6 research outputs found

    Zmiany w obrazie ultrasonograficznym i obrazie rezonansu magnetycznego mózgu u noworodków leczonych metodą selektywnej hipotermii

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    Introduction: Hypoxic ischemic insults during labor remain an important cause of brain injury in term and near-term neonates. Selective cerebral hypothermia is a potentially neuroprotective rescue therapy. Ultrasonography (US) andnmagnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are routinely used to visualize intracranial changes in neonatal hypoxic-ischemic injuries. Aim of the study: We attempted to describe all pathological findings on US and MRI in the brains of our patients following selective cerebral hypothermia. Materials and methods: Twenty-nine neonates with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) following therapeutic cooling were assessed with cranial ultrasound (US) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The findings were compared with the clinical outcome. Results: Over one-fourth (27.6%) of the examined infants had a normal brain on MRI (with only 17.2% on US). Involvement of the basal ganglia and thalami was one of the most frequent findings in our material (9/29 = 31% on MRI, and 7/29-24.1% on US). Cerebral parenchymal hemorrhage was detected on MRI in as many as 7 (24.1%) and cerebellar parenchymal hemorrhage in 4 (13.8%) infants. The loss in the gray-white matter differentiation (‘fuzzy brain’), usually transient on US, was observed in 79.3% of the neonates. Diffusion restriction in the callosal splenium (13.8%) and hyperechoic thalami and basal ganglia were strictly correlated to a significantly higher incidence of severe developmental delay. Conclusion: Abnormalities on MRI and US were observed in 75% of newborns with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy treated with therapeutic hypothermia.Wstęp: Uraz niedotlenieniowo-niedokrwienny jest częstą przyczyną okołoporodowego uszkodzenia mózgu u noworodków, u których potencjalną, neuroprotekcyjną metodą leczenia jest selektywna hipotermia. Ultrasonografia (USG) i rezonans magnetyczny (MRI) są rutynowymi metodami obrazowania mózgu u noworodków ze zmianami niedotlenieniowo-niedokrwiennymi. Cel pracy: Podjęłyśmy próbę opisania wszystkich zmian patologicznych wykrytych w badaniu USG i MRI mózgu u noworodków, które leczone były metodą selektywnej hipotermii. Materiał i metoda: Przezciemiączkowe badanie ultrasonograficzne (USG) oraz badanie metodą rezonansu magnetycznego (MR) wykonano u 29 noworodków z encefalopatią niedotlenienieniowo-niedokrwienną (ENN) po zastosowaniu terapeutycznej hipotermii. Wyniki badań porównano z oceną kliniczną. Wyniki: U ponad jednej czwartej badanych dzieci (27,6%) badanie MR mózgu było prawidłowe (w badaniu USG tylko u 17,2%). Zajęcie jąder podstawy i wzgórz było jednym z najczęstszych znalezisk w naszym materiale (9/29= 31% w MR i 7/29 = 24.1% w USG). Krwawienie śródmózgowe wykryto w MR aż w 7 przypadkach (24,1%), a śródmóżdżkowe w 4 (13,8%). Brak zróżnicowaniu istoty szarej i białej (“fuzzy brain”), zwykle przemijające w obrazie USG, obserwowano u 79,3% noworodków. Restrykcja dyfuzji wody w płacie ciała modzelowatego (13,8%) oraz hiperechogeniczność wzgórz i jąder podstawy mózgu ściśle korelowały z istotnie częstszym występowaniem znacznego opóźnienia rozwoju. Wnioski: Nieprawidłowy obraz MRI i US występuje u 75% noworodków z encefalopatią niedotlenieniowoniedokrwienną leczonych metodą selektywnej hipotermii

    Cyanamide mode of action during inhibition of onion (Allium cepa L.) root growth involves disturbances in cell division and cytoskeleton formation

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    Cyanamide is an allelochemical produced by hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth.). Its phyotoxic effect on plant growth was examined on roots of onion (Allium cepa L.) bulbs. Water solution of cyanamide (2–10 mM) restricted growth of onion roots in a dose-dependent manner. Treatment of onion roots with cyanamide resulted in a decrease in root growth rate accompanied by a decrease in accumulation of fresh and dry weight. The inhibitory effect of cyanamide was reversed by its removal from the environment, but full recovery was observed only for tissue treated with this chemical at low concentration (2–6 mM). Cytological observations of root tip cells suggest that disturbances in cell division may explain the strong cyanamide allelopathic activity. Moreover, in cyanamide-treated onion the following changes were detected: reduction of mitotic cells, inhibition of proliferation of meristematic cells and cell cycle, and modifications of cytoskeleton arrangement

    Lung ultrasound examination in patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection : multicenter study

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    Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has, by necessity, contributed to rapid advancements in medicine. Owing to the necessity of following strict anti-epidemic sanitary measures when taking care of infected patients, the accessibility of standard diagnostic methods may be limited. Consequently, the significance and potential of bedside diagnostic modalities increase, including lung ultrasound (LUS). Method: Multicenter registry study involving adult patients with confirmed COVID-19, for whom LUS was performed. Results: A total of 228 patients (61% males) qualified for the study. The average age was 60 years (±14), 40% were older than 65 years of age. In 130 from 173 hospitalized patients, HRCT (high-resolution computed tomography) was performed. In 80% of patients, LUS findings indicated interstitial pneumonia. In hospitalized patients multifocally located single B-lines, symmetrical B-lines, and areas of white lung were significantly more frequent as compared to ambulatory patients. LUS findings, both those indicating interstitial syndrome and consolidations, were positively correlated with HRCT images. As compared to HRCT, the sensitivity and specificity of LUS in detecting interstitial pneumonia were 97% and 100%, respectively. Conclusions: As compared to HRCT, LUS is characterized by a very high sensitivity and specificity in detecting interstitial pneumonia in COVID-19 patients. Potentially, LUS can be a particularly useful diagnostic modality for COVID-19 patients pneumonia