83 research outputs found

    Editorial: Reviews in surgical oncology

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    The polychrome works “Prayer of Tobias and Sarah” and “The Archangel Raphael reveals himself to Tobi and his son Tobias”, inside the Cathedral of Cosenza: diagnostic investigations and considerations on the conditions of conservation

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    The oil paintings and “Prayer of Tobias and Sarah” and “The Archangel Raphael reveals himself to Tobi and his son Tobias”, executed by Francesco Bruno at the end of the XVIII century on oval Conservation Science in Cultural Heritage 210 shaped canvas, were investigated by integrated physica-chemical and analytical methodologies in order to obtain scientific data capable of elucidating the state of conservation and the painting technique. Optical (OM) and electronic (SEM-EDS) microscopy, micro-FT-IR spectroscopy, were applied on some microfragments whilst the two whole paintings were analyzed by the non invasive IR reflectografy technique. The reflectography evidenced some pentimenti of author on the canvas “Prayer of Tobias and Sarah”, while invasive analysis made it possible to locate the stratigraphic sequence of each canvas and to characterise the constituent materials

    Liver Trauma

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    Objective: The aim of this section is to assess the evolution in the management of liver injuries during the last two decades

    Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma

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    Aim: The authors give a complete overview on this disease from epidemiology to treatment

    Mismatch repair gene defects in sporadic colorectal cancer enhance immune surveillance

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    Background: There is evidence that colorectal cancers (CRC) with DNA mismatch repair deficiency (MMR-D) are associated with a better prognosis than the generality of large bowel malignancies. Since an active immune surveillance process has been demonstrated to influence CRC outcome, we investigated whether MMR-D can enhance the immune response in CRC. Patients and Methods: A group of 113 consecutive patients operated for CRC (42 stage I or II and 71 with stage III or IV) was retrospectively analyzed. The expression of MMR genes (MSH2, MLH1, MSH6 and PSM2) and co-stimulatory molecule CD80 was assessed by tissue microarray immunohistochemistry. In addition, tumor infiltrating mononuclear cells (TIMC) and T cell subpopulations (CD4, CD8, T-bet and FoxP-3) were quantified. The effect of specific siRNA (siMSH2, siMLH1, siMSH6 and siPSM2) transfection in HT29 on CD80 expression was quantified by flow cytometry. Non parametric statistics and survival analysis were used. Results: Patients with MMR-D showed a higher T-bet/CD4 ratio (p = 0.02), a higher rate of CD80 expression and CD8 lymphocyte infiltration compared to those with no MMR-D. Moreover, in the MMR-D group, the Treg marker FoxP-3 was not expressed (p = 0.05). MMR-D patients with stage I or II and T-bet expression had a significant better survival (p = 0.009). Silencing of MSH2, MLH1 and MSH6, but not PSM2, significantly increased the rate of CD80+ HT29 cells (p = 0.007, p = 0.023 and p = 0.015, respectively). Conclusions: CRC with MMR-D showed a higher CD80 expression, and CD8+ and Th1 T-cell infiltration. In vitro silencing of MSH2, MLH1 and MSH6 significantly increased CD80+ cell rate. These results suggest an enhanced immune surveillance mechanism in presence of MMR-D

    The impact of anastomotic leak on long-term oncological outcomes after low anterior resection for mid-low rectal cancer: extended follow-up of a randomised controlled trial

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    The impact of anastomotic leaks (AL) on oncological outcomes after low anterior resection for mid-low rectal cancer is still debated. The aim of this study was to evaluate overall survival (OS), disease-free survival (DFS), and local and distant recurrence in patients with AL following low anterior resection

    Acute appendicitis: What is the gold standard of treatment?

