14 research outputs found

    Fatores influenciadores da intenção de doar sangue: proposição de um modelo exploratório

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    Purpose – Identify the main factors that significantly influence individuals living in the metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte / MG to donate blood.Design/methodology/approach – Methodologically, it was decided to develop a quantitative research, developed in the light of structural equation modeling, allowing the development of an exploratory behavioral model about the intention to donate blood.Findings – As main results, it was identified that the 'attitude towards screening' contributes significantly to the 'perception of safety' that the individual has about the process of blood donation.Research limitations/implications – Difficulty of access to the main hemotherapy center in the state, Minas Gerais Blood Bank Foundation (HEMOMINAS), a fact that prevented access to up-to-date data on the region's blood donation scenario.Practical implications – The indicators that are directly related to the practice of blood donation obtained statistically significant mean differences between the group of individuals who already donated blood and those who never donated, the former being more sensitive to calls for donation.Originality/value – There is a deepening of the knowledge of the variables that influence the individual who voluntarily performs an act such as blood donation. In this sense, this study provides inputs for the development of more assertive, efficient and effective blood donation public policies, contributing to the recovery of blood banks and raising the rate of donors in the country.Finalidade - Identificar os principais fatores que influenciam significativamente indivíduos residentes na Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte/MG a doarem sangueDesenho / metodologia / abordagem - Metodologicamente optou-se por desenvolver uma pesquisa quantitativa, desenvolvida à luz da modelagem de equações estruturais, permitindo que fosse desenvolvido um modelo exploratório comportamental acerca da intenção de doar sangue.Constatações - Como principais resultados identificou-se que a ‘atitude em relação à triagem’ contribui significativamente para a ‘percepção de segurança’ que o indivíduo possui acerca do processo de doação de sangue.Limitações / implicações da pesquisa - Dificuldade de acesso ao principal centro de hemoterapia do estado, a Fundação Centro de Hematologia e Hemoterapia do Estado de Minas Gerais (HEMOMINAS), fato que impediu o acesso a dados atualizados sobre o cenário de doação sanguínea da região.Implicações práticas - Os indicadores que estão diretamente relacionados à prática da doação sanguínea obtiveram diferenças de médias estatisticamente significantes entre o grupo de indivíduos que já doaram sangue e que aqueles que nunca doaram, sendo que os primeiros são mais sensíveis aos apelos em prol da doação.Originalidade / valor - Aprofundamento no conhecimento das variáveis que influenciam o indivíduo que, voluntariamente, executa um ato como a doação de sangue. Nesse sentido, este estudo fornece insumos para o desenvolvimento de políticas públicas de doação de sangue mais assertivas, eficazes e efetivas, contribuindo para a recuperação dos bancos de sangue e elevação da taxa de doadores do país

    Private Utility Supply in a Hostile Environment: The Experience of Water, Sanitation and Electricity Distribution Utilities in Northern Colombia, the Dominican Republic and Ecuador

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    This report examines the problems of theft, nonpayment and political opportunism in the aftermath of privatization by considering the recent experiences of four private utilities in Latin America that operate in water and sanitation, and electricity supply. The basis for the analysis that follows is primarily the information supplied by participants in two workshops held at the Inter-American Development Bank in Washington, D.C., on September 9th and November 19th, 2004. The first workshop dealt with theft and nonpayment, and the second addressed political opportunism. In addition, participants at each workshop discussed the experiences of two utilities, one in electricity and one in water, with the intention of extracting common lessons applicable to different types of network utilities rather than specific to a single sector. The workshops provided the opportunity for utility managers and IDB staff to present their experiences. The second workshop also included regulators

    Odd Couples: Understanding the Governance of Firm–NGO Alliances

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    alliances, B2N alliances, NGOs, governance, opportunism, TCE, trust,

    Negotiating complexity and legitimacy in independent power project development

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    Many developing countries have encouraged private sector participation in infrastructure activities during the 1990s, including the development of private electricity generation plants, known as independent power projects. The development of power projects involves multiple sets of negotiations with multiple actors over a period of time to ensure the successful completion of the project. The negotiation process has often been slow, contentious, and unpredictable. We highlight the implications of the complexity of power project development. We argue that the developers need to follow a "relationship-oriented" strategy, combining a strategy based on formal contracts and a strategy based on trust building. In such a combined approach, the appropriate balance between the two components shifts over the life cycle of the project. Trust building is critical at the initiation of the project, whereas complete contracting should dominate in the project implementation stage. Our analysis has broader implications for the successful initiation and implementation of politically salient investment projects in developing countries.

    Leaving a Social Venture: Social Entrepreneurial Exit among the Maasai in Northern Tanzania

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    Arguing that the exit of social ventures is likely to follow specific patterns, due the uniqueness of a social entrepreneur’s goals, the social venture’s emphasis on the provision of public goods, and its relationship to stakeholders, we conduct a qualitative analysis of the entrepreneurial exit of a Dutch social venture in Northern Tanzania. Our analysis suggests that the choice of exit and the potential exit routes are indeed specific to social ventures, as the original social goals of the venture influence the decision to exit and its implementation. Specifically, we find that the goal of leaving a sustainable venture after the exit and the preference for the transfer of ownership to local community members was paramount for the social entrepreneur. Our results also highlight the difficulties associated with the unique role of stakeholders in social ventures, due to different perceptions and interests about the meaning and implementation of entrepreneurial exit.</p

    Keeping the Lights On: Power Sector Reform in Latin America

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    Power sector reforms across Latin America in the 1990s based on privatization, liberalization, and market forces were largely unavoidable. This book argues that while there is no turning back from this process, many reforms may not prove sustainable without further efforts to build a stronger institutional platform to support them. The analytical framework presented in this book establishes a baseline for the sustainability of reforms and identifies additional areas for exploration, analysis and inquiry. This baseline is critical to setting the stage for the next generation of reforms- or mid-course corrections- that will be necessary to enhance the sustainability of changes in progress. It includes case studies of power sector reforms in Colombia, Honduras and Guatemala, as well as a timely section on the security of supply