2 research outputs found


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    Abstrak: Rendahnya kemandirian siswa pada saat melakukan pembelajaran praktikum berbasis online berdampak pada saat kegiatan pembelajaran secara daring berlangsung, Hal ini disebabkan pembelajaran pada materi praktikum sistem transmisi biasanya dilaksanakan dengan sistem praktik secara langsung yang dilaksanakan di bengkel, berhubung dalam keadaan darurat pada masa pandemic covid 19 maka pembelajaran praktik bengkel diganti dengan sistem onlie. Berlatar belakang tersebut guru pada kedua mitra yakni SMK Islam 1 Blitar dan SMKN 1 Blitar merasa kesulitan dalam melaksanakan praktikum dengan sistem online. Tujuan dari pengandian masyarakat ini adalah melaksanakan whorksop pembuatan media pembelajaran berbasis android pada materi praktikum transmisi mobil dengan Metode yang digunakan dalam workshop ini adalah metode observasi, diskusi, Tanya jawab, dan demontrasi tutor teman sebaya. Pengabdian masyarakat ini dilaksanakan pada tangal 7-9 Agusttus 2021 bertempat di SMKN 1 Blitar dengan jumlah peserta 30 orang. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah para peserta workshop dapat menghasilkan aplikasi android yang diberi nama Edutech dan telah siap untuk menerapkan di sekolah pada materi sistem transmisi, sedangkan tanggapan para peserta terhadap pelatihan ini berada pada kategori memuaskan dari segi materi yang diberikan, fasilitas, dan narasumber pelatihan.Abstract: The low independence of students when conducting online-based practicum learning has an impact on online learning activities, this is because learning on transmission system practicum materials is usually carried out with a direct practice system carried out in workshops, due to an emergency during the covid pandemic. 19 then the workshop practice learning is replaced with an online system. With this background, teachers at the two partners, namely SMK Islam 1 Blitar and SMKN 1 Blitar find it difficult to carry out practicum with an online system. The purpose of this community drawing is to carry out a workshop for making android-based learning media on car transmission practicum material. The methods used in this workshop are the method of observation, discussion, question and answer, and peer tutor demonstrations. This community service will be held at SMKN 1 Blitar with 30 participants. The result of this activity is that the workshop participants can produce an android application called Edutech and are ready to apply it in schools to the transmission system material, while the participants' responses to this training are in the satisfactory category in terms of the material provided, facilities, and training resource persons

    Structure Modification of Ethyl p-methoxycinnamate Isolated from Kaempferia galanga Linn. and Citotoxicity Assay of The Products on WiDr Cells

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    Ethyl p-methoxycinnamate, major ingredient of Kaempferia galanga rhizome, have been reported not only has analgesic – anti inflammatory activities like NSAIDs which inhibited cyclooxygenase, but also inhibit tumor cell proliferation in specimen of mouse epidermis. Therefore, it will be interesting to carry out synthetic studies on the derivates of ethyl p-methoxycinnamate and searching their citotoxic activity on WiDr cell. We wish to report of structure modification on carboxyl moiety of ethyl p-methoxycinnamate  and  evaluation on their citotoxic activity  on WiDr cell. Isolation of ethyl p-methoxycinnamate from Kaempferia galanga rhizome was carried out by percolation with ethanol 96% as solvent. Hydrolysis of ethyl p-methoxycinnamate in basic condition was performed to obtain p-methoxycinnamic acid. Preparation of some thiourea derivates of ethyl p-methoxycinnamate was carried out  by microwave irradiation. Citotoxicity assay was carried out by MTT method for 48 h. Modification of carboxyl group of ethyl p-methoxycinnamate to its thiourea form could be carried out by microwave irradiation gave; (E)-3-(4-methoxyphenyl)-N-(phenylcarba- mothioyl)acrylamide (50%); (E)-3-(4-methoxyphenyl)-N-(4-methoxyphenylcarbamothi- oyl)acrylamide (26%) and (E)-3-(4-methoxyphenyl)-N-(4-methylphenylcarbamothioyl) acrylamide (54%), yield calculated for 2 step from the acid chloride. All compounds showed no citotoxic effect on WiDr cell at 48 h incubation. Keywords :  ethyl p-methoxycinnamate, microwave irradiation, Kaempferia galanga, citotoxicity, WiDr cel