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    Perineal and Pelvic Crohn's Disease: modern options for treatment strategies

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    Outline and summary of the thesis The research project is divided in two parts: the first one describes the cytokine network in perineal and pelvic CD and its relation with the intestinal disease and the second one describes complex fistulas in perineal and pelvic Crohn’s disease. In Chapter 1, the systemic cytokine network was analyzed in chronic perianal CD and in other control groups, confirming not only that TNF-alpha plays a major role in perianal CD but also the importance of IL-6 as a systemic mediator for chronic inflammation suggesting a possible role for its monoclonal antibody in this disease. The next step was to evaluate the cytokine profile in the rectal mucosa of perianal CD patients and its relations with the local and systemic inflammatory status; particular attention was paid to its prognostic value in terms of need of surgery in perianal CD (Chapter 2). In the third section of Part 1 (Chapter 3), the in vivo intimate correlation between systemic inflammation mediated either by the innate immune system or T cell-mediated immunity (expressed by cytokine levels) and intestinal inflammation (expressed by lactoferrin levels) in CD patients who had undergone ileo-colonic resection and were in clinical remission was taken into consideration. The second part of the thesis was focused on complex fistulas (comunication to the bladder (or other urologic complications) or to the vagina) in perineal and pelvic CD. First of all, the threshold to suspect urologic complications in CD was assessed in order to plan correct surgical management (Chapter 1). In Chapter 2 the outcome of surgical repair in a consecutive series of RV fistulas in patients with CD over a 13 year period, within a single referral institution was evaluated. Both early and late outcomes were assessed as was the influence of medical therapy, especially the use of anti-TNF agents, in the closure of these fistulas. At this point, in the third section of this part (Chapter 3), a systematic review on advancement flaps for RV fistulas in CD (transrectal vs transvaginal approach) was performed.La malattia perineale e pelvica di Crohn può essere, in alcuni casi, seria ed invalidante, ponendo problematiche sia di ordine diagnostico che terapeutico a gastroenterologi e chirurghi. Attualmente l’anticorpo monoclonale anti-TNF-alpha (??Infliximab) viene utilizzato per il trattamento del morbo di Crohn refrattaria alla terapia medica convenzionale. Tuttavia, nei pazienti affetti da tale patologia, la risposta all’Infliximab non è completa e recenti studi hanno ricordato l’importanza del trattamento chirurgico associato alla terapia medica nel controllo dell’infiammazione intestinale. Lo scopo della tesi è di analizzare il network citochinico coinvolto nelle complicanze perineali e pelviche della malattia di Crohn e di osservare, nell’era delle terapie biologiche, i risultati del trattamento chirurgico di queste complicanze. Il progetto di ricerca è suddiviso in due parti: la prima descrive il network citochinico nella localizzazione perineale e pelvica di Crohn ed i suoi rapporti con la malattia intestinale mentre la seconda si occupa del trattamento delle fistole complesse nel morbo di Crohn. Nel primo capitolo, è stato analizzato il network citochinico sistemico nella malattia perianale di Crohn ed in altri gruppi di controllo: si è confermato non solo il ruolo centrale che gioca il TNF-alpha nella malattia perianale di Crohn ma anche l’importanza dell’IL-6 come mediatore sistemico dell’infiammazione cronica, suggerendo un possibile utilizzo del suo anticorpo monoclonale in questa malattia. Tali risultati ci hanno spinto ad investigare il network citochinico nella mucosa rettale dei pazienti affetti da malattia perianale di Crohn (Capitolo 2). E’ stato dimostrato che i livelli tissutali di IL-6, IL-1beta? e TNF-alpha sono significativamente più elevati nei pazienti con malattia perianale di Crohn rispetto ai controlli, correlando significativamente con gli indici di attività di malattia; inoltre, i livelli tissutali di IL-1beta? e TNF-alpha correlano significativamente con il grado istologico di malattia. Infine, i livelli tissutali di IL-6 e IL-12 sono risultati essere predittivi di recidiva di malattia e della necessità di chirurgia a livello perianale. Nell’ultima sezione della prima parte (Capitolo 3), è stata evidenziata la correlazione significativa tra