astronomical observation, with the hope that we might detect evidence of active biological processes on worlds outside the solar system. Here we focus on a complementary aspect of exoplanet characterisation connecting astronomy to prebiotic chemistry: the search for molecules associated with the origin of life, prebiosignatures. Prebiosignature surveys in planetary atmospheres offer the potential to both constrain the ubiquity of life in the galaxy and provide important tests of current prebiotic syntheses outside of the laboratory setting. Here, we quantify the minimum abundance of identified prebiosignature molecules that would be required for detection by transmission spectroscopy using JWST. We consider prebiosignatures on five classes of terrestrial planet: an ocean planet, a volcanic planet, a post-impact planet, a super-Earth, and an early Earth analogue. Using a novel modelling and detection test pipeline, with simulated JWST noise, we find the detection thresholds of hydrogen cyanide (HCN), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), cyanoacetylene (HC3N), ammonia (NH3), methane (CH4), acetylene (C2H2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitric oxide (NO), formaldehyde (CH2O), and carbon monoxide (CO) in a variety of low mean molecular weight (<5) atmospheres. We test the dependence of these detection thresholds on M dwarf target star and the number of observed transits, finding that a modest number of transits (1-10) are required to detect prebiosignatures in numerous candidate planets, including TRAPPIST-1e with a high mean molecular weight atmosphere. We find that the NIRSpec G395M/H instrument is best suited for detecting most prebiosignatures.Comment: 28 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in A

    Oxidised micrometeorites as evidence for low atmospheric pressure on the early Earth

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    Reconstructing a record of the partial pressure of molecular oxygen in Earth’s atmosphere is key for understanding macroevolutionary and environmental change over geological history. Recently, the oxidation state of iron in micrometeorites has been taken to imply the presence of modern Earth concentrations of oxygen in the upper atmosphere at 2.7 Ga, and therefore a highly chemically stratified atmosphere (Tomkins et al., 2016). We here explore the possibility that the mixing ratio of oxygen in Earth’s upper atmosphere, that probed by micrometeorites, may instead be sensitive to the surface atmospheric pressure. We find that the concentrations of oxygen in the upper atmosphere required for micrometeorite oxidation are achieved for a 0.3 bar atmosphere. In this case, significant water vapour reaches high up in the atmosphere and is photodissociated, leading to the formation of molecular oxygen. The presence of oxidised iron in micrometeorites at 2.7 Ga may therefore be further evidence that the atmospheric pressure at the surface of the early Earth was substantially lower than it is today
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