3,655 research outputs found

    Negative Komar Mass of Single Objects in Regular, Asymptotically Flat Spacetimes

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    We study two types of axially symmetric, stationary and asymptotically flat spacetimes using highly accurate numerical methods. The one type contains a black hole surrounded by a perfect fluid ring and the other a rigidly rotating disc of dust surrounded by such a ring. Both types of spacetime are regular everywhere (outside of the horizon in the case of the black hole) and fulfil the requirements of the positive energy theorem. However, it is shown that both the black hole and the disc can have negative Komar mass. Furthermore, there exists a continuous transition from discs to black holes even when their Komar masses are negative.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, document class iopart. v2: changes made (including title) to coincide with published versio

    Rotational period of WD1953-011 - a magnetic white dwarf with a star spot

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    WD1953-011 is an isolated, cool (7920 +/- 200K, Bergeron, Legget & Ruiz, 2001) magnetic white dwarf (MWD) with a low average field strength (~70kG, Maxted et al. 2000) and a higher than average mass (~0.74 M_sun, Bergeron et al. 2001). Spectroscopic observations taken by Maxted et al. (2000) showed variations of equivalent width in the Balmer lines, unusual in a low field white dwarf. Here we present V band photometry of WD1953-011 taken at 7 epochs over a total of 22 months. All of the datasets show a sinusoidal variation of approximately 2% peak-to-peak amplitude. We propose that these variations are due to a star spot on the MWD, analogous to a sunspot, which is affecting the temperature at the surface, and therefore its photometric magnitude. The variations have a best-fit period over the entire 22 months of 1.4418 days, which we interpret as the rotational period of the WD.Comment: (1) University of Southampton, (2) University of Warwick, (3) University of Nijmegen, (4) Keele University, (5) University of Leicester. 6 pages, 5 figs, accepted MNRA

    PG 1018−047 : the longest period subdwarf B binary

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    About 50 per cent of all known hot subdwarf B stars (sdBs) reside in close (short-period) binaries, for which common-envelope ejection is the most likely formation mechanism. However, Han et al. predict that the majority of sdBs should form through stable mass transfer leading to long-period binaries. Determining orbital periods for these systems is challenging and while the orbital periods of ∌100 short-period systems have been measured, there are no periods measured above 30 d. As part of a large programme to characterize the orbital periods of sdB binaries and their formation history, we have found that PG 1018−047 has an orbital period of 759.8 ± 5.8 d, easily making it the longest period ever detected for a sdB binary. Exploiting the Balmer lines of the subdwarf primary and the narrow absorption lines of the companion present in the spectra, we derive the radial velocity amplitudes of both stars, and estimate the mass ratio MMS/MsdB= 1.6 ± 0.2. From the combination of visual and infrared photometry, the spectral type of the companion star is determined to be mid-K

    General Relativistic Radiant Shock Waves in the Post-Quasistatic Approximation

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    An evolution of radiant shock wave front is considered in the framework of a recently presented method to study self-gravitating relativistic spheres, whose rationale becomes intelligible and finds full justification within the context of a suitable definition of the post-quasistatic approximation. The spherical matter configuration is divided into two regions by the shock and each side of the interface having a different equation of state and anisotropic phase. In order to simulate dissipation effects due to the transfer of photons and/or neutrinos within the matter configuration, we introduce the flux factor, the variable Eddington factor and a closure relation between them. As we expected the strength of the shock increases the speed of the fluid to relativistic values and for some critical ones is larger than light speed. In addition, we find that energy conditions are very sensible to the anisotropy, specially the strong one. As a special feature of the model, we find that the contribution of the matter and radiation to the radial pressure are the same order of magnitude as in the mant as in the core, moreover, in the core radiation pressure is larger than matter pressure.Comment: To appear in Journal of Physics:Conference Series:"XXIX Spanish Relativity Meeting (ERE 2006): Einstein's Legacy: From the Theoretical Paradise to Astrophysical Observations