la lattoferrina fecale e l’asse IL-6-proteina C reattiva in pazienti con malattia di Crohn in fase di quiescenza in seguito ad intervento di resezione ileo-colica. Abbiamo ipotizzato che l’infiammazione intestinale subclinica, espressa dalla lattoferrina fecale, mantenga uno stato di lieve attività dell’infiammazione sistemica mediante la cascata IL-6-proteina C reattiva. Il ruolo di IL-1beta IL-12 TNF-alpha e TGF-beta1 sembra essere più complesso e legato in maniera meno diretta all’infiltrazione neutrofila mucosale. La seconda parte della tesi è focalizzata sul trattamento chirurgico delle fistole complesse (comunicazioni con la vescica e/o uretere o con la vagina) nella malattia perineale e pelvica di Crohn. Nel primo capitolo è stato rilevato che è necessaria una bassa soglia di sospetto di coinvolgimento ureterale e/o vescicale per affrontare tali problematiche in pazienti che saranno sottoposti ad intervento di resezione per la malattia intestinale. In presenza di una massa addominale palpabile in un paziente affetto da malattia di Crohn si consiglia di eseguire sempre un’ecografia o una TC dell’addome per escludere una complicanza urologica che può essere trattata pre-operatoriamente in modo da migliorare sia lo stato generale del paziente che il quadro intra-operatorio. Viene proposto un algoritmo esemplificativo dell’approccio diagnostico e terapeutico di queste complicanze. Nel capitolo 2, sono stati valutati i risultati del trattamento chirurgico in un gruppo di pazienti con fistole retto-vaginali e malattia di Crohn in un lasso di tempo di 13 anni; le pazienti appartengono al centro di riferimento per le malattie infiammatori croniche intestinali dell’ Università di Lovanio, in Belgio. E’ stato osservato che la chiusura della fistola a lungo termine è ottenuta, nella maggior parte delle pazienti, in seguito alla chirurgia; tuttavia, sono spesso necessari ripetuti interventi chirurgici. Pertanto, le pazienti con fistole retto-vaginali nella malattia di Crohn dovrebbero essere sottoposte ad intervento chirurgico in seguito a guarigione tissutale ottenuta con terapie biologiche. Nell’ultimo capitolo di tale parte, è stata eseguita una revisione sistematica della letteratura internazionale sui lembi d’avanzamento per le fistole retto-vaginali nella malattia di Crohn: approccio trans-rettale vs trans-vaginale. Anche se basato su un limitato numero di articoli con basso livello di evidenza clinica, tale studio suggerisce che non ci sono differenze in termini di risultati tra gli approcci tran-srettale e trans-vaginale. Il tasso di recidiva sembra essere minore in seguito all’approccio trans-rettale. Suggeriamo, pertanto, l’utilizzo dell’approccio trans-rettale come primo intervento, in assenza di stenosi anorettale, mentre l’approccio trans-vaginale potrebbe essere vantaggioso in caso di stenosi anorettale o, in seguito a fallimenti dell’approccio trans rettale

    Health related quality of life after surgery for colonic diverticular disease

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    Diverticular disease (DD) of the colon is very common in developed countries and is ranked the fifth most important gastrointestinal disease worldwide. The management of acute diverticulitis without perforation and peritonitis is still debated. Health related quality of life (HRQL), subjectively perceived by patients, is becoming a major issue in the evaluation of any therapeutic intervention, mainly in patients with chronic disease. To date only a few published studies can be found on Medline examining HRQL in patients with DD. The aim of this study was to review the impact of surgery for DD on HRQL. All Medline articles regarding HRQL after surgery for colonic DD, particularly those comparing different surgical approaches, were reviewed. DD has a negative impact on HRQL with lower scores in bowel function and systemic symptoms. Both surgery-related complications and disease activity have a significant impact on patients’ HRQL. While no significant differences in HRQL between different operations for DD in non-randomized studies were revealed, the only prospective double-blind randomized study that compared laparoscopic and open colectomy found that patients undergoing laparoscopic colectomy had significantly reduced major postoperative complication rates and subsequently had better HRQL scores. Formal assessment of HRQL could be a good instrument in the selection of appropriate patients for elective surgery as well as in the assessment of surgical outcome
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