939 research outputs found

    Self-supervised learning for few-shot medical image segmentation

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    Fully-supervised deep learning segmentation models are inflexible when encountering new unseen semantic classes and their fine-tuning often requires significant amounts of annotated data. Few-shot semantic segmentation (FSS) aims to solve this inflexibility by learning to segment an arbitrary unseen semantically meaningful class by referring to only a few labeled examples, without involving fine-tuning. State-of-the-art FSS methods are typically designed for segmenting natural images and rely on abundant annotated data of training classes to learn image representations that generalize well to unseen testing classes. However, such a training mechanism is impractical in annotation-scarce medical imaging scenarios. To address this challenge, in this work, we propose a novel self-supervised FSS framework for medical images, named SSL-ALPNet, in order to bypass the requirement for annotations during training. The proposed method exploits superpixel-based pseudo-labels to provide supervision signals. In addition, we propose a simple yet effective adaptive local prototype pooling module which is plugged into the prototype networks to further boost segmentation accuracy. We demonstrate the general applicability of the proposed approach using three different tasks: organ segmentation of abdominal CT and MRI images respectively, and cardiac segmentation of MRI images. The proposed method yields higher Dice scores than conventional FSS methods which require manual annotations for training in our experiments

    Self-Supervised Learning for Cardiac MR Image Segmentation by Anatomical Position Prediction

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    In the recent years, convolutional neural networks have transformed the field of medical image analysis due to their capacity to learn discriminative image features for a variety of classification and regression tasks. However, successfully learning these features requires a large amount of manually annotated data, which is expensive to acquire and limited by the available resources of expert image analysts. Therefore, unsupervised, weakly-supervised and self-supervised feature learning techniques receive a lot of attention, which aim to utilise the vast amount of available data, while at the same time avoid or substantially reduce the effort of manual annotation. In this paper, we propose a novel way for training a cardiac MR image segmentation network, in which features are learnt in a self-supervised manner by predicting anatomical positions. The anatomical positions serve as a supervisory signal and do not require extra manual annotation. We demonstrate that this seemingly simple task provides a strong signal for feature learning and with self-supervised learning, we achieve a high segmentation accuracy that is better than or comparable to a U-net trained from scratch, especially at a small data setting. When only five annotated subjects are available, the proposed method improves the mean Dice metric from 0.811 to 0.852 for short-axis image segmentation, compared to the baseline U-net

    Phase Coexistence Near a Morphotropic Phase Boundary in Sm-doped BiFeO3 Films

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    We have investigated heteroepitaxial films of Sm-doped BiFeO3 with a Sm-concentration near a morphotropic phase boundary. Our high-resolution synchrotron X-ray diffraction, carried out in a temperature range of 25C to 700C, reveals substantial phase coexistence as one changes temperature to crossover from a low-temperature PbZrO3-like phase to a high-temperature orthorhombic phase. We also examine changes due to strain for films greater or less than the critical thickness for misfit dislocation formation. Particularly, we note that thicker films exhibit a substantial volume collapse associated with the structural transition that is suppressed in strained thin films

    Autoadaptive motion modelling for MR-based respiratory motion estimation

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    © 2016 The Authors.Respiratory motion poses significant challenges in image-guided interventions. In emerging treatments such as MR-guided HIFU or MR-guided radiotherapy, it may cause significant misalignments between interventional road maps obtained pre-procedure and the anatomy during the treatment, and may affect intra-procedural imaging such as MR-thermometry. Patient specific respiratory motion models provide a solution to this problem. They establish a correspondence between the patient motion and simpler surrogate data which can be acquired easily during the treatment. Patient motion can then be estimated during the treatment by acquiring only the simpler surrogate data.In the majority of classical motion modelling approaches once the correspondence between the surrogate data and the patient motion is established it cannot be changed unless the model is recalibrated. However, breathing patterns are known to significantly change in the time frame of MR-guided interventions. Thus, the classical motion modelling approach may yield inaccurate motion estimations when the relation between the motion and the surrogate data changes over the duration of the treatment and frequent recalibration may not be feasible.We propose a novel methodology for motion modelling which has the ability to automatically adapt to new breathing patterns. This is achieved by choosing the surrogate data in such a way that it can be used to estimate the current motion in 3D as well as to update the motion model. In particular, in this work, we use 2D MR slices from different slice positions to build as well as to apply the motion model. We implemented such an autoadaptive motion model by extending our previous work on manifold alignment.We demonstrate a proof-of-principle of the proposed technique on cardiac gated data of the thorax and evaluate its adaptive behaviour on realistic synthetic data containing two breathing types generated from 6 volunteers, and real data from 4 volunteers. On synthetic data the autoadaptive motion model yielded 21.45% more accurate motion estimations compared to a non-adaptive motion model 10 min after a change in breathing pattern. On real data we demonstrated the methods ability to maintain motion estimation accuracy despite a drift in the respiratory baseline. Due to the cardiac gating of the imaging data, the method is currently limited to one update per heart beat and the calibration requires approximately 12 min of scanning. Furthermore, the method has a prediction latency of 800 ms. These limitations may be overcome in future work by altering the acquisition protocol

    Causality-inspired single-source domain generalization for medical image segmentation

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    Deep learning models usually suffer from the domain shift issue, where models trained on one source domain do not generalize well to other unseen domains. In this work, we investigate the single-source domain generalization problem: training a deep network that is robust to unseen domains, under the condition that training data are only available from one source domain, which is common in medical imaging applications. We tackle this problem in the context of cross-domain medical image segmentation. In this scenario, domain shifts are mainly caused by different acquisition processes. We propose a simple causality-inspired data augmentation approach to expose a segmentation model to synthesized domain-shifted training examples. Specifically, 1) to make the deep model robust to discrepancies in image intensities and textures, we employ a family of randomly-weighted shallow networks. They augment training images using diverse appearance transformations. 2) Further we show that spurious correlations among objects in an image are detrimental to domain robustness. These correlations might be taken by the network as domain-specific clues for making predictions, and they may break on unseen domains. We remove these spurious correlations via causal intervention. This is achieved by resampling the appearances of potentially correlated objects independently. The proposed approach is validated on three cross-domain segmentation scenarios: cross-modality (CT-MRI) abdominal image segmentation, cross-sequence (bSSFP-LGE) cardiac MRI segmentation, and cross-site prostate MRI segmentation. The proposed approach yields consistent performance gains compared with competitive methods when tested on unseen domains